Reusse: Don't give the U's athletic director job to Goetz or Kill


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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per Pat:

The idea that an administrator with a modest résumé and hired by a disgraced athletic director could be considered a serious candidate to become the leader of the University of Minnesota’s athletic department is preposterous on its face.

Just because that previously low-profile administrator happens to be a woman could cause the university’s cowering president, Eric Kaler, to do exactly that, and to give the athletic director’s job to Beth Goetz, the interim since Norwood Teague resigned on Aug. 7.

There is nothing in Goetz’s background to suggest her application for a job as daunting as being fully in charge of Gophers athletics would get a second look, if she had not been conveniently on hand when Teague’s indiscretions were revealed.

And when forced into public view in her three months on the job, Goetz has captured the moments as a deer does headlights.

There is a movement afoot behind the scenes by some of those boosters to get the athletic director’s job for Jerry Kill. That might be the only possible hire more preposterous than keeping Goetz.

First of all, every English teacher in the state would be in a panic, over what “I Ain’t Done Anything Else” Jerry might say next.

Also, Kill’s health can’t handle the high-stress position of coaching a Big Ten football team, but he’s going to be just fine running a gigantic athletic program with dozens of teams and coaches all making demands for a degree of fairness?

All Kill has done in five years at Minnesota is insist on more for himself, his assistants and his football team, and now he’s supposed to be an equitable administrator to a full-service athletic program?

Go Gophers!!

bleed..........bleed........bleed......come on man.

Based on that, the best person in the world for the job would be Kill, and 2nd best option would be Goetz.

Reusse is such a hack.

Reusse is a hack. That being said, I agree with him that the AD should not be Goetz or Kill.

Reusse is a hack. That being said, I agree with him that the AD should not be Goetz or Kill.

+1, Can't saddle us with Kill as an AD and let his loyalty to his coaching staff drive decisions for 10+ years. I think Claeys should get a shot probably three year deal to start, maybe 5 years with a buyout clause on the last few, but I wouldn't be comfortable on Kill evaluating his performance over that time objectively and making a decision in the Universities best interest when that comes up for review again.

Look, Kill's not up to the A.D. job, but taking a shot at his grammar? We live in a society where the written and spoken word is deteriorating on a daily basis. In fact, I'll wager dimes to donuts that if I were to go out and buy a Star Tribune right now, I'd be able to find a at least a handful of mistakes in a "professional" publication that was supposed to have been carefully looked at by both a writer and an editor before it went to print. I guess that I could suggest that every person at the Star Tribune should be fired if I find just one error. Sound fair, Pat? (I know you're going to read this).

yea the dude is a total d*ck and is the essential definition of a click artist. but what he said about Goetz isn't wrong in the least. i have nothing against her, but to think that her name would rise as a serious candidate thru an open-market search, given her resume to this point, is really fishing. not because she's a female - her resume simply isn't there. wishing her the best though as she deserves a fair shake given the Norwood situation and being thrust into this

Reusse is a jerk and a hack...that said, he clearly copied the right intern this time. We are a B1G school with a huge athletic budget with many issues. We need to pay, and pay a lot, for a professional, experienced AD with who is ready to deal with these issues from Day 1 with no allegiances to any current staff and a big time football background.

Winnipegopher: U shouldn't listen to Reusse concerning any hire

That said, Kill as AD is a straw man. I am almost 100% sure he doesn't want it and the U doesn't really want a football coach in the role. As for Goetz, I don't know her background but do know a current NBA coach raves about her abilities.

What he doesn't get into is that hiring an AD is difficult, much more difficult than hiring a coach. Coaches are based on wins and losses but what do you hire an AD on? Wins and losses? How do we know the coach didn't get lucky with the coach (Teague/Shaka Smart)? Financial management experience? Can't staff bring that? Proven fundraising? But does someone without roots bring that skill?

How has Goetz looked like a deer in the headlights? She may not be qualified for the full-time gig, but I think she has handled things well.

Kill wouldn't want it or take it if offered. Rebecca would make sure of that.

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Cannot disagree with him. This is a plum job for an athletic administrator.

Call me a contrarian, but if it were up to me, I'd hire Beth Goetz in a heartbeat. Many correctly have said that if we were to do a candidate search, her name would not come up on the list.

