Reusse is Guessing it's Gonna be P.J. Fleck

I just barfed in my mouth a little bit. I sense Brewster level Car Salesmen and a bit of a con artist from this Fleck video. Color me unimpressed. I have taken shots at the coach to about his weight but the "block the view of the fans" as much is a little over the top. For cripes sake they are not wheeling him out on a Dolly. You might not like that Claeys is fat, but coach does know how to coach football. I like people that are good at knowing how to defend the other side.
I for one think we have a pretty good football coach, that seems to delegate a lot to his staff, and he let's his staff call their plays. Give he guy a little chance to grow as a leader, and give him a chance to win the hearts and minds. The U itself hasn't really even given him that shot.

Ticket sales are gonna bomb unless the University does some mea cupla and rethinking on that scholarship seating plan,(lower prices like basketball) that has tanked ticket sales as much as anything. It was the ticket surcharge and that extra enormous tax, the one that kicked people out of some of their loyalty (not even great seats), that turned people off, and the schedule only having Iowa as a conference rival and name opponent. Besides Nebraska and Wisconsin are visiting in 2017 so the stadiums will pretty much be full for those two games. Perceived value for cost of the tickets matters. I doubt that Fleck is a big enough name like a Lou Holtz(another BS artist) that will sell tickets. "Row the boat" sounds like cast the pole, yeah quite inspiring. So he got the Western Michigan Kalamazoo lot to bye in, doubt that will work here, plus the U has much tougher admissions standards than Western Michigan. He get's better and more athletes in his back yard that he can get into school than, he ever could at the U.
See Part 2

I just barfed in my mouth a little bit. I sense Brewster level Car Salesmen and a bit of a con artist from this Fleck video. Color me unimpressed. I have taken shots at the coach to about his weight but the "block the view of the fans" as much is a little over the top. For cripes sake they are not wheeling him out on a Dolly. You might not like that Claeys is fat, but coach does know how to coach football. I like people that are good at knowing how to defend the other side.
I for one think we have a pretty good football coach, that seems to delegate a lot to his staff, and he let's his staff call their plays. Give he guy a little chance to grow as a leader, and give him a chance to win the hearts and minds. The U itself hasn't really even given him that shot.

Ticket sales are gonna bomb unless the University does some mea cupla and rethinking on that scholarship seating plan,(lower prices like basketball) that has tanked ticket sales as much as anything. It was the ticket surcharge and that extra enormous tax, the one that kicked people out of some of their loyalty (not even great seats), that turned people off, and the schedule only having Iowa as a conference rival and name opponent. Besides Nebraska and Wisconsin are visiting in 2017 so the stadiums will pretty much be full for those two games. Perceived value for cost of the tickets matters. I doubt that Fleck is a big enough name like a Lou Holtz(another BS artist) that will sell tickets. "Row the boat" sounds like cast the pole, yeah quite inspiring. So he got the Western Michigan Kalamazoo lot to bye in, doubt that will work here, plus the U has much tougher admissions standards than Western Michigan. He get's better and more athletes in his back yard that he can get into school than, he ever could at the U.
Ditto this.

guys dont get me wrong here if i thought there was a chance in hell fleck would come i'd obviously jump on board - maybe coyle is just waiting for a cotton bowl win so he can grin at the opening press conference and say 'i wanted to hire someone who knows how to beat wisconsin'

I just barfed in my mouth a little bit. I sense Brewster level Car Salesmen and a bit of a con artist from this Fleck video. Color me unimpressed. I have taken shots at the coach to about his weight but the "block the view of the fans" as much is a little over the top. For cripes sake they are not wheeling him out on a Dolly. You might not like that Claeys is fat, but coach does know how to coach football. I like people that are good at knowing how to defend the other side.
I for one think we have a pretty good football coach, that seems to delegate a lot to his staff, and he let's his staff call their plays. Give he guy a little chance to grow as a leader, and give him a chance to win the hearts and minds. The U itself hasn't really even given him that shot.

Ticket sales are gonna bomb unless the University does some mea cupla and rethinking on that scholarship seating plan,(lower prices like basketball) that has tanked ticket sales as much as anything. It was the ticket surcharge and that extra enormous tax, the one that kicked people out of some of their loyalty (not even great seats), that turned people off, and the schedule only having Iowa as a conference rival and name opponent. Besides Nebraska and Wisconsin are visiting in 2017 so the stadiums will pretty much be full for those two games. Perceived value for cost of the tickets matters. I doubt that Fleck is a big enough name like a Lou Holtz(another BS artist) that will sell tickets. "Row the boat" sounds like cast the pole, yeah quite inspiring. So he got the Western Michigan Kalamazoo lot to bye in, doubt that will work here, plus the U has much tougher admissions standards than Western Michigan. He get's better and more athletes in his back yard that he can get into school than, he ever could at the U.

