Shooter: Kill/Mason meet at Bierman this week

Lot's of commentors here would find fault with any coaches and/or referees and/or participants and/or the student section in pi$$ing contests.

And nothing will change their opinions.

But how would they have been drafted as a TE and Running back? Also should we count all the players that Brewster at one point got to "commit" to the U but never signed letters of intent? I just want to know for going forward.

Honestly I posted that half joking.

I think it is patently absurd to credit or blame Glen Mason for the draft success of a bunch of kids who never participated in a single practice for him. College football players are allowed 20 program hours a week. So to credit or blame Glen Mason for their NFL draft outcomes is to say that the person who recruited them but never coached them is accountable even though he has not participated in the most recent 4000 hours of their supervised football development.

Soooo, are Big Ten wins important? Can someone fill me in on that? Oh, and can you make it over 5,000 words.... with a few random ALL CAPS words too?

I can't believe Mrs. Mason, errr, Wren has been cracking me up since 1998.

For one thing, you took my post about WHAT we did to Murray Warmath and tried to make a MASON post out of it. That was a big mistake clark g. Murray was run off by the time he was around 55 after having won a NC, a couple Big Ten Titles and an 18 year .520 Big Ten winning percentage at Minnesota. So THAT is the standard for running coaches off at MN. Most last ONLY 4 to 5 sesons. NONE have come any where NEAR matching the record that Murray was run off for. At the age of 55 or 56, do you SUPPOSE that Murray wouldn't have had some GREAT years of coaching left in him. HOW did the administration at the U of M EVER think they were going to get a better coach than Murray Warmath???

I think winning BIG and consistantly (being in a top 3 in the Big Ten position virtually every year and going to a Rose Bowl 2 or 3 times a decade) IS impossible with the administration types that we have had at Minnesota for the past 60 years or so. Also, with the fan base we have. They are more into the stinking vikings and the wimpy twins than they are into Gopher Football. And we fans have ALLOWED the incompetent administrators to make CHUMPS out of us by tossing out a new coach every four or five seasons. Then we shut up again for a while, continue to renew our season tickets and give to the scholarship funds...all the while ad's like badger joel maturi continue to run our revenue sports of hockey, basketball and football into the ground.

You say you can't stand to listen to someone who says it is unrealistic to think ANY football coach at the University of Minnesota can achieve greatness...or even be highly competetive year in and year out?????

Just look what we did to Murray Warmath who was STILL in his prime. Bernie Bierman was FIRED and forced out in 1950...He was 60 years of age. He lived to the ripe old age of 87. Certainly he would have had a few good seasons left when the administration and WE the fans ran him off. HE should have been the one to pick his own time. Murray should have been given that honor as well.

We HAVE to be realistic about our expectations for our football coaches clark g. You are NOT being realistic. When is the LAST time we had a football coach who was able to do what you expect our coach to do????? That's right: 1950 AND 1970. And we ran BOTH of those coaches off while the still had some potentially GREAT years of coaching left in their tanks. Howcan we expect the incompetent administrations at the U of M to EVER get it right????? And we, the fans are just out of touch with reality.

Since 1950, Michigan State, Penn State and now Nebraska have all joined the Big Ten Conference. The conference is TOUGHER than it was back when Bernie and Murray coached.

I think it is possible for Minnesota Football to be a GREAT experience for our student athletes, the students at the U of M, we the fans and Greater Minnesota. However, I have NEVER seen adequate administrations doing the RIGHT things at the U of M during my life time. And, I fear that during the past 25 years, the incompetence has tended to slide even further with the administration at the U of M.

