You do realize that your "loser" head coach Tim Brewster did lead this program to a bowl game this past season, right? And you throw out Greg Robinson as a comparison? You really think Robinson's situation is comparable to Brewster, a guy who led his team to a freaking bowl game? Robinson won 3 conference games in four years in a weak Big East. Brewster has been to a bowl game already.
I know you and dinkyguy are hoping and praying that Brewster fails, but jesus dude, the head coach of your football team did take this team to a bowl game. I know they had a late season collapse and the Iowa loss was embarrassing, but let's not go overboard in your goal of painting Brewster a failure.
And, yes, I'm sure Hayden Fry and Ron Zook and Gary Barnett never painted themselves as winners prior to turning their records around. Ever read Barnett's book? His entire focus was changing the culture at Northwestern - and yes, that meant creating things that put the program in a positive light even if there wasn't much positive going on. Hayden Fry? My gosh, I seem to recall he was a rather outspoken, boastful Texan who came in promising big things at Iowa long before he got to Pasadena.
I am just saying is you can create a positive spin on things and talk up the program without trying to proclaim yourself a winner before the fact. Simply stand up and say that you were an assistant coach with some very successful programs and that you are working to rebuild the Minnesota program, etc. Also, I never called him a loser, I just stated that at this point in time we don't know and his career could improve and become a winning record or stay the same or decline and end up with a losing record. I just prefer that the coach state the facts and not try and pump himself up before the work is done, i.e. winning. Also, I really hope that you have higher aspirations than what Iowa or Northwestern has ever done, as neither one has been a major player nationally for a long time.