Remove the name Paterno from the Big Ten Championship Trophy

I think this might drive all the names off the trophies. That way, the Big Ten can save face by saying they aren't removing Paterno's name, just dropping all the names. Besides, if you're going to put names on the trophies, how can you leave off Yost (198-35-12, 10 Big Ten titles and outscored opponents 555-0 in 1901) and Williams (141-32-12, 8 Big Ten titles)?

Joe may not have actually molested the boys, but his inaction did allow more boys to be molested and/or raped (allegedly). And that is inexcusable, period. Someone tweeted this, but when you hear that a child is being molested or raped, you don't call the AD - you call the cops, the National Guard, the Army, the President until you get this stopped.

I don't care who it is or how long they've been a close friend of mine or whatever - there is no excuse for harming a child like that. NONE. JoePa basically kept quiet about this for many years while others boys were allegedly being harmed. That is not acceptable by any standard.

There is so much about this situation that perplexes me to no end, but one thing that continues to bother me that I don't feel has gotten enough attention is the fact that despite having been told about specific instances involving Sandusky and these kids, the action taken was to ban him from bringing kids on to campus. That's not a move to protect additional kids from being harmed. It's a move to protect Penn State, it's image, and Joe Paterno.

And even still, they never did enforce this rule. Thus, how on earth could Paterno, McQueary, and everyone else associated with this program who absolutely was aware of at least rumors regarding Sandusky (the State College ESPN radio station guy confirmed via ESPN radio yesterday that there have been rumors about Sandusky for years), stand and watch Sandusky come to practices and games up until 2009, I believe, and not wonder what he was doing with them?

What must Paterno and company been thinking when they saw him with these boys, knowing of what had happened years ago, and was likely still happening? Why didn't they do anything, even though multiple opportunities were presented to them to act?

The answer can only be that every one of them wanted to look the other way, and protect themselves, their careers, their images.

It's a trajedy in so many respects, the least of which is that Paterno's name should in fact be removed from a trophy.

Joe may not have actually molested the boys, but his inaction did allow more boys to be molested and/or raped (allegedly). And that is inexcusable, period. Someone tweeted this, but when you hear that a child is being molested or raped, you don't call the AD - you call the cops, the National Guard, the Army, the President until you get this stopped.

I don't care who it is or how long they've been a close friend of mine or whatever - there is no excuse for harming a child like that. NONE. JoePa basically kept quiet about this for many years while others boys were allegedly being harmed. That is not acceptable by any standard.

+1 billion...this is what I've been saying all along

There is so much about this situation that perplexes me to no end, but one thing that continues to bother me that I don't feel has gotten enough attention is the fact that despite having been told about specific instances involving Sandusky and these kids, the action taken was to ban him from bringing kids on to campus. That's not a move to protect additional kids from being harmed. It's a move to protect Penn State, it's image, and Joe Paterno.

And even still, they never did enforce this rule. Thus, how on earth could Paterno, McQueary, and everyone else associated with this program who absolutely was aware of at least rumors regarding Sandusky (the State College ESPN radio station guy confirmed via ESPN radio yesterday that there have been rumors about Sandusky for years), stand and watch Sandusky come to practices and games up until 2009, I believe, and not wonder what he was doing with them?

What must Paterno and company been thinking when they saw him with these boys, knowing of what had happened years ago, and was likely still happening? Why didn't they do anything, even though multiple opportunities were presented to them to act?

The answer can only be that every one of them wanted to look the other way, and protect themselves, their careers, their images.

It's a trajedy in so many respects, the least of which is that Paterno's name should in fact be removed from a trophy.

Couldn't have said it any better.

There is so much about this situation that perplexes me to no end, but one thing that continues to bother me that I don't feel has gotten enough attention is the fact that despite having been told about specific instances involving Sandusky and these kids, the action taken was to ban him from bringing kids on to campus. That's not a move to protect additional kids from being harmed. It's a move to protect Penn State, it's image, and Joe Paterno.

And even still, they never did enforce this rule. Thus, how on earth could Paterno, McQueary, and everyone else associated with this program who absolutely was aware of at least rumors regarding Sandusky (the State College ESPN radio station guy confirmed via ESPN radio yesterday that there have been rumors about Sandusky for years), stand and watch Sandusky come to practices and games up until 2009, I believe, and not wonder what he was doing with them?

What must Paterno and company been thinking when they saw him with these boys, knowing of what had happened years ago, and was likely still happening? Why didn't they do anything, even though multiple opportunities were presented to them to act?

The answer can only be that every one of them wanted to look the other way, and protect themselves, their careers, their images.

It's a trajedy in so many respects, the least of which is that Paterno's name should in fact be removed from a trophy.
Very well stated. When the culture of Penn State was to protect the school and its coaches/administrators instead of the kids being molested, everyone that knew and did not do everything in their power to prevent more kids from being molested is guilty by association including Paterno. Maybe not in a court of law, but what were they thinking! If the culture is that rotten everyone in power needs to go! Why would any father/mother want their son go to play football for Penn State now after that culture has been exposed?

This is not a legal is a moral one. Any person that looks the other way when little boys or girls are being raped by grown men should be held accountable...doing what is legally required is not the same thing as doing the right thing. If I was Father to the boy that was being raped in the shower I can assure you Sandusky, Joe Pa and several others would be dead. And if i was walking through a locker room and say a little boy getting raped by a 50 year old man...I would call the cops shortly after I castrated the MFer...and thats how I feel. Joe Pa is dead to me and as far as I am concerned...every little boy that Sandusky has molested in the last 12 years is on Joe Pa and the others that covered it up...rot in hell you cowards.