We NEED to be realistic with our expectations for Coach Kill. He will give us all he has got. Will we...and our new administrator at the U do the same? Being realistic is NOT a negative thing. It is NOT a bad thing. Facing facts and being REAL is a GOOD thing clark g. We are where we are. We are how we are. We must continually strive to improve. But we must be realistic too. After abandoning our on campus home, it took us 27 years to return to campus. We have the newest and most modern stadium in the Big Ten. It is also one of the smallest stadiums. That is fine because we don't have the student support or fan base support to fill a larger stadium. However, we got back into the "arms race" SO late in the game that we will never catch up with Ohio State, Michigan, PSU, Nebraska, iowa, wisky, MSU, Purdue and probably Illinois. We are right there with Northwestern, Indiana and ... Minnesota. Can we win some important games...some great games...can we win a Big Ten Title some year? Sure. Can we finish in the top 3 in the Big Ten Conference most years? (say 8 out of 10 years?) Probably not. With OSU, PSU, Michigan, Nebraska, MSU, iowa, wisky, Purdue, Illinois ALL wanting and EXPECTING to either win or finish in the top 1/3 or the conference? (Sure we have divisions now...but...finishing in the top 3 in the division in a 6 team division just doesn't mean quite the same thing. That would just be in the top half of the division most years? That is more realistic. With Michigan, MSU, Nebraska, iowa in our division...that would be a good goal. But it is a tough conference that is just full of demands, expectations and negative consequences for coaches who don't quite deliver. How realistic is it for ALL the programs in the Big Ten to expect a top three finish MOST years?????

I love Gopher Football. I always have and always will. However, I CAN look at things realistically. I CAN appreciate a coach who brought our program back to respectability. And I can appreciate what I hope Coach Kill will bring to the program. I can also be angry with the administrations...the ad and I can be pretty disgusted with the behavior of some of our fans and the unrealistic "expectations" some have and the way that their disappointment and frustration spills out on our wonderful young student athletes and some of our coaches. Yes, I have the ability to do ALL of those things clark g.

; 0 )



Don't you understand babble? It is a language they speak in the land of iamanidiot. The longer the comment the less it means, although if it is a short comment it still doesn't mean anything.

I agree that we need to be realistic about the program, but when does that turn into complacency with being average? After Brewster 6 or 7 wins will be great but eventually I will want more. 10 years of seven wins and no major bowls would be a disappointment if the program cannot move beyond that.

I never meant to imply that you are not a true fan. As a fan I will always be hoping for the big time and a trip to the rose bowl and program history should not make a difference. Was Boise State ever a title contender before the last few years?

How would 6 or 7 wins be "great" after Brewster when Brewster won 6 or 7 games two of his fours seasons? If Brewster was terrible, and many believe he was, then 6 or 7 wins should be not be something to pat Jerry Kill on the back for achieving. I am happy that the University seems to have set a standard above just reaching bowl games.

How would 6 or 7 wins be "great" after Brewster when Brewster won 6 or 7 games two of his fours seasons? If Brewster was terrible, and many believe he was, then 6 or 7 wins should be not be something to pat Jerry Kill on the back for achieving. I am happy that the University seems to have set a standard above just reaching bowl games.

Six or seven W's would be great for this team. Think about it.

Another new HC/system and coming off a 3-9 season, inexperience at QB, one of the worse D's in the country and last in sacks, horribly thin at WR, inexperienced OL, bad ST play, lacking proven depth in many positions, and facing one of the most difficult schedules in the BCS.

How would 6 or 7 wins be "great" after Brewster when Brewster won 6 or 7 games two of his fours seasons? If Brewster was terrible, and many believe he was, then 6 or 7 wins should be not be something to pat Jerry Kill on the back for achieving. I am happy that the University seems to have set a standard above just reaching bowl games.

My fault, that didn't come out right. I would be very happy if they won 6 or 7 games this upcoming season, but eventually I will want more.

Six or seven W's would be great for this team. Think about it.

Another new HC/system and coming off a 3-9 season, inexperience at QB, one of the worse D's in the country and last in sacks, horribly thin at WR, inexperienced OL, bad ST play, lacking proven depth in many positions, and facing one of the most difficult schedules in the BCS.

