Reusse column: Gophs building off bowl glory for season ahead

He's a good writer and he's good at what he does. A columnist is supposed to try to generate debate and conversation. The problem I have with him is that he's full of bias (and also full of B.S.). For example, he likes to tick off Gopherholers and take shots at the U at any point he can. However, when it comes to the Twins, he'll give them pass after pass. Just think, the Twins are on their way to a third season where their winning percentage is going to likely be around 40%. And what does Ruesse do? Makes excuses and says Gardy's not to blame. If the Gophers go 4-8 for the next three years, do you think Reusse will be lobbying for Kill to save his job?


Agree with Breakin the Plane. The Twins for the most part get a pass.

Not true. He gives Gardy somewhat of a pass because in his words; a good manager can win you 2-4 games a year. He puts the blame for the Twins situation on poor drafting and continuously cites the abundance of poor trades made by Twins mgmt. And like the rest of us he often bring up the Nishioka debacle.

Every time this board blows up after one of his stories it totally justifies what he is doing. He is paid to write opinionated stories that stir the pot and get people riled up. That is his job, to savage the local teams and point out the negative side of things. And he is damn good at his job, yet every friggin time he writes a story like this one there is a portion of the posters on this board that go nuts and cry to the heavens wondering how can Pat not be in love with our Gophers?

It is clear he doesn't like Kill, he has made it very apparent he thinks the guy is putting on an act to win over the fanbase. But even if he liked Kill he would still attack the program until it gets to a point where it has actually accomplished something. He isn't paid to write fluffy puff pieces about how the team is improving and how they made significant strides in the bowl loss or spring ball. That is what a beat writer does and that is not what Pat is!

As far as I'm cancerned Fat Pat can take his poison pen, shove it up his posterior, then crawl under a rock and die. I don'r read what he says he's just a fat old fool who's beneath contempt.

Every time this board blows up after one of his stories it totally justifies what he is doing. He is paid to write opinionated stories that stir the pot and get people riled up. That is his job, to savage the local teams and point out the negative side of things. And he is damn good at his job, yet every friggin time he writes a story like this one there is a portion of the posters on this board that go nuts and cry to the heavens wondering how can Pat not be in love with our Gophers?

It is clear he doesn't like Kill, he has made it very apparent he thinks the guy is putting on an act to win over the fanbase. But even if he liked Kill he would still attack the program until it gets to a point where it has actually accomplished something. He isn't paid to write fluffy puff pieces about how the team is improving and how they made significant strides in the bowl loss or spring ball. That is what a beat writer does and that is not what Pat is!

Ruesse is Gardy's lap dog. I believe Pat goes by the name Fluffy Puff over at Target Field.

In fairness, Reusse can be a very talented writer. His columns about town-team baseball and MIAC football are excellent reading.

But, it's like he's got this Jeckyl & Hyde thing going on. He'll write a really nice column, then turn around and dash off another "the gopher stink" column that he can (and probably does) write in his sleep.

Having said that, he does have a point. The Gophers lost the bowl game, and lost it by blowing a lead in the final minutes. Yes, the coaches have a right to say it was a positive experience for the team, but Reusse has a right to point out that the Gophers lost the game. Of course, he could do that without being sarcastic, but that's his style.

He's admitted that he writes columns like this specifically to tick off Gopher fans and see what kind of reaction he gets.

And one more thing - the guy has lost a ton of weight, so the "Fat Pat" stuff doesn't work any more.

And one more thing - the guy has lost a ton of weight, so the "Fat Pat" stuff doesn't work any more.

Don't worry, it's just a matter of time before he passes by an Old Country Buffet and falls off the wagon. Miserable f's like Fatrick eventually revert back to their old ways. Just look at how he writes.

In closing, I never read his articles. I'm amused by those who do and get upset. Why give him the pleasure? Fatrick is nothing more than a very heavy deckchair on the STRIB-Titanic. Gopher football will be around long after that ship sinks. Just ignore that garbage.

Go Gophers!

Reusse just tweeted: "...Can't stop pounding chests over blowing game to subpar, could-care-less Texas Tech team, I have sacred duty to take shots. Such is life..."

He obviously doesn't understand what "pounding your chest" really means. Trying to focus on the positives when rebuilding a program is not being arrogant.

I have a hard time believing that the Bull Sh!tter Reusse controls the emotions of so many of our GH posters.

How do I know that Reusse is a bull Sh!tter? It's easy. It takes a bull sh!tter to recognize who a bull sh!tter is.