However, she has been the interim AD through some very difficult times. She basically walked into a big time pressure job that had serious credibility issues. She has handled this with incredible savvy and most people have moved on from the scandal. I say she possesses strong enough intangibles that are proven during a difficult time. As far as I know, we haven't had any donors pull back on their donation to the project. Ground has been broken for the Athletic Facility. She is also uniquely qualified to represent the U in Title IX issues.

The "system" brought us Maturi and Teague. We have a known product in Beth Goetz.

Call me a contrarian, but if it were up to me, I'd hire Beth Goetz in a heartbeat. Many correctly have said that if we were to do a candidate search, her name would not come up on the list.

However, she has been the interim AD through some very difficult times. She basically walked into a big time pressure job that had serious credibility issues. She has handled this with incredible savvy and most people have moved on from the scandal. I say she possesses strong enough intangibles that are proven during a difficult time. As far as I know, we haven't had any donors pull back on their donation to the project. Ground has been broken for the Athletic Facility. She is also uniquely qualified to represent the U in Title IX issues.

The "system" brought us Maturi and Teague. We have a known product in Beth Goetz.


with frikin' laser beams....

Well played sir....

As for the rest could not agree more with Kill not being a fit for the AD position. He had to walk away from the job he loved for health reasons due in large part to stress, whatever he chooses to do once he is feeling better, it needs to be something low pressure and low stress. AD for a power 5 conference team does not fall in that category.

As for Goetz, she should definitely be a candidate for the position but she also shouldn't be given the job based on being a woman and being on hand already. If they conduct a search and she earns it great, but they need to look and see who they can get first.

Timing of this column shows it's Reusse being Reusse. They're probably quite a ways off from hiring an AD. I think even Kill himself said he's not a candidate so why bring him up? Because the line about Kill's grammar is so god damn clever it has to be shared with the world, or at least Minnesota.

As for Goetz, everything so far indicates she's very good at her job. The times I've seen her, she certainly doesn't have a "deer in the headlights" look. She's auditioning for the job right now. The big bucks people are the ones who matter--not those of us on GH. They'll have had enough interaction with her to either give their stamp of approval or make her quietly not chosen or push for somebody they'd rather have.

The guy needs topics daily. He needs attention from us (which I contribute to). At least he didn't fill up 2/3 of the space with his history lesson shtick going back to Marsh Ryman.

"If Kill wants to stay, he can raise funds at the behest of a new athletic director such as Craig Thompson, the Mountain West commissioner, a Minnesota graduate and a man fully experienced in creating dollars and dealing with people in athletics pushing different agendas."

I think even Kill himself said he's not a candidate so why bring him up?
Because he is being talked about by other media/fans. He's part of the at large discussion even if he excluded himself.

They should give a serious look at Pete Najarian.

1. Gopher alum
2. Former NFL player
3. Successful business man in the financial industry
4. Wants the job
5. Life long Minnesotan, knows the culture/community

I favor Najarian myself. He really seems to fit the part. Might need a haircut, though.

I get irritated with Reusse myself, but I can't believe the hostility towards him here. His shtick includes being obnoxious for laughs, just like half of the posters on this forum. He's still a pretty good writer.

I agree on Kill. On Beth, I don't think 'deer in headlights' is fair. Nor do I think how she handles press conferences is in the top 5 criteria for the job. I hope they don't just hand it to her. But assuming someone like Thompson isn't interested she should be a top candidate.

Whether Beth Goetz's resume by itself would have been strong enough to be seriously considered for the AD job doesn't mean she should not be given serious consideration. As far as I can tell, she is doing a good job of dealing with a difficult time for the Athletic Department, and that should account for a lot. That does not mean that others shouldn't be considered as well. Going forward, we need the best possible AD. I would love to see Jerry Kill associated with Minnesota sports in some capacity, but I tend to agree with Reusse (which seldom happens) that giving him the AD job is probably not a good idea. It will still be a high stress job, and I don't think Kill needs that at this point in his life.

While I agree with his conclusions, Reusse is a very sick man. He is so damaged and needs to lash out whenever possible to sooth his own pain, if only for a brief moment. He's like a predator.

It will either be Goetz or someone that most of us have never heard of. It's not going to be Thompson (though he would be good at it) and is certainly not going to be Najarian.

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