I'd agree that 6 or 7 wins in year 1 would be good (can't bring myself to ever say that .500 is "great"). I was more thinking about years 2-4 and Clark's thought process. He clarified his post and I think we are on the same page.

all this fighting

You know there is all this disagreement about Gopher coaches. Mason, Brewster, Wacker, Warmath.
Salem, Gutey, Holtz etc And now poor Jerry Kill. He doesn't have a chance. At the first incoming raid with some casualties we'll all trash Kill.

I think I got a solution though. I don't know why we haven't thought of it. Fire Jerry Kill and hire Adam Weber. He is the classiest Minnesotan ever. He persevered through 33 different coaching changes. Nobody has been exposed to more football ideas than Adam Weber. He has developed a coaching philosophy that can't be criticized. He'd be perfect. Sure he's young. But he's a born leader. You guys would all be sooo happy!

Email Maturi. He'll respond.

To quote Nostradamus...I'm either onto something or on something.

For those that do not speak Wren-ease

MASON GOOD > BREWSTER BAD. We should build a statue of coach Mason today. UGH, I need 50 more words to write. MACTURI"S FAULT he SUCKS. Where is BIG AL and my choo choo train. ALL YOU FANS WHO COMPLAIN AND CRITIQUE BAD< WREN master of the English language and UBER SUPPORTER GOOD. MOUTHY FANS BAD < WREN only good fan. At least there is another weirdo that writes more paragraphs then I do.
One last word, I like coach Mason thought he was a heck of a good football coach but he tried to bail and quit on us at least two times, the Ohio State deal was a debacle that most schools would have booted him for. Wren you need to let the Brewster Mason debate go, nobody defends the Brewster hire around here. We know Minnesota has run off good football coaches ad nauseum, it is likely why we as fans and the Gopher program have been mired in perpetual stink-tatude for 50 years. We get that you liked coach Mason but do not need to be reminded of it at every turn.

Cut coach Kill a little slack, we will all try to, his track record indicates he will have success at least we can hope.

gopherdudepart2: A realistic goal is essential to IMPROVE this program...

I think Coach Kill and his staff will be ok here. They really DO have their work cut out for them because of people who have totally unrealistic expectations. IF a coach could average just a fraction more than 4 Big Ten wins a season (in an 8 game Big Ten schedule), and that coach could hang around long enough, that coach would would be on a par with Tiller, Alvarez, Ferentz and perhaps a few others. But, how many people on this board hear .500 in Big Ten play and automatically call that "average" or not nearly good enough? Well, the facts of life tell us that in order to average 4 Big Ten wins a season at any Big Ten Unviersity other than Ohio State, Penn State, Michgian and now probably Nebraska, it IS a big deal to have a coach who can average 4 Big Ten wins a season for an extended period of time. Great success is a very relative thing at each of the Big Ten Programs. To those who have the greatest traditions and resources and fan bases: it will probably take five plus Big Ten wins per season averaged out over an extended period of time. At wisky, iowa, Northwestern, Illinois, Purdue, Michigan State, Indiana and Minnesota, a bit over 4 Big Ten wins per season would be remarkable. It could even be argued that at Northwestern, Indiana and Minnesota the numbers could very well be a bit lower for a "good showing..." At Minnesota, based upon the past FIFTY SIX years of Big Ten Footall (from 1954...Warmath's first year through the end of the 2010 season) the Gophers have averaged winning 3.125 Big Ten games per season.So, anything over 3.25 Big Ten wins a year over an extended period of time would be better than our average has been. Anything over 3.5 Big Ten wins per year would be noticably improved. And, between 3.6 and 4.0 would be wonderful. Anything OVER 4.0 would truely be remarkable. That period of time does include one, it pretty much covers from the heights of the achievements of the program through the depths for fifty six seasons. We need to be real and set our goals realistically. However, ANYTHING is possible in a given year when all things line up just the right way!

