Reusse is Guessing it's Gonna be P.J. Fleck

It will cost $6.5 million this year to buy Bohl out of his contract. Again, he's NOT coming to the U of Minnesota.

It will cost over $3 million to buy out Claeys and staff after this season, and many are automatically presuming that will happen.

From the US Dept of Education. Is the MPR article you reference the the sole basis for your statement?

The director of the EOAA at the U wrote as such black and white -I've seen the email. It was posted here last week.

These cases almost always hinge entirely on the accusers testimony. That is the preponderance of evidence, period. Without that they have no evidence. Why pursue such cases further? That would be truly fruitless and a waste of resources.

Futhermore, per that link if the accuser is not cooperating with the investigation or obstructing the investigation that warrants a one year suspension, no? The wheels of justice don't turn both ways I gather.

From the US Dept of Education. Is the MPR article you reference the the sole basis for your statement?

Regarding the EOAA being compelled to investigate cases that the accuser wishes not to pursue and their behavior of punishing individuals that may be found to have faulty memories (other than their accuser) or other perceived obstructions of their investigation, some have referred to the EEOA as a modern Star Chamber.

The Star Chamber was an English court of the 1400s-1600s that became synonymous with oppression and the misuse and abuse of power. One of the weapons of the Star Chamber was the ex officio oath where, because of their positions, individuals were forced to swear to answer truthfully all questions that might be asked. Faced by hostile questioning, this then gave them the "cruel trilemma" of having to incriminate themselves, face charges of perjury if they gave unsatisfactory answers to their accusers, or be held in contempt of court if they gave no answer.

Some of the modern tenets of due process evolved secondary to these types of abuses.

The other sexual harassment concern and the two sexual assault concerns were not investigated because the reporting students did not want to move forward with an investigation, according to the email, which was released by the university after it was detailed in a report by the Minneapolis Star Tribune.

Quote directly from the MPR article I'm not following you on this one.

Hewitt "proactively contacted the Athletics Department to initiate discussions on whether reports of sexual assault and harassment constituted a broader pattern. All of these reports were fully investigated to the extent that they could be and the Office of Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action (EOAA) did not substantiate any sexual assault allegations. The EOAA Office substantiated one allegation of sexual harassment," Goetz said in a statement Thursday.

From the same article:

"The other sexual harassment concern and the two sexual assault concerns were not investigated because the reporting students did not want to move forward with an investigation, according to the email, which was released by the university after it was detailed in a report by the Minneapolis Star Tribune."

Technically, they may have opened an investigation then aborted it after the accusers backed off. That may satisfy the OCR mandates. If not, perhaps the EOAA office should face some sort of coaching and/or suspension. (Snark).

Quote directly from the MPR article I'm not following you on this one.

Hewitt "proactively contacted the Athletics Department to initiate discussions on whether reports of sexual assault and harassment constituted a broader pattern. All of these reports were fully investigated to the extent that they could be and the Office of Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action (EOAA) did not substantiate any sexual assault allegations. The EOAA Office substantiated one allegation of sexual harassment," Goetz said in a statement Thursday.

Damn you and your facts!

Regarding the EOAA being compelled to investigate cases that the accuser wishes not to pursue and their behavior of punishing individuals that may be found to have faulty memories (other than their accuser) or other perceived obstructions of their investigation, some have referred to the EEOA as a modern Star Chamber.

The Star Chamber was an English court of the 1400s-1600s that became synonymous with oppression and the misuse and abuse of power. One of the weapons of the Star Chamber was the ex officio oath where, because of their positions, individuals were forced to swear to answer truthfully all questions that might be asked. Faced by hostile questioning, this then gave them the "cruel trilemma" of having to incriminate themselves, face charges of perjury if they gave unsatisfactory answers to their accusers, or be held in contempt of court if they gave no answer.

Some of the modern tenets of due process evolved secondary to these types of abuses.

I've been one who has consistently posted that due process was not present...even have linked several times to BoR Chair's quote saying exactly that as well.

Damn you and your facts!

There's clearly more to how the EOAA investigates and whether the administration acts on its recommendations. In the case of Lynch, we must assume an investigation was completed and a recommendation was forwarded by the EOAA. He was actually arrested in that case.

That's why I think the AD and prez might also have hot seats.

I'm not sure why you guys are arguing this point with me. Here is the actual email that details they did not pursue investigations of the two alleged sexual assaults and an alleged harassment claim after the accuser backed off.

