Roll call of everyone who is done with this program

I don’t know if we know that we are limited by NIL. The MN fan base is full of rubes and a splashy name could absolutely change that opinion.
NIL is a lot more important in basketball, where you can buy a team relatively easily with a few big payments, than football with the large rosters.

Yeah, that’s what I tell my kids.

Steal, cheat, do whatever you want…all that matters are results.

What a shit attitude.
Sorry that you can't accept what major college football and basketball really is.

People hate being told the truth. Like how legendary coach John Wooden who is practically deified, had a bag man. It's been a shitty, dirty business for decades. At least I accept this.

NIL is a lot more important in basketball, where you can buy a team relatively easily with a few big payments, than football with the large rosters.
Yes I agree. Though in football if you buy a big money qb you can really change things as well.

Please just post your name here. Makes it easier than 90 new threads. No judgement. Enjoy your Saturdays with no obligation to the Gophers!
I think NIL/free teansfers already provides me with this. That way I watched last nights game, and hust said darn. Maybe I’ll watch again, maybe I won’t - I guess it depends on convenience.

I’m an alum so I can’t be done, but the PJ love is waning for me

I have and still believe Fleck was a bad hire.

I have and still root for my alma mater and that won't change.

College football has been a part of my life from a very young age. Things are very different now, but I still want to watch the "kids" that have chosen to represent my school as a distraction from the things in life that I have to do to support my family and provide the resources to live life the way I want to.

I'd like more entertaining play from the team and fewer false narratives (e.g., Fleck rebuilt this program, our massive offensive line is really good, "It's all on me"), but they represent my school so I watch and I root, but I'm not blind to the problems with the coach and the program so my expectations are lower than what I used to hope for.

I have enjoyed having Floyd out this year (I have a replica of the trophy I display only in years we win it) and will miss him until we win him back.

Always be a Gopher Fan. Just hope we make some Gopher. Like after the Illinois game several years ago when they gutted us running the ball and we made a change at D coordinator mid season and it was night and day. Whatever it takes, do something

Sorry that you can't accept what major college football and basketball really is.

People hate being told the truth. Like how legendary coach John Wooden who is practically deified, had a bag man. It's been a shitty, dirty business for decades. At least I accept this.
Wow…breaking news from the alpha male keyboard warrior.

So brave

i mean, you have to buy a guy that's actually worth that money, not just pay one b/c you can but point well taken that just the money doesn't mean they're good
Was just having a little fun.

It has been really interesting to watch how some players are working out, others not. Coaches will soon be much better at finding the guys who need a change/chance and guys who are in the portal because "none of their teammates came to their birthday party" or just aren't very good.

Like all recruiting it will be an inexact science, but it will help end a portion of the craziness right now.

With me, being a Gopher fan is an addiction. If I only cared about winning I would have quit following the team a long time ago, but I can't. I care a lot about winning, but I can't quit this team. I look forward to every season and every game. Have never experienced addiction to illegal drugs, but it's probably similar.

I'm not done, just not emotionally invested.

Why should I be?

#1 - Financial parity in college football is slowly on the way. But right now? Yikes, NIL + transfer situation means yearly free agency where top talent goes to the highest bidder.
#2 - The U of M is near the cellar in the Big Ten in football program money. (Edited for clarity) Without better revenue sharing between the haves and have nots and player contracts, this will not change.

I hope Fleck and Co turn things around this year, but the schedule is not promising. Coaching implosions like this latest Iowa game remind me of Mason's Texas Tech game. The players were good enough, the coaches were not.

It's difficult enough with #1 and #2. Minnesota doesn't need more hurdles.
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Results are what matters. No question. Fool yourself if you must.
Exactly. People who try to act like they're on some high horse of virtue when it comes to major college sports amuse me. If you're a fan of the game and think it's "about the kids" or "school spirit" or anything like that, you are absolutely fooling yourself. He can call me "alpha male" or whatever (certainly not true), but I've accepted I'm a fan of what is a dirty, seedy business in many ways.

Yeah, that’s what I tell my kids.

Steal, cheat, do whatever you want…all that matters are results.

What a shit attitude.
I think that’s exactly what is implied by some of the more modern posts re: the current college football environment. I guess I pretty much expect an attitude like that from some though.

I don’t read the threads. But the redundant titles filling the feed are hard to ignore.
How is making another thread about the same thing going to help? How is yours better than all the other ones? Because you are making fun of them? You could just do that in those other threads. This just makes no sense to me.

I think that’s exactly what is implied by some of the more modern posts re: the current college football environment. I guess I pretty much expect an attitude like that from some though.
It's not current. It's been sleazy for decades. You and your ilk just like to pretend this is some new development. The most successful programs have always been paying players, doctoring grades/classes, giving special treatment, cars, etc. Basketball has basically been run by shoe companies for years.

I swear some of the Washburn McCreavy crowd here thinks it's all sock hops and ice cream socials.

Exactly. People who try to act like they're on some high horse of virtue when it comes to major college sports amuse me. If you're a fan of the game and think it's "about the kids" or "school spirit" or anything like that, you are absolutely fooling yourself. He can call me "alpha male" or whatever (certainly not true), but I've accepted I'm a fan of what is a dirty, seedy business in many ways.
“Alpha male” wasn’t what I was thinking. It was only a single word, but does begin with “a.”

I'll tune in to the games, but I won't get excited for a game/season until Fleck and Colye are gone.

Especially Coyle. His hires have been horrible or meh. Stuck with Pitino two years more then he should have and passed on Musselman who weekly would be on Dan Barrero show BEGGING for the job. Passed on Brian Dutcher (has the Gophers as his "dream job clause" in his contract) for Ben Johnson, Whalen was horrible, the current women's coach isn't much better. Wrestling coach was a downgrade from the previous one.

We as fans have no power to change a damn thing. I love Minnesota and the Gophers. In 2019, I loved Minnesota. After getting embarrassed Saturday, I love Minnesota. I love the Gophers when we win, and as much as it sucks, I love the Gophers when they lose. The coach, the facilities, everything everyone else complains about, it makes no difference to me. It's unconditional love for me... Most of you will think I'm crazy/ stupid/ naive/ etc. Maybe one or two of you will sympathize. If you're a Gopher fan, then be a Gopher fan. If you aren't, then don't.

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