Season Ticket refund

Hey smarty - type this “walmart coronavirus case” into Google and pick any of the first 10 links. You can pick your favorite mass media source just telling facts - that a single person at a single Walmart store in the US tested positive. It was randomly chosen from all 800+ cases and by pure coincidence happened to be at a store chain that millions of American’s shop at every day.

The nation's No. 1 private employer with 1.4 million employees implementing new emergency leave policies effective immediately in response to an employee testing positive for the virus. Golly, what's newsworthy about that? :rolleyes:

The article on CNN is housed under its "Business" section. The majority of those googled first 10 links have it listed under business, money or investing sections. Two articles were from CNBC. Below was found on
This new protocol includes three different circumstances. Walmart said during any time an employee feels unable to work or becomes uncomfortable at work, they can choose to stay home. The retail giant said it is supporting this choice and will waive the attendance policy through the end of April. Walmart asks workers to call in as usual and let supervisors know if they are unable to work. Walmart said in order to be paid for this time off, workers can use their regular paid time off options.

Walmart said should a store, club or facility come under a mandated quarantine, or if workers are required to be quarantined by a government agency or Walmart, they will receive up to two weeks of pay, and absences during that time will not count again attendance. Walmart said it chose two weeks because it matches the recommended time for quarantines related to the virus.

The retail giant said should a worker have a confirmed case of COVID-19, they will receive up to two week’s pay. If they are not able to return to work after that time, additional pay replacement may be provided for up to 26 weeks for full-time and part-time hourly employees.

Walmart also has waived the year-long employment eligibility for workers to be able to apply for the company’s critical need grants which are administered by an independent charitable trust.

This move to accommodate store and distribution center workers comes after Walmart already told home office and back-office staff with the ability to work remotely from home to do so. Walmart also canceled its Year Beginning Meeting slated for this week in Dallas, opting instead to hold virtual meetings. Also, corporate travel on commercial airplanes has been curtailed, though the company’s own private jets are still available to take executives to stores and clubs each week on routine business.
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The nation's No. 1 private employer with 1.4 million employees implementing new emergency leave policies effective immediately in response to an employee testing positive for the virus. Golly, what's newsworthy about that? :rolleyes:

Was that the point of the story?
Makes me wonder why CNN chose “Walmart confirms coronavirus in one of its stores” and CNBC chose “CoronaVirus: Walmart and others cope with sick workers, fearful customers” as their headlines?

The nation's No. 1 private employer with 1.4 million employees implementing new emergency leave policies effective immediately in response to an employee testing positive for the virus. Golly, what's newsworthy about that? :rolleyes:

The article on CNN is housed under its "Business" section. The majority of those googled first 10 links have it listed under business, money or investing sections. Two articles were from CNBC. Below was found on

This new protocol includes three different circumstances. Walmart said during any time an employee feels unable to work or becomes uncomfortable at work, they can choose to stay home. The retail giant said it is supporting this choice and will waive the attendance policy through the end of April. Walmart asks workers to call in as usual and let supervisors know if they are unable to work. Walmart said in order to be paid for this time off, workers can use their regular paid time off options.

Walmart said should a store, club or facility come under a mandated quarantine, or if workers are required to be quarantined by a government agency or Walmart, they will receive up to two weeks of pay, and absences during that time will not count again attendance. Walmart said it chose two weeks because it matches the recommended time for quarantines related to the virus.

The retail giant said should a worker have a confirmed case of COVID-19, they will receive up to two week’s pay. If they are not able to return to work after that time, additional pay replacement may be provided for up to 26 weeks for full-time and part-time hourly employees.

Walmart also has waived the year-long employment eligibility for workers to be able to apply for the company’s critical need grants which are administered by an independent charitable trust.

This move to accommodate store and distribution center workers comes after Walmart already told home office and back-office staff with the ability to work remotely from home to do so. Walmart also canceled its Year Beginning Meeting slated for this week in Dallas, opting instead to hold virtual meetings. Also, corporate travel on commercial airplanes has been curtailed, though the company’s own private jets are still available to take executives to stores and clubs each week on routine business.

Not exactly Nostradamus-level brilliance but I predict businesses that want to attract customers will be notifying media members about liberal sick leave policies and extensive store cleaning regimens... I doubt Walmart is doing this out of the kindness of their little shrunken hearts.

