S. Henterson unhappy in Miami

Not one former Gopher offensive lineman could hold McKinnie's jock.
Not one former Gopher offensive lineman could hold McKinnie's jock.

I don't think anyone on earth would want to hold McKinnie's jock. But McKinnie has shown an ability to get speed rushers off the end who oppose him big pay days.

He's just like Walker Ashley without all of those freshman all american honors and eventual 1st rd pick in the nfl draft stuff. Other than that, yeah they are exactly the same.


Big difference between SH and Walker Lee Ashley

Henderson actually has talent, and can play the game of football, he is not the lazy guy and he has never been the D-bag with the mouth type that WLA was. Walker Lee Ashley was more interested in telling everyone how good he was in High School at Eden Prairie then he was interested in working
at College, staying eligible and actually playing hard. He still is and always was more interested in smoking the green then making the green big difference between him and SH. That and he WLA washed out and he is a cashier at Fantasy Gifts. The fact that he hasn't been busted as a peddler yet is surprising.
Henderson never badmouthed Minnesota or the program either. I hope he stay's at Miami and then goes to the league, any talk of transferring here or a return would just be a circus.

Henderson will actually make something of himself because he still try's and is not the bad kid he is made out to be. These comparison's to WLA are not even remotely close to the person that SH is.
He was never the Prima Donna jerk that WLA has always been and never treated people like crap like the other guy. The guy does not step on others to try and boost himself up. Did I mention the big difference is SH can actually play.

Henderson actually has talent, and can play the game of football, he is not the lazy guy and he has never been the D-bag with the mouth type that WLA was. Walker Lee Ashley was more interested in telling everyone how good he was in High School at Eden Prairie then he was interested in working
at College, staying eligible and actually playing hard. He still is and always was more interested in smoking the green then making the green big difference between him and SH. That and he WLA washed out and he is a cashier at Fantasy Gifts. The fact that he hasn't been busted as a peddler yet is surprising.
Henderson never badmouthed Minnesota or the program either. I hope he stay's at Miami and then goes to the league, any talk of transferring here or a return would just be a circus.

Henderson will actually make something of himself because he still try's and is not the bad kid he is made out to be. These comparison's to WLA are not even remotely close to the person that SH is.
He was never the Prima Donna jerk that WLA has always been and never treated people like crap like the other guy. The guy does not step on others to try and boost himself up. Did I mention the big difference is SH can actually play.

Well put gopherdude! From everything that I have heard from people around Cretin, he is a really good kid who works hard and is absolutely loaded with talent. I think he gets kind of a bad name because he left USC (for good reason), didn't pick the U, and has a screwball of a dad. He didn't choose the Gophers, but I genuinely believe that he really did consider us, we were the underdogs but unlike a lot of top players in the past, he actually gave the Gophers a shot and ended up elsewhere. In his defense, every single team who was recruiting him has had pretty significant changes to their program since his recruitment started (USC - sanctions and Kiffin era, Miami - Shannon fired, U - Brew fired, Notre Dame - Weiss/Kelly, Florida - Urban Meyer gone) besides tOSU.

SH is not some loud mouth punk who hasn't accomplished anything like WLA (who still was bragging online about having a Rose Bowl ring). I can understand why some people might question him for bouncing around a bit, but WLA? Really? WLA accomplished less in college football than Hayo Carpenter (no offense to Hayo).


Take him back? Did Kill recruit him at Minnesota or NIU?

Poor phrasing. I meant if Kill was willing to allow him to come back home to play in MN. I think this is likely a crazy rumor, but as long as it was going to be discussed I figured I'd weigh in on the side of trusting Kill to do the right thing for his system.

