Remove the name Paterno from the Big Ten Championship Trophy

Oh, wow. didn't even think about the trophy when the story broke.

Man, tough way to end a long era over in Happy Valley. Crash landing, Top Gun. Yikes.

Imagine if Penn St. goes to the BT championship and wins this trophy, all while Paterno is still coaching.

People need to stop acting like Joe's the one who actually molested the boys

He did what he was supposed to do!!!! Report to his superiors. The man was NOT on his staff at the time. Should he have checked if it was followed up on, probably, but he did immediately report it. HE STAYS ON THE TROPHY!!! Bigtensupporter you belong where your monicer states around some crotch!

The man was NOT on his staff at the time.

False. He was on his staff in 1998 when the first allegations broke. Joe Pa had a meeting with him telling him he would never be the coach of PSU. Sandusky then retired following the season. Get your facts straight.

Yes they are.

Take a moment to think this through. Think about what you are saying. If you are saying that people are acting like Joe Paterno was the one who had molested the boys, you are in fact saying that the reaction would be identical if Joe Paterno was the one who had molested these boys.

Had Joe Paterno been the one who had molested the boys, the reaction would have been unimaginably stronger. It wouldn't be a debate of whether he stepped down now or at the end of the season.

The man that Paterno reported the incident to was the head of campus police. I agree that Paterno could/should have done more, but was he part of a cover up? We don't know at this point.

The trophies shouldn't have been named for people in the first place, much less living people.

He did what he was supposed to do!!!! Report to his superiors. The man was NOT on his staff at the time. Should he have checked if it was followed up on, probably, but he did immediately report it. HE STAYS ON THE TROPHY!!! Bigtensupporter you belong where your monicer states around some crotch!
I honestly don't know where I stand on this issue. Part of mean leans this way. He did what he was supposed to do. Should he have done more? Obviously, yes, but we don't know the situation. Did he go back to the AD and talk to them again at all about the incident? Legally, he can't be charged with anything. He can't even fall under the 'mandatory reporting' because he did not see anything. The whole situation is just very sad, disturbing, and gross. I don't know where I stand, all I know is I felt a lot different 7 days ago about Paterno. It is sad to see a career as great as his end this way.

False. He was on his staff in 1998 when the first allegations broke. Joe Pa had a meeting with him telling him he would never be the coach of PSU. Sandusky then retired following the season. Get your facts straight.
This is what I have a problem with. There is so much we don't know. All we know is what the media tells us. Who knows if Paterno told him to find a new job or retire?

The o.c. McQuery did not go in and kick Sandusky's ass and save the boy in the shower. He then told Paterno who did not pursue this and covered it up for 12 years. McQuery, and Paterno need to be fired now. This transcendes football, PSU, Paterno, ect. What about the kids? Read the 23 page grand jury report and tell me Paterno or Sandusky should be on the sideline ever.

He may have or may not have done the absolute minimum that he was legally required to. That isn't the same as doing what he is supposed to do. I haven't seen anything that said that mandatory reporting only involved what you had seen yourself.

Imagine if Penn St. goes to the BT championship and wins this trophy, all while Paterno is still coaching.

And they play against Nebraska that just lost their AAU accreditation.

Can we have contraction in the Big Ten.:rolleyes:

The name stays until this plays out. Naming after lving people is stupid. When was the name released? Given that Joe and PSU were before the Grand Jury in January, maybe a little warning could have prevented this.

Unless Joe is convicted of something, don't remove the name.

Take a moment to think this through. Think about what you are saying. If you are saying that people are acting like Joe Paterno was the one who had molested the boys, you are in fact saying that the reaction would be identical if Joe Paterno was the one who had molested these boys.

Had Joe Paterno been the one who had molested the boys, the reaction would have been unimaginably stronger. It wouldn't be a debate of whether he stepped down now or at the end of the season.

This. People are NOT acting as if Paterno molested children. If people were acting like Paterno had molested children they would be saying he should immediately be arrested, and face conviction and life behind bars where he would be abused by his fellow prisoners. You know, the kind of stuff they are saying about some dude named 'Sandusky'.

If you are so sure that poor Joe is being treated as if he molested children, please show me a link where any credible person has suggested this course of action.

The abuse of children makes me absolutely sick, but the 'Joe Paterno is a victim' bull is making me pretty sick as well.

This shouldn't be an issue right now. The baffling part of this to me is how a man can see this and restrain himself from destroying the SOB. I can not believe that this was viewed by another human being and it is now, a decade later, coming to light.

I really feel that Paterno is a minor player that got tangled up in a huge mess. I hate the fact that this is what makes Paterno retire. Paterno has been a man that has defined integrity, honesty and honor throughout his time at PSU. In this instance, Paterno did what he was required to do by the institution but in this case doing what he was required and doing the right thing were two completely different things. His actions didn't fit the magnitude of the allegations brought before him.

He did what he was supposed to do!!!! Report to his superiors. The man was NOT on his staff at the time. Should he have checked if it was followed up on, probably, but he did immediately report it. HE STAYS ON THE TROPHY!!! Bigtensupporter you belong where your monicer states around some crotch!

Would you feel this way if it was one of your kids who were molested?

Paterno earned the honor of having the trophy named after him with a stellar career, built on hard work and toeing the line. Unfortunately, that's all gone due to his action (or inaction). Even if Paterno's not guilty of anything in a legal sense, it doesn't matter. He's already been tried and convicted in the court of public opinion. Decades of hard work on tarnished by this. No matter how small Paterno's part in this disgusting sequence of events is, is of little consequence at this point. When it's all said and done, more people worldwide will identify Paterno by his part in this, not by his coaching record.

Reminds me of an old joke, "Aside from that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?"

Any father would in no way, shape, or form stand idly by and just report this to a superior. Joe Paterno is a father, and he did just that. For all intents and purposes, Paterno is the king piece at that school, and likely holds, or at the time held, as much as or more power than the school's president.

How much loyalty do you have to have to another person to allow this to happen and allow it to be swept under the rug??? This digs deep. Allowing it to be covered up is nearly as misguided as the act committed. You want to talk about winning with honor, Joe? How about living life and protecting the most vulnerable and impressionable of human beings with honor.

There are possibly 20 human lives that will not be lived to the fullest because of these crimes, and one could consider the potential psychological damage tantamount to murder if they become completely dependent on assistance programs and fail to contribute to society in the future because of this. It's not likely, and I don't blame you if you laugh because it's a ridiculous analogy, but a dead person takes less from society than one who can't function and needs support to do so.

Point is, they're all creeps. Take the name off the trophy.

I really feel that Paterno is a minor player that got tangled up in a huge mess. I hate the fact that this is what makes Paterno retire. Paterno has been a man that has defined integrity, honesty and honor throughout his time at PSU. In this instance, Paterno did what he was required to do by the institution but in this case doing what he was required and doing the right thing were two completely different things. His actions didn't fit the magnitude of the allegations brought before him.

Maybe Paterno wasn't the keystone of integrity we always thought.

46 players charged over a six year period is disturbing. Allowing your player to play in a bowl game after "accepting responsibility" for sexual assault is also disturbing.

When I think of Paterno now, I think of a guy who didn't go to bat for a young boy. If Paterno was really as great as people proclaim him to be, then he should have made sure that the issue was followed up. No his name doesn't deserve to be on the trophy. Its more than about football, its about sticking up for the "weak" maintaining ethics as well as common sense morals. Paterno doesn't fit the bill. He proved it. If you support his name, then you're rubbing it in to victims. Would you want that for your kids?

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