Was that the point of the story?
Makes me wonder why CNN chose “Walmart confirms coronavirus in one of its stores” and CNBC chose “CoronaVirus: Walmart and others cope with sick workers, fearful customers” as their headlines?

Umm...because Walmart confirmed it? And there's quite a few organizations trying to it Universities, Republicans in Congress, grocery stores, music festivals in Austin and California, the San Jose Sharks, etc. The impact of all that on the economy seems to be in CNBC's wheelhouse.

Top 10 'walmart coronovirus case' links from Google:

CNN / Business
Kentucky local television (Give you that one)
Washington Post / Business
Kentucky local television / Investing / News / Business

Seeing a theme....

I had family in town. One turned on fox news for a bit.

They did a story on how the "liberal media" is playing up the virus.....and literally the next story they ran was their own freak out story on the virus and how bad it could get / 1918 pandemic talk.....

Fox News is in on it!

We live in the age of "It's ok if I do it....not you." and some folks don't even realize it.
Totally agree

He will start making up quotes next
Sure thing. Back to this topic again I see. You were wrong 12 months ago, wrong 3 months ago when you raised it from the dead then told everyone you didn’t care, and wrong now when you raised it from the dead again. Still don’t care?

Umm...because Walmart confirmed it? And there's quite a few organizations trying to it Universities, Republicans in Congress, grocery stores, music festivals in Austin and California, the San Jose Sharks, etc. The impact of all that on the economy seems to be in CNBC's wheelhouse.

Top 10 'walmart coronovirus case' links from Google:

CNN / Business
Kentucky local television (Give you that one)
Washington Post / Business
Kentucky local television / Investing / News / Business

Seeing a theme....
I spend little time on mass media. I was on CNN (home page) yesterday afternoon briefly and that is where I saw the story. Maybe they moved it to the biz page later in the day to make room for other COVID-19 news? Dude asked for an example and I provided one I feel fits. Pretty obvious to me why this one example was chosen and why those headlines were chosen and it wasn’t to communicate the new policy. Feel free to disagree.

Look, I haven’t said COVID-19 is fake news, I haven’t called the media dishonest, I haven’t said it is a hoax. I said that the response in this Country is not proportional to the current situation and that the mass media is the main reason why (“fanning the flames”). The subject is consuming some and they will never see that. I’ll stick with Bob on this one.

I spend little time on mass media. I was on CNN (home page) yesterday afternoon briefly and that is where I saw the story. Maybe they moved it to the biz page later in the day to make room for other COVID-19 news? Dude asked for an example and I provided one I feel fits. Pretty obvious to me why this one example was chosen and why those headlines were chosen and it wasn’t to communicate the new policy. Feel free to disagree.

Look, I haven’t said COVID-19 is fake news, I haven’t called the media dishonest, I haven’t said it is a hoax. I said that the response in this Country is not proportional to the current situation and that the mass media is the main reason why (“fanning the flames”). The subject is consuming some and they will never see that. I’ll stick with Bob on this one.
You and I agree on something.

easy fellas, I manage the pool of 12 season tickets and one of the members in our pool had me contact the U about the donation amount.

ITEM: Chancellor Angela Merkel warns that two-thirds of the German population could end up infected by the coronavirus.

ITEM: British lawmakers are considering suspending Parliament after a health minister tested positive.

I guess the liberal American media's "hysteria-fanning" agenda has been so effective, it's even caught fire across the pond. Impressive.

I think the media coverage has been mostly fair. It has been dominating the news but I almost always see the reports balanced with statistics and reminders that if you are young and in good health, you probably don't have much to worry about. The rest of it is reporting on what organizations and whole countries are doing to combat the spread. It is tough to blame "the media" for Italy basically shutting itself down, or all the actions other countries are taking right now.

I am no alarmist. But, I also feel like our country's difficulties educating our population show up at times like this. I cringe every time I see someone throwing around flu statistics in the attempt to compare it to what is known about there Corona virus. A death rate of .01% is a LONG way from something that kills at a rate of 1-3%. That is very concerning. It also feels strange to see so many people blow it off as if people over the age of 50 don't matter. They do. It is also strange to quote flu statistics (something that happens every year, in great numbers) with something that is just getting started in this country. It creates the false narrative that the flu is more dangerous than coronavirus.