WESTERN MICHIGAN is undefeated and playing in a major bowl tell me what part of that makes him a con artist ok great thanks im glad we're on the same page

Want to first say I like Coach Claeys as a person and defensive scheme coach. Also believe kids like playing for him. Having said that, I will be shocked if, @ 12:01 a.m. on 12/28, he is still coach of the U of M.

Agree. I guess I won't be shocked, a little surprised maybe.

Want to first say I like Coach Claeys as a person and defensive scheme coach. Also believe kids like playing for him. Having said that, I will be shocked if, @ 12:01 a.m. on 12/28, he is still coach of the U of M.

i agree-- I think on Wednesday all coaches will be relieved of their duties. We already have negative news with this off field stuff, recruiting to date is minimal and even if Claeys was extended we would be in the same boat next year if he has a mediocre or worse season. This all aligns to having this the best time to make a change

I don't think Fleck is a con artist. I am put off by the slogans and acronyms. That is kind of stuff that naive or gullible people eat up. Then again, 15-25 year old males are the biggest morons on the planet, so he probably knows what he's doing.

i agree-- I think on Wednesday all coaches will be relieved of their duties. We already have negative news with this off field stuff, recruiting to date is minimal and even if Claeys was extended <b>we would be in the same boat next year if he has a mediocre or worse season</b>. This all aligns to having this the best time to make a change

So now is the right time in case we don't do better next year?

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So now is the right time in case we don't do better next year?

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kind of-- we already have bottom recruiting, multiple players are most likely to transfer. It is time to move on from this and everyone involved-- Claeys and his coaches are not immune from this and has nothing to do with the boycott. They had to know the culture was toxic and either knowing the recruit was out with these guys which is bad enough or having no idea the whereabouts of the recruit in itself is a bad situation. Regardless, as long as Claeys is still here this will always be in the air- - if you like it or not I think it will be talked about

kind of-- we already have bottom recruiting, multiple players are most likely to transfer. It is time to move on from this and everyone involved-- Claeys and his coaches are not immune from this and has nothing to do with the boycott. They had to know the culture was toxic and either knowing the recruit was out with these guys which is bad enough or having no idea the whereabouts of the recruit in itself is a bad situation. Regardless, as long as Claeys is still here this will always be in the air- - if you like it or not I think it will be talked about

Actually, I have said I think TC should be fired for the recruit angle. I just found it odd to say we should fire him now in case he does bad next year.

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Actually, I have said I think TC should be fired for the recruit angle. I just found it odd to say we should fire him now in case he does bad next year.

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got it- -i misunderstood. I know there are some that want to keep him-- my gut tells me his on field product is not going to be better next year with the transfers/expulsions/suspensions. We would still be stuck in a downward spiral and I think a coaching change would at least provide hope of changes

So Reusse joins ALL the other local scribblers in calling for Claeys' head, despite that he was the least involved (guilty) of all the parties in the recent imbroglio. Claeys should be safe for another year or so, especially if he goes 9-4, in which case he might get an extension despite all the horrors of September and December.

In reading that article, I don't see how you can come to the conclusion you arrived at. Nowhere in the piece does Reusse advocate Claeys' removal. In fact, he comes off as a bit of a Claeys defender in my estimation. He's just postulating.

Agreed... if only they didn't have a major scandal on-going.

Coach could easily get canned with the evidence out now on how poorly these men refer to women in their texts.

Would love to have a new coach who would hopefully raise gentlemen.
So Kill leaves and you think all of a sudden the entire coaching staff's values changed? This could have just as easily happened under Kill. You can't babysit a team of 100 football players.

I still think it could cost Claeys his job though as hiring a new coach could be a PR move to give the program a new image.

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So Kill leaves and you think all of a sudden the entire coaching staff's values changed? This could have just as easily happened under Kill. You can't babysit a team of 100 football players.

I still think it could cost Claeys his job though as hiring a new coach could be a PR move to give the program a new image.

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He can't babysit all but making sure at least 90 percent don't get suspended shouldn't seem like too much to ask.

Poorly run program by the head coach. Indefensible.