I will repeat my earlier comment. You guys are suckers to get sucked in by a bull sh!tter.

He's lucky he doesn't fill at my pharmacy.....He'd be receiving placebo instead of simvastatin, metformin, and ....of course Viagra :)

We already know Reusse reads Gopherhole...I'm sure he's just trolling for responses again. Nobody listens to him on 1500 so he needs to get attention from somewhere.

We already know Reusse reads Gopherhole...I'm sure he's just trolling for responses again. Nobody listens to him on 1500 so he needs to get attention from somewhere.

Obviously the part about no one listening isn't true. If that were the case he wouldn't be on the air during drive time which is one of the key ratings times for radio stations. He may be hated here for his attitude towards the U but I guarantee he is not hurting for attention.

Bottom line he is doing the job he is paid to do and doing it quite well given how pissed off most of you seemed to be at him all the time.

Obviously the part about no one listening isn't true. If that were the case he wouldn't be on the air during drive time which is one of the key ratings times for radio stations. He may be hated here for his attitude towards the U but I guarantee he is not hurting for attention.

Bottom line he is doing the job he is paid to do and doing it quite well given how pissed off most of you seemed to be at him all the time.

Of course the "doing it quite well" part is your opinion.

Of course the "doing it quite well" part is your opinion.

His job is to be opinionated and stir the pot, based on the reaction he draws around here I would say he is doing his job quite well. I still think there are a lot of people in here that expect him to be an objective beat reporter but that isn't what the Trib or 1500 pay him to be. Just cracks me up how pissed people get in here about his articles when they should expect nothing less out of him since he is doing his job.

His job is to be opinionated and stir the pot, based on the reaction he draws around here I would say he is doing his job quite well. I still think there are a lot of people in here that expect him to be an objective beat reporter but that isn't what the Trib or 1500 pay him to be. Just cracks me up how pissed people get in here about his articles when they should expect nothing less out of him since he is doing his job.

He is clearly more intelligent than many of the posters here who claim to hate him and never read his articles over and over again. Yet, here they are commenting on every article he writes and giving him the attention he wants. He plays the readers here like a fiddle.

Any station/newspaper that pays people to p!$$ off fans doesn't deserve the support of the fans. (Duh!) Beyond that, I am really looking forward to watching this team. I am sure there will be many more great surprises than disappointments for a change. It isn't long ago we were losing to Dakota teams and a team from Northern Illinois. I look for that signature win this year with a solid D and power running. Finally.

He is clearly more intelligent than many of the posters here who claim to hate him and never read his articles over and over again. Yet, here they are commenting on every article he writes and giving him the attention he wants. He plays the readers here like a fiddle.

Well said, but be careful or you'll be called a Reusse lover.

He is clearly more intelligent than many of the posters here who claim to hate him and never read his articles over and over again. Yet, here they are commenting on every article he writes and giving him the attention he wants. He plays the readers here like a fiddle.

Kinda like those who claim they're big Gophers fans, yet only post to rip on other fans or their "favorite" team?

Funny story about Patrick. When Mason's Gophers went out to play Cal mama and I decided it was a good trip to hit the wine country and San Fran. Actually two very funny incidents. Ran into Maturi, wife, and family at Pier 39. Let me just say, he was feeling no pain! We started talking with him and his wife dragged him away because he was slurring his words! On game day we were down in Cal's version of Dinkytown about 90 minutes before kickoff. We saw Reusse and his son coming out of Famous Amous Cookies and Pat had a huge bag of cookies he was wolfing down. If you have ever been to the stadium in Berkley you know that sets on a bluff and the walk to get there from the bars/Resturant's is a steep climb of close to a quarter of a mile. We got about halfway up and
there was Reusse and his son. Pat was taking a breather and looked like a heart attack waiting to
happen, but still clutching the bag of cookies! I actually felt sorry for him.

Kinda like those who claim they're big Gophers fans, yet only post to rip on other fans or their "favorite" team?

LOL - That certainly describes some of the posters here! I used think that is just the way it is here but then I started reading The Daily Gopher. That made we realize that there is whole generation of young, hip gopher football fans out there that are not as jaded as those here. Hopefully, they are the future.

LOL - That certainly describes some of the posters here! I used think that is just the way it is here but then I started reading The Daily Gopher. That made we realize that there is whole generation of young, hip gopher football fans out there that are not as jaded as those here. Hopefully, they are the future.

TDG is awesome. And we don't have to deal with Souhan or Reusse, either.

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