A Tubby Smith or Ron Zook type hire?HTML:
Ron zook has more 9 win seasons in the big ten as a head coach than TC has an assistant.
A Tubby Smith or Ron Zook type hire?HTML:
I don't mean to single you out - it's just that you're the latest person to advance this line of thinking. Do people realize that there is an entire fundraising enterprise at the U of M? There are literally hundreds of people who do nothing but raise money all day every day.
I agree on Kill. On Beth, I don't think 'deer in headlights' is fair. Nor do I think how she handles press conferences is in the top 5 criteria for the job. I hope they don't just hand it to her. But assuming someone like Thompson isn't interested she should be a top candidate.
Ron zook has more 9 win seasons in the big ten as a head coach than TC has an assistant.
So you're saying they should offer the job to Ron Zook then?
I don't mean to single you out - it's just that you're the latest person to advance this line of thinking. Do people realize that there is an entire fundraising enterprise at the U of M? There are literally hundreds of people who do nothing but raise money all day every day.
I am sorry, but these go without saying. One person does not make a team. Any large organization, whether fundraising or donor/alumni relations usually is a whole cadre of support staff.
Jerry Kill met with members of the Boards of Regents and made appearances tirelessly on behalf of the fundraising efforts. He was the public face. That's partly why his health turned for the worse because he was doing double duty covering for Norwood Teague's ineptitude at fundraising.
They generate leads, they cultivate interest...but if we are talking millions of dollars I'm confident Jerry Kill or Lou Nanne was probably the closer in a lot of cases. Neither of those guys is pitching people for a few thousand dollars and most large donors want to be courted by the faces of the project. I'm sure there are exceptions but hundreds of people aren't closing million dollar donations....without the "closers." jmo Guessing you can throw Harvey MacKay and Dave Mona amongst the closers too. Beth and Dan too. The workers lay the groundwork is how I think it happens...
Look, Kill's not up to the A.D. job, but taking a shot at his grammar? We live in a society where the written and spoken word is deteriorating on a daily basis. In fact, I'll wager dimes to donuts that if I were to go out and buy a Star Tribune right now, I'd be able to find a at least a handful of mistakes in a "professional" publication that was supposed to have been carefully looked at by both a writer and an editor before it went to print. I guess that I could suggest that every person at the Star Tribune should be fired if I find just one error. Sound fair, Pat? (I know you're going to read this).
Do people realize that there is an entire fundraising enterprise at the U of M? There are literally hundreds of people who do nothing but raise money all day every day.
I don't mean "support staff". I mean professional staff who get paid six figures to raise money and do nothing else. Fundraising was a portion of Norwood Teague's job and an even smaller portion of Jerry Kill's job.
How many big time Candidates lined up last time??
There was not an on going title 9 and sexual harassment investigation. There was also an AD in place.
Are you suggesting the U literally has "hundreds" of people who get paid six-figures to raise funds?
I never said that. There are plenty of professional staff who get paid six figures to raise funds. In total, there are hundreds of people who raise funds.
So, when referencing the "hundreds of people," you are talking about support staff, too?
And, I assume you are talking University-wide
and including a lot of part-time student workers in this "hundreds of people" figure?
So, who are these "hundreds of people" not including support staff?" Can you be more specific? I'm just curious.
No BS. I know Craig's Thompson mother. I spoke to her soon after Norwood went down and she thought it is very doubtful her son would leave his current job for the Minnesota AD position. Sounds as if it had to do with his wife and families wants and needs. People who I know that have met Craig, say he a wonderful person and would be a great hire.
Enough was said about Reusse's inciteful piece