So, I TOTALLY support Coach Kill and his staff. He IS a football coach. brewster NEVER was a football coach and it was evident from day one.

Next: prexy b will FINALLY get hit in the butt with the door as he slides out of his office in June. He has NOT been adequate. (Did you read the article about the decline and fall in stature of the Medical School last week end?) Pretty shocking and pretty disgusting. It has been evident that the medical school has been lacking support ever since the U of M Hospital was merged in with the Fairview System and became laughingly known as F. U. Hospitals. Fairview Systems alone were fine. The University of Minnesota Hospital alone was fine. (Granted, there may be a few too many competing hospital systems in the Twin Cities area...but, a University, in order to maintain a WORLD-CLASS Medical School MUST HAVE A STAND ALONE university hospital.) The day F.U. Hospital Systems was slapped together and became the policy, it was evident that the administration at the University of Minnesota pretty much had abandoned the Medical School just the way they had abandoned the Gopher Football Program about 30 years ago. When the going got tough...the administration at the University of Minnesota "...cut and ran..." The University of Iowa Hospitals/Medical school just hired the U of M Medical School's "top dog..." What a disgrace! What has prexy b been doing over there? At any rate: after MANY decades of being in the "inner-circle" of old boys over at the University...our " "promoted from within" inadequate prexy will finally be gone. NOW, badger joel macturi MUST be thrown under the bus and pushed out the door. He must NOT be allowed to mess up the revenue sport programs.

FINALLY: if you don't like the positive attributes of Coach Mason used to compare and contrast the cheap shots and garbage the mobbers and bashers throw out about Coach Mason and some of the other fine coaches who have labored as Head Coachs of the Gopher football program, QUIT throwing little cheap shots out. When you people start with that, it is only right and only natural to take a look at the other side of the coin.

That's the deal gopherdudepart2. But, there will always be a need to keep things in perspective. What is realistic and what is not realistic. Certainly, there is room for different points of view. I have an idea: why don't you say what you think and I will say what I think? Do you suppose we could do that. Then if fifty or a hundred more people join in and each one says what he/she thinks, pretty soon we will have MANY different thoughts and points of view. Wouldn't that be MORE interesting than having to have "one" acceptable point of view?????

What is with the apparent need of some people to have one single company line train of thought about Gopher Football? Why the little clusters of people who try to gang up when people offer different takes on the Gopher Football Front? Let EVERY person speak their mind! "Mind control and thought control..." will get you no where gopherdudepart2.


That's the deal gopherdudepart2. But, there will always be a need to keep things in perspective. What is realistic and what is not realistic. Certainly, there is room for different points of view. I have an idea: why don't you say what you think and I will say what I think? Do you suppose we could do that. Then if fifty or a hundred more people join in and each one says what he/she thinks, pretty soon we will have MANY different thoughts and points of view. Wouldn't that be MORE interesting than having to have "one" acceptable point of view?????

What is with the apparent need of some people to have one single company line train of thought about Gopher Football? Why the little clusters of people who try to gang up when people offer different takes on the Gopher Football Front? Let EVERY person speak their mind! "Mind control and thought control..." will get you no where gopherdudepart2.

He has done it again! After multiple negative comments to wren's babbling, wren now is espousing freedom of speech. This is from the hypocrite who high jacks strings and then attempts to turn them towards his person obsessive agenda. Then he has the nerve to say that any criticism about Adam Weber is not allowed. Maybe if he tried to read and understand what people are saying he wouldn't have been banned from so many blogs. Wren doesn't understand it is about his bad manners and behavior. What a phony!

Before you throw stones: read this...

This is NOT good, any way anyone tries to spin it. prexy b has been asleep at the wheel and this is just another indication.

This Medical School used to be one of the brightest stars that helped form the great reputation of the University of Minnesota. This Medical School turns out most of the doctors, Family Practitioners, etc for outstate Minnesota. Somebody who KNOWS what they are doing had BEST take charge over there...