From what I was always told by people who were a lot closer to the situation than us is that SH always wanted to stay home in his heart, but it really wasn't an option to him as his pops was making sure that he ended up at one of the helmet schools. SH always wanted to stay home and I've always heard he is a great kid. Tough deal for a 18 yr old I'm sure when you're getting a lot of pressure from the dad.

not guarenteed he leaves after soph year

I've never been more sure of anything in my life. Barring catastrophic injury, Seantrel Henderson will be in the 2013 NFL Draft. It is a certainty. I wish they offered odds in Vegas on something like this, because it would be free money.

However, neither "Henterson" nor Pirsig is coming here anyway, so it's really not worth arguing over.

McKinnie had a tough couple of seasons and his lack of discipline has seemed to put his standing as a top notch LT in serious jeopardy, but McKinnie has already had a more accomplished career than almost any Gopher OL that I can remember. I also am not so sure how soon McKinnie would be out of the league (unless it was on his own accord). He is a less than avg LT, but he could also play RT and would certainly still make a roster.

He can be the greatest bleeping lineman in NFL history, he is still a jerk off no matter how you manage him. If you are spending that high a draft choice you want a guy who can play and help team mates get ready to play by providing leadership on the field, not lower the work ethic of the team. Great teams have great players who lead by working hard, and being ready. In recent
Gopher history, Decker would be a good example. McKinnie will never be that guy.
The issue that he is better than Gopher linemen is not the issue, they were not high first round draft choices.

I know this goes back a ways but was'nt the elder Fanhorst considered an elite NFL lineman? I thought he made several pro bowls anyway, not sure how you define elite.

All this Hendersen stuff is starting to remind me of Walker Lee Ashely coming to Minnesota saga. Does anyone know if Ashely was really abducted by aliens?

What's the rule about transferring if your coach leaves?

Only juniors and seniors can leave without having to sit out a year? I thought there was some sort of clemency if the coach left the program, the players could go too...

Not one former Gopher offensive lineman could hold McKinnie's jock.

Obviously, your maroon and gold pride doesn't match up with your purple pride. If you knew your Gopher history better, you might have considered Gale Gillingham and Keith Fahnhorst before making such and all-inclusive claim.

McKinnie: http://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/M/McKiBr21.htm

Gillingham: http://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/G/GillGa00.htm

Fahnhorst: http://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/F/FahnKe00.htm

McKinnie wins on hype. Gillingham & Fahnhorst win on Pro-Bowl teams, All-NFL teams, and Super Bowls.

Not one former Gopher offensive lineman could hold McKinnie's jock.

While thiis is very true talent wise, it is also true thug wise. McKinnie is a moron who has showed his true colors over and over. If the Vikes didn't have so many other pressing needs, I'd be hoping for a new LT in the first round.

I've never been more sure of anything in my life. Barring catastrophic injury, Seantrel Henderson will be in the 2013 NFL Draft. It is a certainty. I wish they offered odds in Vegas on something like this, because it would be free money.

However, neither "Henterson" nor Pirsig is coming here anyway, so it's really not worth arguing over.

I agree with this. Even if he came in and stunk. His size and potential alone will not allow him to slip later than the mid 2nd round regardless of when he comes out.


why are you so sure Pirsig is not going to be a Gopher? he seems really interested in the U, judging by the number of times he has visited the campus. I think there is a good chance he is a Gopher. Do you have inside info of some sort?

The one Gopher lineman, who was on his way to a great career before injuries cut it short, was Brian Williams. Before he got poked in the eye, he was an all pro center for the NY Giants, on perhaps the best O-line of the era.


why are you so sure Pirsig is not going to be a Gopher? he seems really interested in the U, judging by the number of times he has visited the campus. I think there is a good chance he is a Gopher. Do you have inside info of some sort?

Nope. Just common sense. Someone who has the opportunity to go to Ohio St., Auburn, USC, or any number of other offers that will be coming his way is not going to go to Minnesota. I wish that weren't reality, but it is. Ra'shede Hageman is the only Minnesota player in recent times to choose Minnesota over legitimate helmet school offers, and I frankly can't believe that he did. The other difference between then and now is that Pirsig plays a position that is far more in demand than Hageman did.

