Reusse column: Gophs building off bowl glory for season ahead

Ouch. I clicked on the link and read the whole article. He sure dislikes Kill. Unfortunately I remember that Wisconsin game he refers to. I can recall taking something and throwing it at the radio when the Gophers got jobbed on a huge call. Man, that was a tough loss. Reusse is able to make fun of the Gophers and dredge up the first loss that ever got to me. Hit with a combination.

That's a shame because if there was one coach I would think Reusse could like, it's Kill.

Now Brewster? I was not surprised at all they got off on the wrong foot from the very first press conference.

I usually enjoy Reusse, but this column was pretty weak. For example:

"It should be clear to all of us: The Gophers are coming off their greatest bowl achievement in 51 seasons."

This is a straw man argument, a classic logical fallacy generally associated with disingenuous intent.

Lazy, lazy lazy, and an utter waste of time.

Pat, you should do better than this.

Obviously the part about no one listening isn't true. If that were the case he wouldn't be on the air during drive time which is one of the key ratings times for radio stations. He may be hated here for his attitude towards the U but I guarantee he is not hurting for attention.

Bottom line he is doing the job he is paid to do and doing it quite well given how pissed off most of you seemed to be at him all the time.

First, let me say that I listen to Reusse and 1500. He was clearly trolling with this column and was just looking for a reaction. I like him more often than not, but it is clear he thinks the Gophers' best attribute is that they're an easy target.

Having said that, 1500 is on fumes. The link below gives broad ratings and does not break down demographics such as gender and age, which is of utmost importance. But KFAN is is doubling 1500's ratings and is generally ticking upward while 1500 remains stagnant. Reusse is not in drive time because so many people listen to him -- it's because he's merely the best in a group of assets that radio listeners largely ignore.

First, let me say that I listen to Reusse and 1500. He was clearly trolling with this column and was just looking for a reaction. I like him more often than not, but it is clear he thinks the Gophers' best attribute is that they're an easy target.

Having said that, 1500 is on fumes. The link below gives broad ratings and does not break down demographics such as gender and age, which is of utmost importance. But KFAN is is doubling 1500's ratings and is generally ticking upward while 1500 remains stagnant. Reusse is not in drive time because so many people listen to him -- it's because he's merely the best in a group of assets that radio listeners largely ignore.

1500 is basically unlistenable to me. That promo they constantly air where Jeff Dubay stutters his way through a Mason-apologist rant makes me turn it off every single time.

1500 is basically unlistenable to me. That promo they constantly air where Jeff Dubay stutters his way through a Mason-apologist rant makes me turn it off every single time.

That is so bad. Dubay is unlistenable.

Enjoyed Souhan's rant a few days ago about how bad ESPN(tv) has gotten.

Ruesse has so many deep-seeded psychological issues that he could keep one therapist busy for an eternity: failure at sports, failure at college, failure to please his father, failure at marriage (well, I'll give him that one), alcoholism, chose a career in a dying field, etc. In the end, he needs to make everyone feel as miserable as he does. Like the many other TC writers who didn't graduate from college, he hates every aspect of them.

Ruesse could retire in a heartbeat if he wanted to. The industry is dying now, but he could care less. When he got into it, it was thriving and he made a great living.

I'll give you everything else.

1500 is basically unlistenable to me. That promo they constantly air where Jeff Dubay stutters his way through a Mason-apologist rant makes me turn it off every single time.

Yup, I remember hearing it live. You can say it was a mistake a decade later but at the time it was undoubtedly the right decision.

You know college football seasonis nearly upoud when Reusse breaks out the rip column

I for one am hoping that Hageman can do enough to be recalled fondly, just to be mentioned this year with the names of Bell or Eller would be a good honor if he could have a large impact. He will likely not measure up to there past glory but I think he can do a lot to help this version of the Gophers win some unexpected Victory's. All it takes is one uncommon unexpected Victory to start something different, I know were always optimistic this time of year but the end of last season doesn't make us feel overconfident that the Gophers will become world beaters like Reusse implies and I don't put the head coach in that camp either.
Funny thing is Reusse is old enough to remember the Glory years with the great names like Bell and Eller that are nothing more than newspaper articles, black and white videos and a long ago storied past for most of us. I think he likes to take jabs at the Gophers because they let what was once great sour so bad for decades.
Until the Gophers actually break out and win something and actually surprise people Reusse will continue with this line of thought and easily written column.
The negatives will continue with there pot shots and stirring the pot comments in the newspaper especially all of the Hawkeye and Badger fans that live in town about unfounded Gopher optimisim.

Reusse is somewhat of a Gopher fan he does show interest, but he has a funny way of showing it and he does like to stir up the Gopherholers as a collective
group I think he takes joy in this. I would love to have some memories of great names like Bell and Eller but for most of us
the best we can do is Tyrone Carter , Marion Barber III, Laurence Maroney and Darrel Thompson these days. Hopefully we all will get some new names that we can recall fondly in the years to come

Reusse writes and talks .. we read and listen .. he gets paid, his employers make money. Simple. That's his job, to sell his thoughts on both the radio and in print. His bosses, the Trib and KSTP - love all of this for the ratings. Sell, sell. What else is new? He doesn't 'hate' the Gophers, it's just a convenient way to make money these days. Patrick has bought into the profit margin mentality. How many of us wouldn't - given the opportunity??

I cut reusse a lot of slack because he knows how it was to win. everything since then has been garbage. it's like going back to your awesome neighborhood 30 yrs later and it is now slums. You tell anyone who will listen how it use to be.
sure if you were a change agent you might roll up your sleeves and start trying to help out in the neighborhood but those types are once in a lifetime people.

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