This is NOT good, any way anyone tries to spin it. prexy b has been asleep at the wheel and this is just another indication.

This Medical School used to be one of the brightest stars that helped form the great reputation of the University of Minnesota. This Medical School turns out most of the doctors, Family Practitioners, etc for outstate Minnesota. Somebody who KNOWS what they are doing had BEST take charge over there...

How on EARTH are we going to attract THOSE top recruits that want TO play football and BECOME doctors???????????

We'RE screwed!!!!!!

This is NOT good, any way anyone tries to spin it. prexy b has been asleep at the wheel and this is just another indication.

This Medical School used to be one of the brightest stars that helped form the great reputation of the University of Minnesota. This Medical School turns out most of the doctors, Family Practitioners, etc for outstate Minnesota. Somebody who KNOWS what they are doing had BEST take charge over there...

Where does it say in said article that the Iowa Medical School took away the U Medical School's "top dog"? I can't seem to find it.

Damn Prexy B for not being in charge of the medical school! How dare he not take it over and run it himself! He has a doctorate in education! He should know how to run a medical school, even though he has no experience, training, or credentials! Also, damn him for causing the recession! How dare he do that to us!

Here dopodoll: read this...


Money crunch wounds U Medical School
Article by: TONY KENNEDY , Star Tribune Updated: May 1, 2011 - 7:13 AM:

"... and a nationally acclaimed professor is leaving because his pay was slashed..."

"...At a faculty meeting last fall, microbiology Prof. Patrick Schlievert warned that the financial malaise could lead to teaching resignations -- a statement that foreshadowed his own departure after 31 years at the U. Effective July 1, Schlievert, a pathogen expert who discovered the cause of tampon-related toxic shock syndrome, will be the new head of microbiology at the University of Iowa's Carver College of Medicine.

His federally funded research at the University of Minnesota has led to patents and the formation of two companies. He was first to describe the flesh-eating disease that killed Muppets creator Jim Henson and has been involved in discoveries relating to at least 18 diseases.

"I don't feel like the Medical School or the department was personally picking on me," Schlievert said last week. "It's just that the basic science departments are cut to the bone. The only thing we have left to burn is the furniture."

Schlievert, a cherished collaborator at the Minnesota Department of Health, said he went looking for a new job after the U couldn't assure him that his pay would be restored and stabilized after it was cut last year by $24,000. The reduction was directly tied to the Medical School's financial difficulties, he said.

"The financial crunch is a big one," said Schlievert, a member of the U's Academy of Distinguished Teachers. "Do we really have an organized direction, or are we just in salvage mode?...''

How about that 7 million dollar loan from the General Fund that prexy b made to the athletic department to buy out coaches who had recently been extended????? Certainly that money could have been retained in a reserve fund to help the Medical School. UNFORGIVABLE on the part of prexy b. Such fiscal mismanagement on his part.... ; 0 )

Now, dopodoll, IF a prexy of the University of Minnesota is NOT responsible, ultimately for EVERYTHING that happens at the University of Minnesota, who the heck is??????????????

IF the prexy of the U isn't held accountable and the heck can ANY president be held accountable and responsible for the company or NATION that prexy is in charge of????????? prexy b can NOT try to take credit for anything IF he is not responsible for EVERYTHING... ; 0 )


Now, dopodoll, IF a prexy of the University of Minnesota is NOT responsible, ultimately for EVERYTHING that happens at the University of Minnesota, who the heck is??????????????

IF the prexy of the U isn't held accountable and the heck can ANY president be held accountable and responsible for the company or NATION that prexy is in charge of????????? prexy b can NOT try to take credit for anything IF he is not responsible for EVERYTHING... ; 0 )

Yup, still not seeing anything about the Iowa Medical School hiring away the Minnesota Medical School's top dog. I see you've moved your game into patented lakesbison "making sh*t up" territory. You're really rounding into form.