Michael Floyd, Willie Mobley, Bryce McNeal, and Seantrel Henderson all spent a lot of time on campus too.

(EDIT: Maresh had a Michigan offer, but we all know how his Minnesota career turned out.)

Nope. Just common sense. Someone who has the opportunity to go to Ohio St., Auburn, USC, or any number of other offers that will be coming his way is not going to go to Minnesota. I wish that weren't reality, but it is. Ra'shede Hageman is the only Minnesota player in recent times to choose Minnesota over legitimate helmet school offers, and I frankly can't believe that he did. The other difference between then and now is that Pirsig plays a position that is far more in demand than Hageman did.

Michael Floyd, Willie Mobley, Bryce McNeal, and Seantrel Henderson all spent a lot of time on campus too.

(EDIT: Maresh had a Michigan offer, but we all know how his Minnesota career turned out.)

To his credit, though hard to appreciate at the time, Floyd came across as having misgivings about Brewster.

Otherwise, are you sure you want to include OS and USC in that list now?;)


The one Gopher lineman, who was on his way to a great career before injuries cut it short, was Brian Williams. Before he got poked in the eye, he was an all pro center for the NY Giants, on perhaps the best O-line of the era.

And Brian has a superbowl ring:)

He can be the greatest bleeping lineman in NFL history, he is still a jerk off no matter how you manage him. If you are spending that high a draft choice you want a guy who can play and help team mates get ready to play by providing leadership on the field, not lower the work ethic of the team. Great teams have great players who lead by working hard, and being ready. In recent
Gopher history, Decker would be a good example. McKinnie will never be that guy.
The issue that he is better than Gopher linemen is not the issue, they were not high first round draft choices.

I couldn't agree more Corcoran, but that really wasn't my point. I was just responding to the tangent conversation about whether or not McKinnie was a better NFL player than any Gopher OL in recent history.

I agree, he has wasted his talent, he has been a bad teammate and acted like a complete buffoon. In all his stupidity, it is still a really tough sell to say that any Gopher lineman in recent history was better than him.

Two things:

1. If he did come here, he would redshirt his transfer year (2011), be the starting LT his RS So year (2012), and then be gone to the league. You have to weigh his obvious impact against the circus, distractions, and lapse in continuity he would bring - all for one year of service. Is it worth it? I say yes, but it's not as obvious as it would seem on first blush.

2. He would never play together with Pirsig. Even if Pirsig came here (an extremely long shot at best) he would RS the year that Henderson would play here.

Extremely positive. We will be the underdogs in quite a few games next year. Maybe we should just forfeit and save ourselves the time.

From what I was always told by people who were a lot closer to the situation than us is that SH always wanted to stay home in his heart, but it really wasn't an option to him as his pops was making sure that he ended up at one of the helmet schools. SH always wanted to stay home and I've always heard he is a great kid. Tough deal for a 18 yr old I'm sure when you're getting a lot of pressure from the dad.

......This is what I don't understand. His dad isn't paying his tuition, and Seantrel will be supporting him in a few years. So why does his opinion matter?

Nope. Just common sense. Someone who has the opportunity to go to Ohio St., Auburn, USC, or any number of other offers that will be coming his way is not going to go to Minnesota. I wish that weren't reality, but it is. Ra'shede Hageman is the only Minnesota player in recent times to choose Minnesota over legitimate helmet school offers, and I frankly can't believe that he did. The other difference between then and now is that Pirsig plays a position that is far more in demand than Hageman did.

Michael Floyd, Willie Mobley, Bryce McNeal, and Seantrel Henderson all spent a lot of time on campus too.

(EDIT: Maresh had a Michigan offer, but we all know how his Minnesota career turned out.)

