S. Henterson unhappy in Miami

To many people here are still butt hurt about S Henderson not coming here. I agree with emann 100%! Its his life he can do whatever he wants with it. And if that is attending the U of Miami then so be it. Im happy for him and hope he becomes a fantastic football player. I would never wish someone a bad career because he didnt attend my favorite college team. The people blasting him calling Henderson selfish and a jerk are the real selfish jerks here. Let him live his life and you go live yours.

I agree 100 percent. In my opinion, this recruitment is down to Wisconsin, Iowa, Nebraska and Minnesota. Ohio State could be a dark horse, but I would be completely and utterly surprised if he went anywhere out of the midwest. All of the other elite recruits that Minnesota has produced grew up in big high schools and have always been the center of attention and feel like they have to get out of Minnesota to grow their legend. In Jonah's case, he can grow his legend in Minnesota because he really does not have one outside of SW/SC MN. Also, Kill's connection to the rural culture could be extremely valuable. Nothing irritates a rural kid more than someone acting like they know less or are worse off for coming from a small town. Kill will not do that. (Ferentz and Bulemia probably won't either.) In absolutely no way shape or form can we compare Jonah's recruitment to Seantrel, Michael Floyd, Mobley, etc. The only similarity is the offers.

Feel free then and compare his recruitment to Lydon Murtha then. He was another highly touted Minnesotan who was from a small town and left the state for a helmet school, and that was at a time that Minnesota was actually producing good NFL caliber linemen. Pirsig may come here, I don't know. The odds are however that until a sustained major turnaround occurs in wins and losses that Minnesota is going to lose far more of these recruiting battles to the helmet schools than they will win.

Murtha is a bad example, he originally committed to Minnesota and the only reason he didn't end up a Gopher was getting caught up in the deja vu /stripper mess

Murtha is a bad example, he originally committed to Minnesota and the only reason he didn't end up a Gopher was getting caught up in the deja vu /stripper mess

Are you sure? Remember, then Senator Mark Dayton at the time blamed the University of Minnesota football program and its immoral recruiting tactics in a letter to the Strib.

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