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guys dont get me wrong here if i thought there was a chance in hell fleck would come i'd obviously jump on board - maybe coyle is just waiting for a cotton bowl win so he can grin at the opening press conference and say 'i wanted to hire someone who knows how to beat wisconsin'

Why do people think he wouldn't come? It's a great situation actually. You have talent and a schedule to win, and people don't expect you to. You can negotiate a good contract - U athletics generates a lot more revenue than people seem to think around here, compared to rest of Big Ten. Also, you get to come in with the new facilities.

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He can't babysit all but making sure at least 90 percent don't get suspended shouldn't seem like too much to ask.

Poorly run program by the head coach. Indefensible.

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If there was a pattern of this type of thing happening or being covered up, yes, that's a poorly run program. Players getting out of control one night does not equate to a poorly run program. If idiotic behavior was being condoned that's one thing, but the players were suspended once it was known what happened. Smith was kicked off the team for knucklehead behavior, so it shows Claeys is not afraid to discipline the players.

To me a poorly run program is one that covers up this kind of stuff and never lets it get out to the media, like Baylor.

If there was a pattern of this type of thing happening or being covered up, yes, that's a poorly run program. Players getting out of control one night does not equate to a poorly run program. If idiotic behavior was being condoned that's one thing, but the players were suspended once it was known what happened. Smith was kicked off the team for knucklehead behavior, so it shows Claeys is not afraid to discipline the players.

To me a poorly run program is one that covers up this kind of stuff and never lets it get out to the media, like Baylor.

After 10 student athletes get suspended, you want to wait for a pattern to develop?

Maybe they should have waited for Adrian Peterson to abuse more kids before they suspended him as well... wait for a pattern.

This isn't shoplifting. This is sexual assault and um.. 10 is kind of a lot of players to have suspended. For all I know i could be an NCAA football record. (An NCAA record for any sport actually).

Sure, wait for a pattern if you need to, but I've seen enough.

I can't defend a guy and say... "Well, 85% of his players didn't get caught doing anything wrong yet!"
Sure, and 90% of the time this dude didn't hit his wife either. Let's wait for a pattern to develop to see if he beats his next two wives. Most of the time he doesn't beat his wife.

Not to mention, having Mitch Leidner as your starting QB is enough of an offense to fire Claeys this year.

If there was a pattern of this type of thing happening or being covered up, yes, that's a poorly run program. Players getting out of control one night does not equate to a poorly run program. If idiotic behavior was being condoned that's one thing, but the players were suspended once it was known what happened. Smith was kicked off the team for knucklehead behavior, so it shows Claeys is not afraid to discipline the players.

To me a poorly run program is one that covers up this kind of stuff and never lets it get out to the media, like Baylor.

You're expecting a reasonable response from F.T.F.? Good luck with that. Take a look at his posts and quit feeding the troll. He "saw enough" back in November...

Agreed... if only they didn't have a major scandal on-going.

Coach could easily get canned with the evidence out now on how poorly these men refer to women in their texts.

Would love to have a new coach who would hopefully raise gentlemen.

Well told. I'd add to that that screening for character would make that guidance easier.

Question is, who do we get if Claeys is let go and we don't get Fleck???

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If there is a chance to put part of this behind us and still get a coach like PJ Fleck I call that a win. Fair or unfair cleaning house with the coaching is putting part of this behind us. The sooner the better. Pony up the 3M/yr to get Fleck.

As noted above, firing Claeys will appear to some as a CYA move by Coyle. The Coach-AD relationship is key in FB. An incoming coach may look at the situation and say, "Coyle did not handle this situation very well, threw his coach under the bus by falsely claiming Claeys approved the suspensions, and then (presumably) fired his coach to make Claeys appear like the scapegoat for the current mess. Is that an AD I can trust, and want to play for?"

I suspect that some - not all - coaching candidates would be leery about tying their future to Coyle.

And going back to Reusse's column - his premise was that IF Claeys is fired, the Gophers are likely to pursue a more rah-rah type (like Fleck) as Coach - under the theory that you always hire the opposite of the coach you're replacing. I don't know squat about Fleck. I don't have an opinion about him. I just don't trust Coyle to make the decision. I suspect Coyle will be more concerned about his image than what is best for the U of MN FB program.

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Quote Originally Posted by gopherdudepart2 View Post
I just barfed in my mouth a little bit. I sense Brewster level Car Salesmen and a bit of a con artist from this Fleck video. Color me unimpressed. I have taken shots at the coach to about his weight but the "block the view of the fans" as much is a little over the top. For cripes sake they are not wheeling him out on a Dolly. You might not like that Claeys is fat, but coach does know how to coach football. I like people that are good at knowing how to defend the other side.
I for one think we have a pretty good football coach, that seems to delegate a lot to his staff, and he let's his staff call their plays. Give he guy a little chance to grow as a leader, and give him a chance to win the hearts and minds. The U itself hasn't really even given him that shot.