And as to your question of who is responsible for the Medical School, I would maybe hold, oh, I don't know - the Dean of the Medical School, perhaps? - responsible for the performance of the Medical School. You are trying to take it to a logical extreme to keep your anti Bruininks/Maturi agenda in full effect. But, I am curious - why stop at the President's office? Why not keep taking it further? Who selects the President? The Board of Regents, of course. And who selects the Board of Regents? The Minnesota State Legislature. And who elects said legislators? The people of Minnesota. And who is a citizen of the state of Minnesota? Wayne Rendahl. Through deductive reasoning, I've finally found the source of the problem. It's you, Wayne Rendahl! It's your fault that the Medical School is floundering! And, since you elected the legislature who selected the Board of Regents who named the President who hired the Athletic Director, it's also your fault that our football team sucks! It's all on you, Wayne! How do we hold you accountable?

Here dopodoll: read this...


Money crunch wounds U Medical School
Article by: TONY KENNEDY , Star Tribune Updated: May 1, 2011 - 7:13 AM:

"... and a nationally acclaimed professor is leaving because his pay was slashed..."

If you haDN't noticed, all state employees ARE being hurt financially and IT HAS nothing to do with a GLEN Mason buyoUt.

MayBE the medical SCHOOL'S message board WOULD appreciate your thouGHtful insightS?

If you haDN't noticed, all state employees ARE being hurt financially and IT HAS nothing to do with a GLEN Mason buyoUt.

MayBE the medical SCHOOL'S message board WOULD appreciate your thouGHtful insightS?

Holy S&^T your grammar is a hot mess.:p

Here dopodoll: read this...


Money crunch wounds U Medical School
Article by: TONY KENNEDY , Star Tribune Updated: May 1, 2011 - 7:13 AM:

"... and a nationally acclaimed professor is leaving because his pay was slashed..."

"...At a faculty meeting last fall, microbiology Prof. Patrick Schlievert warned that the financial malaise could lead to teaching resignations -- a statement that foreshadowed his own departure after 31 years at the U. Effective July 1, Schlievert, a pathogen expert who discovered the cause of tampon-related toxic shock syndrome, will be the new head of microbiology at the University of Iowa's Carver College of Medicine.

His federally funded research at the University of Minnesota has led to patents and the formation of two companies. He was first to describe the flesh-eating disease that killed Muppets creator Jim Henson and has been involved in discoveries relating to at least 18 diseases.

"I don't feel like the Medical School or the department was personally picking on me," Schlievert said last week. "It's just that the basic science departments are cut to the bone. The only thing we have left to burn is the furniture."

Schlievert, a cherished collaborator at the Minnesota Department of Health, said he went looking for a new job after the U couldn't assure him that his pay would be restored and stabilized after it was cut last year by $24,000. The reduction was directly tied to the Medical School's financial difficulties, he said.

"The financial crunch is a big one," said Schlievert, a member of the U's Academy of Distinguished Teachers. "Do we really have an organized direction, or are we just in salvage mode?...''

How about that 7 million dollar loan from the General Fund that prexy b made to the athletic department to buy out coaches who had recently been extended????? Certainly that money could have been retained in a reserve fund to help the Medical School. UNFORGIVABLE on the part of prexy b. Such fiscal mismanagement on his part.... ; 0 )

Now, dopodoll, IF a prexy of the University of Minnesota is NOT responsible, ultimately for EVERYTHING that happens at the University of Minnesota, who the heck is??????????????

IF the prexy of the U isn't held accountable and the heck can ANY president be held accountable and responsible for the company or NATION that prexy is in charge of????????? prexy b can NOT try to take credit for anything IF he is not responsible for EVERYTHING... ; 0 )


Who's gonna make the somewhat inappropriate joke about Iowa taking our tampon microbiology and muppet killer expert?:eek:
Sorry ahead of time

If anyone read that entire article and didn't feel any concern...

about the status and the condition of the Medical School, there probably is NO hope for the longer-term future of the University of Minnesota's once flag-ship Medical School program.