Thus, how on earth could Paterno, McQueary, and everyone else associated with this program who absolutely was aware of at least rumors regarding Sandusky (the State College ESPN radio station guy confirmed via ESPN radio yesterday that there have been rumors about Sandusky for years), stand and watch Sandusky come to practices and games up until 2009, I believe, and not wonder what he was doing with them?

What must Paterno and company been thinking when they saw him with these boys, knowing of what had happened years ago, and was likely still happening? Why didn't they do anything, even though multiple opportunities were presented to them to act?

The answer can only be that every one of them wanted to look the other way, and protect themselves, their careers, their images.

It's a trajedy in so many respects, the least of which is that Paterno's name should in fact be removed from a trophy.

Excellent and thoughtful analysis. Yes, what could Paterno and McQueary been thinking? McQueary observed a crime against a child, and Paterno knew about it. At that point no one should look away or do the minimum.

While I don't agree with the sentiments in the final sentence of GopherinPhilly's post above. The lack of action on JoePa's part has now tied the Paterno name to a rapist for eternity. The first thing that people will think of when they hear "Joe Paterno" going forward will be about this case and not him being the all-time winningest coach in NCAA history. It's Paterno's fault he is losing his job and his legacy is tarnished. If he had dialed 3 numbers (9-1-1), he wouldn't be in this position. It's cut and dry.

Like others have stated before it makes me sad to see Paterno go down like this and angry to think of the pain the kids went through. It's too bad but both of these, to an extent, could have been prevented.

JoePa needs to resign now and come forth with an apology for not reporting the incidents at the time. To allow him to remain to the end of the season seems to me to be a ruse for him to garner the "final season" accolades of a "respected" coach retiring on best terms.

No bleep.

You're Catholic, right?

Joe Pedophile is according to his bio. He probably doesn't see what he did (or lacked doing) as wrong, based on how a the current and previous popes have handled things. JoePa is the Pope of State College.

This is not a legal is a moral one. Any person that looks the other way when little boys or girls are being raped by grown men should be held accountable...doing what is legally required is not the same thing as doing the right thing. If I was Father to the boy that was being raped in the shower I can assure you Sandusky, Joe Pa and several others would be dead. And if i was walking through a locker room and say a little boy getting raped by a 50 year old man...I would call the cops shortly after I castrated the MFer...and thats how I feel. Joe Pa is dead to me and as far as I am concerned...every little boy that Sandusky has molested in the last 12 years is on Joe Pa and the others that covered it up...rot in hell you cowards.

very well said. Anyone with a lick of common sense would have followed through with reporting this incident. Joe Paterno is a coward who needs to resign immediatley.

I got through victim #2 and had to stop. So forgive me if any of this was covered. From what I've read and heard I still don't understand why this is mostly focused on Paterno. Is he to blame? Certainly and for a few reasons. Why is no one questioning the morals of the State College police department? What about the assistant principal Turchetta who banned Sandusky from the school and called his actions suspicious? He reported it to the "proper authorities" and nothing came of it. If it was you would you have accepted it and moved on or would you have tried to get someone to dig deeper as this was one of your students? I could go on with more examples but I think you get the point.

This is much bigger than Paterno or PSU possibly trying to cover something up. This is about the entire city and surrounding area trying to protect their image and their beloved schools image. I ask again, where were the real authorities on this? Someone in position knew about all of this and did nothing.

very well said. Anyone with a lick of common sense would have followed through with reporting this incident. Joe Paterno is a coward who needs to resign immediatley.

TCO'd - And deserving.

Good start by the board. Why does McQuery keep his job? Does PSU think they need the O.C. to win the division? He was a 28 year old man who tucked and ran to daddy instead of saving that boy. Shameful.

Good start by the board. Why does McQuery keep his job? Does PSU think they need the O.C. to win the division? He was a 28 year old man who tucked and ran to daddy instead of saving that boy. Shameful.

Yep, what a pvssy. This guy deserves a beat down.

I bet McQuerry is gone by Saturday as well. He has to be.

Joe Pa did the worst thing ANY college coach has done to win and should be banned from the game for life, including the hall of fame.

Paterno earned the honor of having the trophy named after him with a stellar career, built on hard work and toeing the line. Unfortunately, that's all gone due to his action (or inaction). Even if Paterno's not guilty of anything in a legal sense, it doesn't matter. He's already been tried and convicted in the court of public opinion. Decades of hard work on tarnished by this. No matter how small Paterno's part in this disgusting sequence of events is, is of little consequence at this point. When it's all said and done, more people worldwide will identify Paterno by his part in this, not by his coaching record.

you have sick sense of honor.

You're Catholic, right?

Joe Pedophile is according to his bio. He probably doesn't see what he did (or lacked doing) as wrong, based on how a the current and previous popes have handled things. JoePa is the Pope of State College.
Ridiculous. I am not Catholic but went to Catholic school and I think I can safely say Catholics do not believe that pedophilia is ok.

Ridiculous. I am not Catholic but went to Catholic school and I think I can safely say Catholics do not believe that pedophilia is ok.

It's NOT ok, goshdarnit! And i can assure you that any priest caught molesting children will be given at MOST three warnings to stop, and if they insist on continuing will receive a STERN lecture and maybe even a transfer to a new parish!

Ridiculous. I am not Catholic but went to Catholic school and I think I can safely say Catholics do not believe that pedophilia is ok.

well the higher ups looked the other way and even sent some to Soup town to a deaf school, kind of like Joe Pa looking the other way

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