Reusse is Guessing it's Gonna be P.J. Fleck


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Nov 12, 2008
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There has been a furious response from university customers after they learned the details of a school-endorsed report on an alleged sexual assault by players in September.

There are fears in the athletic department that the season-ticket renewal rate could fall under 70 percent unless a change is made, and that would follow a lousy 2016 at the gate in Claeys’ first season.

High and mighty though university President Eric Kaler will sound if he fires Claeys, it will be a business decision. In view of that, I’m convinced the Gophers will go for a high-energy salesman, and that would be P.J. Fleck, the 36-year-old coach of Western Michigan.

The timing would be perfect for Fleck. He gets to coach Western Michigan (13-0) against Wisconsin in the Cotton Bowl on Jan. 2, and then take advantage of this second chance to get out of the Mid-American Conference for a job in a Power Five conference.

Fleck overplayed his hand at the end of the regular season, turning down a chance to land at Purdue in favor of an attempt to get the job at Oregon. But he didn’t get an interview at Oregon — allegedly because of a lack of experience and the idea that his “act’’ wouldn’t be a fit with boosters Phil Knight and Pat Kilkenny (the Ducks’ wealthy former athletic director).

It’s an act with the incessant motivational rhetoric that was offered by the failed Tim Brewster during his 45 games as the Gophers coach. For instance: Fleck scripts a pregame speech and believes that the energy he offers in that has a considerable impact on that day’s performance.

The No. 1 cliché Fleck offers is “row the boat.’’ He even makes his players chant that.

The difference between Fleck and Brewster could be that he actually can coach and not merely spew.

Pete Najarian has been a TV analyst at several Western Michigan games and said: “I think P.J. has the potential to be another Lou Holtz.’’

Reusse's "article", and prediction is based on..... drum roll..... absolutely nothing.

Reusse's "article", and prediction is based on..... drum roll..... absolutely nothing.

So pretty much just like all of the other crap this windbag writes...

Fleck was an assistant at Northern Illinois with Kill and the gang. Does this make it more or less likely this happens?

Fleck was an assistant at Northern Illinois with Kill and the gang. Does this make it more or less likely this happens?

I don't think it makes a bit of difference. The PJ lovers on this board think his above coming here, so I guess it would be funny in that sense. I'm one of those who doesn't think TC is going to get fired. Would be seen as a completely transparent (oh, the irony) CYA move by MC and EK.

So Reusse joins ALL the other local scribblers in calling for Claeys' head, despite that he was the least involved (guilty) of all the parties in the recent imbroglio. Claeys should be safe for another year or so, especially if he goes 9-4, in which case he might get an extension despite all the horrors of September and December.

“I think P.J. has the potential to be another Lou Holtz.’’

That he can be the head coach of 4 college teams in a row and leave just before each and every one of them faced NCAA sanctions?

****ing awesome

I'd be on board pending the outcome of the Cotton Bowl. If he can beat the skunks, that would be a big plus.

With Reusse he may just be trolling Wisconsin fans, but the idea that the B10W is "eminently winnable" as long as Nebraska is down really doesn't do justice to what Wisconsin's done the last 25 years. Tom Osborne's been gone for a while, and right now UW is probably Nebraska's equal when it comes to national stature/resources/potential.

With Reusse he may just be trolling Wisconsin fans, but the idea that the B10W is "eminently winnable" as long as Nebraska is down really doesn't do justice to what Wisconsin's done the last 25 years. Tom Osborne's been gone for a while, and right now UW is probably Nebraska's equal when it comes to national stature/resources/potential.

Probably equal in stature currently but I think Nebraska still has more resources and potential if they can ever get the right coach in there. I think we've seen what Wisconsin can do at its peak.

stupid article but no chance they fire claeys after an 9-4 or 8-5 season

Agreed... if only they didn't have a major scandal on-going.

Coach could easily get canned with the evidence out now on how poorly these men refer to women in their texts.

Would love to have a new coach who would hopefully raise gentlemen.

Reusse must of read my post on on another thread in gopherhole.

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stupid article but no chance they fire claeys after an 9-4 or 8-5 season

In a normal year, but as much as people here don't like it, Reusse is usually right on with his takes. He has not been anti-Claeys, and in this whole situation has been critical of the EEOC. Yet, a decision on Claeys likely will have less to do with what they think of his ability to coach, and much more on his ability to sell the program with the people of Minnesota. That's Reusse's point.

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So Reusse joins ALL the other local scribblers in calling for Claeys' head, despite that he was the least involved (guilty) of all the parties in the recent imbroglio. Claeys should be safe for another year or so, especially if he goes 9-4, in which case he might get an extension despite all the horrors of September and December.