A lot is unknown about this virus and there are some warning signs are very concerning:

1. Seems to linger on hard surfaces longer than common flu, and in general is easier to transmit compared to the flu.
2. Tried and true treatments are not yet available like they are for the flu
3. Death rates between 1-3% quite a bit higher than the flu

I'm not building a bunker, but I do think for the most part media coverage has been fair. I'm sure there are unique exceptions and I am very sure there are some people overreacting.

How will the COVID-19 situation bear on those fans that like to stand up during games and / or drink at least moderately?

All football (soccer) matches in France will be played before empty stadia until at least April. You'll be free to be as rude as you to be at home and my wife and sister-in-law will be free to sit down as often as they like.

ITEM: Chancellor Angela Merkel warns that two-thirds of the German population could end up infected by the coronavirus.

ITEM: British lawmakers are considering suspending Parliament after a health minister tested positive.

I guess the liberal American media's "hysteria-fanning" agenda has been so effective, it's even caught fire across the pond. Impressive.

Both are possible here as well. So far, so good.

CNN, MSNBC and FoxNews all have one very, very important thing in common, they MUST fill 24 hours of programing every, single day of the year. They can never say "Gosh, there is only 15 minutes worth of news today." Instead, it is "what can we possibly speculate about today to give our guest "experts" to offer their often uninformed opinions about whatever will fill the remaining 23 hours and 45 minutes of our programing day." We, the public need to turn it off or be inevitably influenced by this flood of gossip and venom.

ITEM: Chancellor Angela Merkel warns that two-thirds of the German population could end up infected by the coronavirus.

ITEM: British lawmakers are considering suspending Parliament after a health minister tested positive.

I guess the liberal American media's "hysteria-fanning" agenda has been so effective, it's even caught fire across the pond. Impressive.
I mean it's europe, we're supposed to not like them or something too so they're probabbly been in on it.

I'm not building a bunker, but I do think for the most part media coverage has been fair. I'm sure there are unique exceptions and I am very sure there are some people overreacting.

Bring some food and gopher gear and you can stay in my renewable energy liberal media conspiracy bunker.

CNN, MSNBC and FoxNews all have one very, very important thing in common, they MUST fill 24 hours of programing every, single day of the year. They can never say "Gosh, there is only 15 minutes worth of news today." Instead, it is "what can we possibly speculate about today to give our guest "experts" to offer their often uninformed opinions about whatever will fill the remaining 23 hours and 45 minutes of our programing day." We, the public need to turn it off or be inevitably influenced by this flood of gossip and venom.

You're recommending we all remain as deliberately uninformed as possible, then. Great advice! Surely ignorance is the path to... something wonderful.

By the way, what's the difference between an "expert" (with quotes) and a real expert?

"Experts" (in quotes) are the ones who are following the widespread, diabolical plan to make Trump look incompetent, I suppose.

I think the media coverage has been mostly fair. It has been dominating the news but I almost always see the reports balanced with statistics and reminders that if you are young and in good health, you probably don't have much to worry about.

I am no alarmist. But, I also feel like our country's difficulties educating our population show up at times like this. I cringe every time I see someone throwing around flu statistics in the attempt to compare it to what is known about there Corona virus. A death rate of .01% is a LONG way from something that kills at a rate of 1-3%. That is very concerning. It also feels strange to see so many people blow it off as if people over the age of 50 don't matter. They do. It is also strange to quote flu statistics (something that happens every year, in great numbers) with something that is just getting started in this country. It creates the false narrative that the flu is more dangerous than coronavirus.

A lot is unknown about this virus and there are some warning signs are very concerning:

1. Seems to linger on hard surfaces longer than common flu, and in general is easier to transmit compared to the flu.
2. Tried and true treatments are not yet available like they are for the flu
3. Death rates between 1-3% quite a bit higher than the flu

I'm not building a bunker, but I do think for the most part media coverage has been fair. I'm sure there are unique exceptions and I am very sure there are some people overreacting.

Well said. In just the last 24 hours the pridefully ignorant on my Facebook feed have informed everyone coronavirus also causes the common cold (well yeah, there are four other less aggressive types of coronavirus but the new strain preferentially targets the lungs which is a bit of a problem...) there are only a thousand cases vs tens of millions of influenza (at the moment, yep...) , and some are terrified the government will eventually “push vaccines on everyone“ (please, go on)...