Ticket sales are gonna bomb unless the University does some mea cupla and rethinking on that scholarship seating plan,(lower prices like basketball) that has tanked ticket sales as much as anything. It was the ticket surcharge and that extra enormous tax, the one that kicked people out of some of their loyalty (not even great seats), that turned people off, and the schedule only having Iowa as a conference rival and name opponent. Besides Nebraska and Wisconsin are visiting in 2017 so the stadiums will pretty much be full for those two games. Perceived value for cost of the tickets matters. I doubt that Fleck is a big enough name like a Lou Holtz(another BS artist) that will sell tickets. "Row the boat" sounds like cast the pole, yeah quite inspiring. So he got the Western Michigan Kalamazoo lot to bye in, doubt that will work here, plus the U has much tougher admissions standards than Western Michigan. He get's better and more athletes in his back yard that he can get into school than, he ever could at the U.
Ditto this.

Spoke at the Minnesota Football Coaches Association this year...Out classed coach Claeys and was VERY complementary of TC and the staff. I think you are both wrong and it would be a big time hire for the U....PJ would sell tickets...He has WMU in the COTTON BOWL, I think he and his coaches can coach. They beat the skunks, open up the CHECKBOOK. That's something we haven't done in 13 years!

He get's athletes in school that would never make it as Students at the U

WESTERN MICHIGAN is undefeated and playing in a major bowl tell me what part of that makes him a con artist ok great thanks im glad we're on the same page

There are quite few guys on the Western Michigan roster, that would never get into the U. Several of them were talented enough to play at Michigan, Michigan, State, Illinois, other conference schools but could not get past admissions. He would have the same problem here. Row the boat and everyone grab an oar, Holtz like bullbleep. He is snow jobbing them all if they think he isn't looking for his next big opportunity and a better job, even if WMU is undefeated. Wisconsin is going to smoke that team. There isn't a snowball chance in he!! that Fleck is going to be the Gopher coach anyways. He is a BS slinger like Holtz, plain and simple. If he did come the U he would be looking to jump to the next job. No major coach that has ever come to the U of M football program has ever left it getting another major head coaching position. The U job is the graveyard of the coaching career. The only types you are possibly going to get to take a shot at it are coordinators and a coach looking to rise from the Ashes like Pelini. I like our current football staff, and I think this Fleck talk is meaningless fluff and filler for a column. The U doesn't pay football coaches 3 to 3.5 million a year. Let this Fleck guy have sustained success at WMU, I don't believe even at 14-0 that his team is that good.

In reading that article, I don't see how you can come to the conclusion you arrived at. Nowhere in the piece does Reusse advocate Claeys' removal. In fact, he comes off as a bit of a Claeys defender in my estimation. He's just postulating.

Wow, really? So he wrote this in a complete vacuum...

That makes no sense.
Fire Claeys and have two people resign at the same time?
Why would they fire a coach if they felt the need to resign?
You make no sense.

Troll. They knew details months ago...they can TC now, especially if Gophs win, and the clock starts ticking on them both.

Great logic

Agreed... if only they didn't have a major scandal on-going.

Coach could easily get canned with the evidence out now on how poorly these men refer to women in their texts.

Would love to have a new coach who would hopefully raise gentlemen.

Let's see... Sept 2... many of these guys are freshman... what coach can't change kids lives in three weeks? Fire him!!!! Brilliant!!!!!

There are quite few guys on the Western Michigan roster, that would never get into the U. Several of them were talented enough to play at Michigan, Michigan, State, Illinois, other conference schools but could not get past admissions. He would have the same problem here. Row the boat and everyone grab an oar, Holtz like bullbleep. He is snow jobbing them all if they think he isn't looking for his next big opportunity and a better job, even if WMU is undefeated. Wisconsin is going to smoke that team. There isn't a snowball chance in he!! that Fleck is going to be the Gopher coach anyways. He is a BS slinger like Holtz, plain and simple. If he did come the U he would be looking to jump to the next job. No major coach that has ever come to the U of M football program has ever left it getting another major head coaching position. The U job is the graveyard of the coaching career. The only types you are possibly going to get to take a shot at it are coordinators and a coach looking to rise from the Ashes like Pelini. I like our current football staff, and I think this Fleck talk is meaningless fluff and filler for a column. The U doesn't pay football coaches 3 to 3.5 million a year. Let this Fleck guy have sustained success at WMU, I don't believe even at 14-0 that his team is that good.

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