This is where you might be completely wrong with your logic. All of those kids you listed above grew up in or close to the Twin Cities. I grew up just a little ways away from where Jonah is from and I can tell you that kids can be a lot closer to their immediate families due to the small town nature we grow up in. A lot of our relatives are close by and we know everyone in the area by name. I mean, Faribault County has a population of around 14,000 people so this is pretty common. These could play into Kill's favor because he can relate to them in certain aspects from his background. Also, I thought I read a ways back that Jonah's dad is a farmer. If so, he is going to be busy harvesting crop in the fall (during football season) and if Jonah values having his parents there to watch him play he is going to want to be close to home. During harvest season, a lot of families don't have a life until the crop is out of the field and have very little time to do much else other than farm. So being close to home benefits him and his family if he wants them to be able to be there to watch him play. However, the Hawkeyes aren't that far away either so they would have a shot as well. Keep these things in mind, if my facts are right, because they could be big advantages in the long haul of his recruitment for the U.

Nope. Just common sense. Someone who has the opportunity to go to Ohio St., Auburn, USC, or any number of other offers that will be coming his way is not going to go to Minnesota. I wish that weren't reality, but it is. Ra'shede Hageman is the only Minnesota player in recent times to choose Minnesota over legitimate helmet school offers, and I frankly can't believe that he did. The other difference between then and now is that Pirsig plays a position that is far more in demand than Hageman did.

Michael Floyd, Willie Mobley, Bryce McNeal, and Seantrel Henderson all spent a lot of time on campus too.

(EDIT: Maresh had a Michigan offer, but we all know how his Minnesota career turned out.)

If Brewster was still the coach, I'd agree with you. Not saying I'd bet money on it, but with Kill as coach, we need to recognize the dynamics are a lot different. And how this team responds in 2011 on the field could go a long ways.

If people are blasting Seantrel only because he didn't come to Minnesota, then they should blast every single person who didn't attend the University of Minnesota for college. He made a choice for himself and his future. Why so much vitriol? Joe Mauer wouldn't have attended the U, either, he was signed up for Florida State. Does anyone cry about that? No.

Would I, as a fan, have liked Seantrel to come here? Yes. Would I, as a fan, like him to still transfer to the U of M? Yes.

But at the end of the day, he has to do what is right for his future and why would we wish ill will on someone for absolutely no reason other than that he chose to play for a different color laundry?

This is where you might be completely wrong with your logic. All of those kids you listed above grew up in or close to the Twin Cities. I grew up just a little ways away from where Jonah is from and I can tell you that kids can be a lot closer to their immediate families due to the small town nature we grow up in. A lot of our relatives are close by and we know everyone in the area by name. I mean, Faribault County has a population of around 14,000 people so this is pretty common. These could play into Kill's favor because he can relate to them in certain aspects from his background. Also, I thought I read a ways back that Jonah's dad is a farmer. If so, he is going to be busy harvesting crop in the fall (during football season) and if Jonah values having his parents there to watch him play he is going to want to be close to home. During harvest season, a lot of families don't have a life until the crop is out of the field and have very little time to do much else other than farm. So being close to home benefits him and his family if he wants them to be able to be there to watch him play. However, the Hawkeyes aren't that far away either so they would have a shot as well. Keep these things in mind, if my facts are right, because they could be big advantages in the long haul of his recruitment for the U.

I agree 100 percent. In my opinion, this recruitment is down to Wisconsin, Iowa, Nebraska and Minnesota. Ohio State could be a dark horse, but I would be completely and utterly surprised if he went anywhere out of the midwest. All of the other elite recruits that Minnesota has produced grew up in big high schools and have always been the center of attention and feel like they have to get out of Minnesota to grow their legend. In Jonah's case, he can grow his legend in Minnesota because he really does not have one outside of SW/SC MN. Also, Kill's connection to the rural culture could be extremely valuable. Nothing irritates a rural kid more than someone acting like they know less or are worse off for coming from a small town. Kill will not do that. (Ferentz and Bulemia probably won't either.) In absolutely no way shape or form can we compare Jonah's recruitment to Seantrel, Michael Floyd, Mobley, etc. The only similarity is the offers.

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