Any father would in no way, shape, or form stand idly by and just report this to a superior. Joe Paterno is a father, and he did just that. For all intents and purposes, Paterno is the king piece at that school, and likely holds, or at the time held, as much as or more power than the school's president.
How much loyalty do you have to have to another person to allow this to happen and allow it to be swept under the rug??? This digs deep. Allowing it to be covered up is nearly as misguided as the act committed. You want to talk about winning with honor, Joe? How about living life and protecting the most vulnerable and impressionable of human beings with honor.
There are possibly 20 human lives that will not be lived to the fullest because of these crimes, and one could consider the potential psychological damage tantamount to murder if they become completely dependent on assistance programs and fail to contribute to society in the future because of this. It's not likely, and I don't blame you if you laugh because it's a ridiculous analogy, but a dead person takes less from society than one who can't function and needs support to do so.
Point is, they're all creeps. Take the name off the trophy.