There is so much about this situation that perplexes me to no end, but one thing that continues to bother me that I don't feel has gotten enough attention is the fact that despite having been told about specific instances involving Sandusky and these kids, the action taken was to ban him from bringing kids on to campus. That's not a move to protect additional kids from being harmed. It's a move to protect Penn State, it's image, and Joe Paterno.
And even still, they never did enforce this rule. Thus, how on earth could Paterno, McQueary, and everyone else associated with this program who absolutely was aware of at least rumors regarding Sandusky (the State College ESPN radio station guy confirmed via ESPN radio yesterday that there have been rumors about Sandusky for years), stand and watch Sandusky come to practices and games up until 2009, I believe, and not wonder what he was doing with them?
What must Paterno and company been thinking when they saw him with these boys, knowing of what had happened years ago, and was likely still happening? Why didn't they do anything, even though multiple opportunities were presented to them to act?
The answer can only be that every one of them wanted to look the other way, and protect themselves, their careers, their images.
It's a trajedy in so many respects, the least of which is that Paterno's name should in fact be removed from a trophy.