I think what Ruesse is saying is that ticket renewals and sales are going to take a big hit for the number one revenue sport at the U if the status quo remains. Most Gopher fans outside of the diehards on Gopherhole are disgusted by the report that came out and the tweet Cleays send out put a target on him. That is the it or not. I've heard Cleays is a real good guy from a friend who works at the athletic department at the U....but honestly I think he could be in trouble, win or lose this coming Tuesday.

I think what Ruesse is saying is that ticket renewals and sales are going to take a big hit for the number one revenue sport at the U if the status quo remains. Most Gopher fans outside of the diehards on Gopherhole are disgusted by the report that came out and the tweet Cleays send out put a target on him. That is the it or not. I've heard Cleays is a real good guy from a friend who works at the athletic department at the U....but honestly I think he could be in trouble, win or lose this coming Tuesday.

It is hard to argue about any of the points that you present. I just hope, that if the decision is make to relieve Cleays of his duties, that you announce it one day, and the next day, you appoint the successor. Have the new coach in your back pocket before you make any kind of move.

In a normal year, but as much as people here don't like it, Reusse is usually right on with his takes. He has not been anti-Claeys, and in this whole situation has been critical of the EEOC. Yet, a decision on Claeys likely will have less to do with what they think of his ability to coach, and much more on his ability to sell the program with the people of Minnesota. That's Reusse's point.

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Yes, I think so too. What happens if Claeys is let go in relation to the buyout of the assistants? What if Fleck is the replacement and he wishes to retain some of them?

If Tracy Claeys is indeed fired, it had better not happen without resignations from both Coyle and Kaler (yes I know they would not voluntarily resign) The players have a great respect for Claeys and I hope he is able to weather this storm. GO Gophers!

This clusterf^ck of administrators deserves a turnstile of coaches that promise diamonds and deliver coal.
I'm going to sit back with some popcorn and enjoy the circus.

If Fleck would come here it'd be a wonderful hire, I just seriously doubt it'll happen

I don't see how hiring Fleck helps ticket sales for next year. Is he a big enough name to prompt someone on the fence to buy tickets?

If Tracy Claeys is indeed fired, it had better not happen without resignations from both Coyle and Kaler (yes I know they would not voluntarily resign) The players have a great respect for Claeys and I hope he is able to weather this storm. GO Gophers!

That makes no sense.
Fire Claeys and have two people resign at the same time?
Why would they fire a coach if they felt the need to resign?
You make no sense.

I don't see how hiring Fleck helps ticket sales for next year. Is he a big enough name to prompt someone on the fence to buy tickets?

Well, for one he won't block the view for the fans as much.

If Fleck's wife will be there, I'd be more likely to watch.

I am a long term season ticket holder who will be waiting to see what the U does with this lastest mess. PJFleck would interest me in renewing but we all know this problem starts @ the top. We
Do have many lakes and know he likes to " row the boat "

I just barfed in my mouth a little bit. I sense Brewster level Car Salesmen and a bit of a con artist from this Fleck video. Color me unimpressed. I have taken shots at the coach to about his weight but the "block the view of the fans" as much is a little over the top. For cripes sake they are not wheeling him out on a Dolly. You might not like that Claeys is fat, but coach does know how to coach football. I like people that are good at knowing how to defend the other side.
I for one think we have a pretty good football coach, that seems to delegate a lot to his staff, and he let's his staff call their plays. Give he guy a little chance to grow as a leader, and give him a chance to win the hearts and minds. The U itself hasn't really even given him that shot.

Ticket sales are gonna bomb unless the University does some mea cupla and rethinking on that scholarship seating plan,(lower prices like basketball) that has tanked ticket sales as much as anything. It was the ticket surcharge and that extra enormous tax, the one that kicked people out of some of their loyalty (not even great seats), that turned people off, and the schedule only having Iowa as a conference rival and name opponent. Besides Nebraska and Wisconsin are visiting in 2017 so the stadiums will pretty much be full for those two games. Perceived value for cost of the tickets matters. I doubt that Fleck is a big enough name like a Lou Holtz(another BS artist) that will sell tickets. "Row the boat" sounds like cast the pole, yeah quite inspiring. So he got the Western Michigan Kalamazoo lot to bye in, doubt that will work here, plus the U has much tougher admissions standards than Western Michigan. He get's better and more athletes in his back yard that he can get into school than, he ever could at the U.

That makes no sense.
Fire Claeys and have two people resign at the same time?
<B>Why would they fire a coach if they felt the need to resign?</B>
You make no sense.

You might need to think this through a bit harder.

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I don't see how hiring Fleck helps ticket sales for next year. Is he a big enough name to prompt someone on the fence to buy tickets?
He's a big enough name for me to show up. Although anyone other than TC would also do the trick for me.

Want to first say I like Coach Claeys as a person and defensive scheme coach. Also believe kids like playing for him. Having said that, I will be shocked if, @ 12:01 a.m. on 12/28, he is still coach of the U of M.

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