Roll call of everyone who is done with this program

No, I don’t think you would make a very good “alpha male” at all. Be just as”…dirty, seedy as you can be. I doubt if you will improve much of anything. Problem is I don't believe you have any resources to fuel your bada$$ed talk to pull off your payment of players and all the stuff you imply. In the end You are all talk and no action...I would wager.

Maybe you are a good "dirty" dancer, disco, but, I don't think you have the cash to be a very good "bag-person"
What the hell are you talking about? Nothing about this is about me. It's about the reality of the dirty business that college sports is and has been for many decades. College football and basketball have been funded by under the table dirty money for years. Accept the truth or don't. I could not possibly give less of a shit, but denying it is just lying to yourself.

Yeah, that’s what I tell my kids.

Steal, cheat, do whatever you want…all that matters are results.

What a shit attitude.
You added an awful lot to that comment that was not written.

His point was that the players are getting paid now and so it’s fair game to expect them to perform or leave.

This isn’t a charity anymore. It’s a business, and when the salary cap goes in; it will be even more of a business.

Athletic scholarships went way too far and now Universities run AAA football teams. People get cut from AAA baseball teams all the time.

If Minnesota wants to cut football altogether like UChicago then fine. Until then, it is fair game for fans to expect, not hope for, wins.

The Vikings got booed relentlessly when they sucked. Same thing now applies to the Gophers:

done, until Coyle & Fleck are fired.
Coaching?? This is 2024.

And the AD is simply an actor...a LIAR. A spin-doctor for the administration.

It's just it's okay for most on here to still be delusional. Perfectly fine. My choice is to be done with it. We will never be competitive in the Big Ten.

What the hell are you talking about? Nothing about this is about me. It's about the reality of the dirty business that college sports is and has been for many decades. College football and basketball have been funded by under the table dirty money for years. Accept the truth or don't. I could not possibly give less of a shit, but denying it is just lying to yourself.

You simply state: “…college football and basketball have been funded by under the table dirty money for years…” You have seen this happening? Names? Dates? Convictions? Going on for decades?

I worry a lot more about dirty politicians. Dirty business practices. Dirty tax cheats. Dirty bookies trying to fix games. Insider trading just to name a few places. Tax cheating and dirty businesses practices are probably the most common offenses.

Man, you want to find dirty cheating…it’s been going on in every phase of American life and finances for a long time.

And you did infer that you favor doing anything regardless of what ever it may be to win football and basketball games at the college level. You, sir, appear to be very much in favor of “…what ever it takes to win…”

I’d say you are very much in favor of dancing dirty, disco when it comes to your college sports. This is all about your outlook and view of life.
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you can be a fan of the Gophers without expecting or demanding that they win X number of games. If your fandom is conditional based on the Gophers winning a certain number of games, then that is your right, but I personally think that way will end up driving you crazy more often than not.
My fandom definitely isn’t conditional on wins, but it is conditional on hope… even a glimmer. That's where my struggle is.

Hope for this program to reach Iowa or Wisconsin sustainability has always felt realistic to me. But, the talking heads are starting to convince me that I’ve been incorrect from the start.

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