IF you aren't bombarding the state legislators about the need to finance the medical school you people don't deserve anything more than a medical school that doesn't even care if it is a top 20 ranked Medical School.

IF you don't think it hurts when a very accomplished, researcher and highly successful 31 year faculty staff member who has provided so many break-throughs and who is highly sought after by OTHER Medical Schools, than that is fine.

IF you aren't upset that it would appear that the U of M Medical School no longer wants to do anything more than somehow hang on to it's basic accredidations then you will deserve EXACTLY what happens. Let more respected and well-known Mdical School Staff members be taken away for just a few dollars more. If you don't care, maybe someone from a Medical School competing for Federal Research Grants just might make some of those fine docs and researchers offers that they can't refuse.

That prexy b SHOULD have been meeting constantly with the Medical School Dean and SHOULD have been going to the Board of Regents, consulting what should be done. It IS all on prexy b's head. He is NOT supposed to be a stinking figure-head. The buck stops with him. Otherwise, why even pay him a salary?????Oh well, the lame duck prexy is outta here sometime in June. He is through. He is history. It is ABOUT time!!!!! ; 0 )

Maybe some day the U of M Medical School might even WANT to be ranked in the Top 20. Right now they are all the way down to #29. That does NOT bode well for the future. There has been some horrible management and a lot of asleep at the wheel work done by the administration, the Board of Regents and...yes...ME. I haven't complained enough to anyone about it. So, yes, by all means blame me dopodoll. I am guilty of not having done enough to help the plight of the Medical School. I'll take my share of the blame. But, prexy b has really messed up big-time during the past 7 or 8 years with the Medical School. Heads should have been rolling and steps should have been taken to head the financial crisis off and MAKE plans. They seem to be finding money in iowa, of all places. ; 0 )

Okay, I'll play along....

about the status and the condition of the Medical School, there probably is NO hope for the longer-term future of the University of Minnesota's once flag-ship Medical School program.

IF you aren't bombarding the state legislators about the need to finance the medical school you people don't deserve anything more than a medical school that doesn't even care if it is a top 20 ranked Medical School.

IF you don't think it hurts when a very accomplished, researcher and highly successful 31 year faculty staff member who has provided so many break-throughs and who is highly sought after by OTHER Medical Schools, than that is fine.

IF you aren't upset that it would appear that the U of M Medical School no longer wants to do anything more than somehow hang on to it's basic accredidations then you will deserve EXACTLY what happens. Let more respected and well-known Mdical School Staff members be taken away for just a few dollars more. If you don't care, maybe someone from a Medical School competing for Federal Research Grants just might make some of those fine docs and researchers offers that they can't refuse.

That prexy b SHOULD have been meeting constantly with the Medical School Dean and SHOULD have been going to the Board of Regents, consulting what should be done. It IS all on prexy b's head. He is NOT supposed to be a stinking figure-head. The buck stops with him. Otherwise, why even pay him a salary?????Oh well, the lame duck prexy is outta here sometime in June. He is through. He is history. It is ABOUT time!!!!! ; 0 )

Maybe some day the U of M Medical School might even WANT to be ranked in the Top 20. Right now they are all the way down to #29. That does NOT bode well for the future. There has been some horrible management and a lot of asleep at the wheel work done by the administration, the Board of Regents and...yes...ME. I haven't complained enough to anyone about it. So, yes, by all means blame me dopodoll. I am guilty of not having done enough to help the plight of the Medical School. I'll take my share of the blame. But, prexy b has really messed up big-time during the past 7 or 8 years with the Medical School. Heads should have been rolling and steps should have been taken to head the financial crisis off and MAKE plans. They seem to be finding money in iowa, of all places. ; 0 )

Losing a professor like the aforementioned is a huge loss. President Bruinicks may or may not be at fault. What I don't get is what/ how are we to fix this by complaining about the outgoing president? The new President has been chosen. What else can be done?