One group of people will eventually be ”right” and it probably won’t be long before we know, ie weeks. Doubling time roughly one week without any public health intervention. And when mass gatherings are cancelled, local lockdowns occur and slow the spread some will still be saying “see just the flu bro...”. Of course, maybe between lockdowns, attenuation mutations, warmer weather every Facebook expert can claim victory which is really more important than Gramps.
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Nobody knows how this will turn out. Hopefully it will have a happy ending.

As of right now, anyone pretending that the situation isn't newsworthy is deluded.

But, hey... I hope these folks enjoy their conspiracy theory about the "liberal media". God knows that particular story has always been effective with certain types.

You're recommending we all remain as deliberately uninformed as possible, then. Great advice! Surely ignorance is the path to... something wonderful.

By the way, what's the difference between an "expert" (with quotes) and a real expert?

"Experts" (in quotes) are the ones who are following the widespread, diabolical plan to make Trump look incompetent, I suppose.

How is interviewing a politician or newsperson about this virus interviewing a real expert? What is "expert" about "our guest panel"? How many doctors do you need to hear "wash your hands" from in order to be "well informed"? My actual point was to state that which is true, that the media has absolutely no choice but to keep saying the same dross from the same dross providers 24 hours per day until the next plane crash, tornado or Kim Kardashian death comes along.

How is interviewing a politician or newsperson about this virus interviewing a real expert? What is "expert" about "our guest panel"? How many doctors do you need to hear "wash your hands" from in order to be "well informed"? My actual point was to state that which is true, that the media has absolutely no choice but to keep saying the same dross from the same dross providers 24 hours per day until the next plane crash, tornado or Kim Kardashian death comes along.

Wow. Where have you seen a politician or a newsperson called an "expert" on coronavirus? I haven't run across that, at least not so far.

And while I don't need to be told to wash my hands, I am quite interested in checking in occasionally to hear what doctors, epidemiologists and researchers have to say about the coronavirus, and how the situation is playing out. Seems to be worth my attention.

I guess that means I've "bought into the liberal media hysteria", by your reckoning. Oh, well.

The U will soon announce an extension to the FB renewal date. stay tuned.

It has been dominating the news but I almost always see the reports balanced with statistics and reminders that if you are young and in good health, you probably don't have much to worry about.

The thing about this is that if you are young and healthy, YOU are unlikely to be hurt severely by the disease. But that doesn't mean you "don't have much to worry about". You should absolutely be worried about passing the disease to the elderly, the immunocompromised, or other healthy, young people who will then give it to those at risk.

(This isn't meant to be an attack--I know that you get it Schnauzer, just wanted to highlight the use of language that is really easy to fall in to, but counterproductive)

Wow. Where have you seen a politician or a newsperson called an "expert" on coronavirus? I haven't run across that, at least not so far.

And while I don't need to be told to wash my hands, I am quite interested in checking in occasionally to hear what doctors, epidemiologists and researchers have to say about the coronavirus, and how the situation is playing out. Seems to be worth my attention.

I guess that means I've "bought into the liberal media hysteria", by your reckoning. Oh, well.

What are interviews with politicians and news people expert in besides being politicians and working in modern "journalism"? And I have not heard one new piece of advice from a doctor in the last six weeks. You are also still missing my main point entirely: the air time MUST be filled with something, 24 hours per day, every single day. Your watching it for more than 15 minutes per day gives you nothing worth having, just the same opinions from the same people over and over and over and over again. And then repeated. Personally, I watch the BBC World News every day (very left wing) and watch Fox News once in the evening (right wing). I miss nothing worth spit.

The thing about this is that if you are young and healthy, YOU are unlikely to be hurt severely by the disease. But that doesn't mean you "don't have much to worry about". You should absolutely be worried about passing the disease to the elderly, the immunocompromised, or other healthy, young people who will then give it to those at risk.

(This isn't meant to be an attack--I know that you get it Schnauzer, just wanted to highlight the use of language that is really easy to fall in to, but counterproductive)

Very unfortunately for us older folk, a person who is 30 has been admitted to ICU in Anoka with a very severe case today.

i think we are a bit off the rails here. allow me-
1. the back of the printed tickets have always stated no refund.
2. donation amt not refundable
3. The U is looking into extending the renewal date for FB season tickets.

feel free to close the thread.

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