Remove the name Paterno from the Big Ten Championship Trophy

well the higher ups looked the other way and even sent some to Soup town to a deaf school, kind of like Joe Pa looking the other way
kellyleeks was saying all Catholics believe its ok, which is FAR from true. I hate people that make general statements like that and think it's fine.

kellyleeks was saying all Catholics believe its ok, which is FAR from true. I hate people that make general statements like that and think it's fine.

true that is an unfair generalization, but church is a place where kids should always be safe and I think that the catholic people should of rose up and removed all the leadership after evidence of them covering up these scandals happened.

Keeping his name on the trophy might be the least of JoePa's worries. They've pointedly said he's not the subject of any criminal investigation, but. All of this wasn't accomplished with everyone automatically knowing what to do (or not do). There were conversations about what was going on. People are going to be questioned further about their actions. If the feds get involved, and it looks like they will, people are going to think about themselves first when words like "conspiracy" and "obstruction of justice" get brought up. On one show last night they asked a lawyer what Paterno should do now, and the lawyer said that he should shut up and not say anything. That's lawyer advice, but Joe Pa ain't out of the legal woods yet. Pedophiles aren't the greatest witnesses, but do you think Sandusky might have some interesting things to say about how he was able to keep operating?

Also, the victims, as far as I know, haven't spoken to the press yet. That's going to happen. I suspect there might be stories there that Paterno and Penn State aren't going to want being told about Sandusky taking them to games or arranging for the kid to meet a player or even JoePa himself. This will be even a lot more emotional when we hear from the victims themselves.

Doubt Paterno is going to be charged, but that possibility is still out there and the PR bombs are still going to go off. Little early to declare the "healing process" started like some are saying.

I heard someone on Mike and Mike this morning, cant' remember the name, that said that Sandusky brought down Penn State Football not Joe Paterno. I can't agree with that at all. If Paterno, the AD, the President, and McQueary do what they should have Sandusky is removed, arrested, and in jail years ago. Penn State would have recovered and Joe Paterno would have turned out fine. Instead these men brought down the program by silence and allowing Sandusky to still around the program.

His name should be removed in the interim until the courts and lawsuits run their course.

Good start by the board. Why does McQuery keep his job? Does PSU think they need the O.C. to win the division? He was a 28 year old man who tucked and ran to daddy instead of saving that boy. Shameful.

Penn State needs to do a wholesale housecleaning, and not just in the football team. Paterno isn't the only one with dirty hands. It is baffling that this guy sees this happening, and doesn't intervene. You get the kid out of there and call the police. Instead, he calls his father as if he has to make such a difficult choice, and then passes the buck to Paterno. If he had reason to fear for his own position, that seems to indicate that there was a culture of covering things up, that things would go badly for whistle blowers.

He did what he was supposed to do!!!! Report to his superiors. The man was NOT on his staff at the time. Should he have checked if it was followed up on, probably, but he did immediately report it. HE STAYS ON THE TROPHY!!! Bigtensupporter you belong where your monicer states around some crotch!

Then he should have called the cops and not his superiors if he was not on staff. Usually, the best protocol for any business is that if a crime happens, dial 9-1-1, then you tell your superiors. The jackass deserved his fate.

I heard someone on Mike and Mike this morning, cant' remember the name, that said that Sandusky brought down Penn State Football not Joe Paterno. I can't agree with that at all. If Paterno, the AD, the President, and McQueary do what they should have Sandusky is removed, arrested, and in jail years ago. Penn State would have recovered and Joe Paterno would have turned out fine. Instead these men brought down the program by silence and allowing Sandusky to still around the program.

His name should be removed in the interim until the courts and lawsuits run their course.

The Empire (in this case the jockocracy) Strikes Back. We're going to be hearing a lot of this.

The trophies shouldn't have been named for people in the first place, much less living people.

Agree. The Las Vegas School System made the same mistake. I don't think that Paterno is a scoundrel, but Vegas has named some schools after some true scoundrels. They have since changed their policy - must be dead for at least 5 years.

kellyleeks said:
You're Catholic, right?

Joe Pedophile is according to his bio. He probably doesn't see what he did (or lacked doing) as wrong, based on how a the current and previous popes have handled things. JoePa is the Pope of State College.


In defense of kellyleeks, how many people who are crying for the heads of JoePa, McQueary, the PSU president, etc. would also be calling for the heads of Cardinals and the pope himself?

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