Though coach Kill is only a part of the puzzle regarding a sucessful Gopher football program, he is the part that US fans can help the most. We can support him by buying tickets and attending games, we can stress the importance of Gopher football to the state of Minnesota, etc., etc.

What I don't get part II is how obsessing over the sucess of Mason and ripping Brewster to shreds (which we can certainly choose to do) is going to help coach Kill and the football team get the program turned around.

Really? Logical when dealing with Wren?

Losing a professor like the aforementioned is a huge loss. President Bruinicks may or may not be at fault. What I don't get is what/ how are we to fix this by complaining about the outgoing president? The new President has been chosen. What else can be done?

Though coach Kill is only a part of the puzzle regarding a sucessful Gopher football program, he is the part that US fans can help the most. We can support him by buying tickets and attending games, we can stress the importance of Gopher football to the state of Minnesota, etc., etc.

What I don't get part II is how obsessing over the sucess of Mason and ripping Brewster to shreds (which we can certainly choose to do) is going to help coach Kill and the football team get the program turned around.

Besides, YoU DiDN't REsponD WiTH NonsenSEICAL use OF caps. He doesn't understand otherwise.

edit: Sorry I mean Logical arguments in the title.

I guess that your are missing the whole thing StPaul G...

Why is it ok for Coach Mason to be bashed continually by those who loved brewball until they hated brewball? It is not me that brings Coach Mason up very often. It is usually when those who LOVE to bash our former qb and typically bash former Coach Mason that I start providing contrasting information re: the other perspective about the former qb and Coach Mason.

Check it out. Are you ok with the way some of the worst of those offenders smash, trash and bash Weber and Mason? I certainly am not.

I also feel it is necessary to keep expectations for Coach Kill on a realistic level. I provide that, once again to express a different voice and a different perspective on what reasonable expectations for the first year or two for Coach Kill might be. I also like to take a look at the reality of the situation by taking a look at the records of former Gopher Coaches AND former and current Big Ten Coaches. I like to give some perspective to the "5 Big Ten win per season average", the 4 Big Ten win per season average, etc.

Re: my disgust with the job prexy b has done at the U of M: Facts are facts. There are many problems at the University of Minnesota, athletically with the revenue sports and academically with funding issues, leadership issues and the decline of once GREAT programs in stature, in respect within the academic community and in the competitions for Federal Grant Money and outside funding for the University of Minnesota Graduate Programs, Professional Programs and "mission" programs such as the School of Dentistry, the Law School and ESPECIALLY, the Medical School. I believe that prexy b has stayed entirely too long and that he has been wasting a LOT of money that could have better been used in other ways. Education is really coming under the gun. However, all too often, prexy b has NOT been providing the leadeship necessary to make the adjustments that are needed in very difficult times. He most likely should have stepped down four or five years ago. He has just NOT been effective during these last years...the time when the University really NEEDED an effective leader. Not the leader with the face of the past...but the face of a leader with a great vision for tomorrow and beyond.

St. Paul Gopher...sometimes someone HAS to say: "...the emperor is wearing no clothes..." prexy b has NOT been providing adequate leadership for the problems the U is facing. He has been a day late and hundreds of millions dollars short. He has been tired, perhaps battling other issues and has not been present enough even when he was present.

People NEED to complain St. Paul Gopher. IF no one complains, some would mistake the silence to mean agreement. I do NOT agree with just letting the University of Minnesota be diminished in any way. Not by the administration and NOT by the Board of Regents and NOT by the state legislators. The University of Minnesota...ESPECIALLY the Medical School is just too damn important to the state of Minnesota's future to let it deteriorate in any way, shape or form. It is time complain when there are problems.

That's my take on it St. Paul Gopher. May Prexy K be the BEST prexy the U of M has ever had. The U truely does need him to be the best!

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