So Beth's statement was inaccurate, uninformed, or a flat out lie? Interesting. If any is the case, there's a lot more here than we know...Hewitt may have actually not performed her required duty if the email exchange is accurate.

I think it's more an acknowledgement by Kimberly that these cases hinge purely on accuser testimony. That is the only evidence required and unless the accused can provide evidence they are innocent, such as Djam's video, they will be found guilty.

It will cost over $3 million to buy out Claeys and staff after this season, and many are automatically presuming that will happen.

$6.5 million payable to WYO just for Bohl
$541,667 payable to just Claeys for contract termination
$7+ milion on 2 individuals is not happening IMO

I think it's more an acknowledgement by Kimberly that these cases hinge purely on accuser testimony. That is the only evidence required and unless the accused can provide evidence they are innocent, such as Djam's video, they will be found guilty.

Maybe so, but they either investigated or didn't. If they didn't, they are in violation of their duties. Would be pretty easy for the EOAA office to confirm, I would think, like Beth did in her statement.

It will cost over $3 million to buy out Claeys and staff after this season, and many are automatically presuming that will happen.
I think many are presuming it won't happen for the very reason you mention.

You don't say. We had a whole other thread on "who leaked the report" and it seems you knew all along. Please do share with the rest of us how you know a FB player was the one that released it. I hope you have some facts and aren't basing that on the cover letter that everyone in the EOAA and everyone CC'd on the report (victim, U Admin), and many people around all of those mentioned also had access to. It has to be more than that, right?

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It was Buford. Doogie basically said so much. Believe what you want, but that is what happened

It was Buford. Doogie basically said so much. Believe what you want, but that is what happened

It happened because Doogie basically said so. Okey Dokey.

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It was Buford. Doogie basically said so much. Believe what you want, but that is what happened
If Buford leaked the report he should be expelled because he is clearly too dumb to go to college.

It happened because Doogie basically said so. Okey Dokey.

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I mean his company is the one that got it so I'll take his word over most anyone else's. Mackey (same employer) implied that it came from a player as well though did not specify which one. I'm sure they're not going to come out and say exactly who gave it to them. Ever think that maybe the players see it as beneficial to release the report because they see it as clearly biased? Frankly I don't think it is good for either side that it was released. It doesn't make anyone look good.

I mean his company is the one that got it so I'll take his word over most anyone else's. Mackey (same employer) implied that it came from a player as well though did not specify which one. I'm sure they're not going to come out and say exactly who gave it to them. <b>Ever think that maybe the players see it as beneficial to release the report because they see it as clearly biased? </b>Frankly I don't think it is good for either side that it was released. It doesn't make anyone look good.

Sure. I don't know who released it simply found it comical you declared a player did it as fact to support your narrative. As far as believing what people (Kaler, Coyle) or the media ("players end boycott because of EOAA report") say as fact, I would have thought this case alone would have taught you better.

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Sure. I don't know who released it simply found it comical you declared a player did it as fact to support your narrative. As far as believing what people (Kaler, Coyle) or the media ("players end boycott because of EOAA report") say as fact, I would have thought this case alone would have taught you better.

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I'm not taking everything the media says to be 100% true, but if they report on something I don't believe it is just completely made up. For example, I don't think every player changed their mind after reading the EOAA report (I'd bet some of them didn't even read it), but at the very least I think it made some of them reconsider their position. I could see myself participating in a boycott like this one to support my teammates in college, but I also expect that I would have received a phone call from my mother and sister offering me their thoughts on the matter after reading the report.

(Realize you didn't ask, but just based on what I know about playing team sports I think the biggest factor in lifting the boycott was the suspended player who urged his teammates to stop the boycott and play without him. That right there is the essence of what you learn being on a team: the team is more important than any individual player. I'm sure he won't be publicly named, but whoever that was has my respect.)

And all signs point to it being released by Buford. It is what it is

It was Buford. Doogie basically said so much. Believe what you want, but that is what happened

Doogie said on his Dec. 21 podcast that he had no idea who leaked it. It was leaked to KSTP-TV, but he said the investigative department is not near the sports department physically, there's little interaction between them and doesn't think they would tell him anyway.

Maybe he was lying, but he was very clear about that.

He's already getting used to losing to the badgers. He's a perfect fit!

Why do you say he can't read?

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If he handed that report over, I can only assume he is illiterate or was too lazy to read it. Better? It is really unflattering, to say the least.

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