Rakeem Buckles Update 9/3: NCAA Denies Appeal, Buckles Headed Back to FIU

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Nov 3, 2008
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A quick update on Rakeem Buckles per Chris Monter. It is looking more and more likely that Buckles will join the Gopher basketball program. He is finalizing some items at FIU now and hopes to have that completed soon.

Dang right! If his health is good, he'll be a key cog.

This is great news! I would love to hear about details/final confirmation.

I saw Monter's tweet, but wonder if he's basing it off any new information or a source, or if he was just speculating on the fact that the 13th scholarship is still being held open. Nobody else has had any new info for quite a while, and we're all just waiting for summer school to end at FIU, basically.

Has it been confirmed that Buckles would only have one year of eligibility? I don't know how much I want him if he has two.

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Has it been confirmed that Buckles would only have one year of eligibility? I don't know how much I want him if he has two.

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He's going to be a senior in basketball years, which means 1 year of eligibility. Now we would have a problem if he couldn't become eligible this year, because the plan is for him to get in and play this year, and then get out for the class of 2014.

He's going to be a senior my friend, which means 1 year of eligibility. Now we would have a problem if he couldn't become eligible this year, because the plan is for him to get in and play this year, and then get out for the class of 2014.

He's not going to be a senior, he's going to graduate this summer (hopefully) and use the post-grad transfer rule to attempt to come here. Though the NCAA has a clause saying that a graduate transfer needs to petition the NCAA if they've already transferred before (Louisville -> FIU). It's not a guarantee that he'd get approval if he tried, though I'd love to see him here.

Dear god, I sound like GW.

I need a shower.

He's not going to be a senior, he's going to graduate this summer (hopefully) and use the post-grad transfer rule to attempt to come here. Though the NCAA has a clause saying that a graduate transfer needs to petition the NCAA if they've already transferred before (Louisville -> FIU). It's not a guarantee that he'd get approval if he tried, though I'd love to see him here.

Dear god, I sound like GW.

I need a shower.

His team was also banned from post season play (I believe), so he should get a waiver from that if nothing else. If he graduates he should be eligible to play here right away.

Doogie reiterates what Monter is hearing: The Scoops: Gophers hoping to have FIU transfer Rakeem Buckles

"There will be NCAA hoops to jump through. It isn't just about his grades," a team source said. "It's not as cut and dry as Malik (Smith) or Joey's (King) case. ... We're still hopeful."

New FIU coach Anthony Evans confirmed Buckles' intentions to head to Minnesota as he addressed the school's student media group.

"There is some interest for Rakeem to go over to Minnesota," Evans said. "It's something he wants to do. You want to be at a place where you feel comfortable with people you like. He came here for coach (Richard) Pitino and he's going to Minnesota, he wants to join him."


Go Gophers!!

The King case is cut and dry? Can someone fill me in on that? Too lazy to do the research, haha.

Doogie reiterates what Monter is hearing: The Scoops: Gophers hoping to have FIU transfer Rakeem Buckles

"There will be NCAA hoops to jump through. It isn't just about his grades," a team source said. "It's not as cut and dry as Malik (Smith) or Joey's (King) case. ... We're still hopeful."

New FIU coach Anthony Evans confirmed Buckles' intentions to head to Minnesota as he addressed the school's student media group.

"There is some interest for Rakeem to go over to Minnesota," Evans said. "It's something he wants to do. You want to be at a place where you feel comfortable with people you like. He came here for coach (Richard) Pitino and he's going to Minnesota, he wants to join him."


Go Gophers!!

Hardship waiver (Family Illness) or something to that effect I believe?

Yep. Buckles should be able to get a waiver because his team is ineligible for the postseason and I believe he should have enough credits to graduate, but I think his situation is unique because he never actually played a game at FIU.

I think you're right, but I feel like I remember reading something in an interview that made it sound unlikely he would get it. I feel like he was looking at schools that weren't any closer to MN than Drake and something else (I don't remember).

Hardship waiver (Family Illness) or something to that effect I believe?

I think you're right, but I feel like I remember reading something in an interview that made it sound unlikely he would get it. I feel like he was looking at schools that weren't any closer to MN than Drake and something else (I don't remember).

I don't remember seeing anything that made it unlikely. I was just as surprised that he was looking at schools that were similar further from Drake, while at the same time he stated he was interested in using the family illness hardship waiver. It makes it seem like the hardship waiver was just a convenience at the U of M but he really just wanted to get away from Drake for some reason.

Gopher Hole: What others schools were you looking at besides Minnesota after you decided to transfer from Drake?

Joey King: Creighton and St. Louis.

Gopher Hole: Had you even set up plans to visit those two schools?

Joey King: I had plans to visit both.

I don't remember seeing anything that made it unlikely. I was just as surprised that he was looking at schools that were similar further from Drake, while at the same time he stated he was interested in using the family illness hardship waiver. It makes it seem like the hardship waiver was just a convenience at the U of M but he really just wanted to get away from Drake for some reason.


I feel like this has been discussed over and over and over again.

Joey wanted to play at MN. fact. Joey could not possibly know if MN had a spot for him or would even be interested in him when leaving Drake. Joey needed a scholarship next year as family situations dictate this as well. Obviously he needs to have back up schools should Minnesota not have a spot for him. Doesn't make the waiver any more or less real. It is a case where family situations made coming home a perfect option, but also required a scholarship. And the way the world works ($$$$$) the scholarship was priority number one. It is why he said he could not walk on at Minnesota as well.

That's exactly why I got the impression that he wouldn't get the waiver. I feel like the NCAA is pretty good at picking up on those situations.

It makes it seem like the hardship waiver was just a convenience at the U of M but he really just wanted to get away from Drake for some reason.


Andy Katz touched on the Buckles situation a little bit in his blog. He's saying Buckles needs to get eligible.

3. Minnesota got FIU's Malik Smith to transfer and play for Richard Pitino. Smith was cleared to play immediately. But the case of FIU's Rakeem Buckles isn't as simple. Buckles is headed to Minnesota and with the FIU APR ban he shouldn't have an issue playing immediately. Buckles still has to get eligible. He's currently finishing classes at FIU and can't get a waiver to play immediately until he leaves FIU in good academic standing. Pitino needs as many experienced bodies as possible. Buckles transferred to FIU from Louisville where Richard Pitino was an assistant to his father, Rick.


Andy Katz touched on the Buckles situation a little bit in his blog. He's saying Buckles needs to get eligible.

3. Minnesota got FIU's Malik Smith to transfer and play for Richard Pitino. Smith was cleared to play immediately. But the case of FIU's Rakeem Buckles isn't as simple. Buckles is headed to Minnesota and with the FIU APR ban he shouldn't have an issue playing immediately. Buckles still has to get eligible. He's currently finishing classes at FIU and can't get a waiver to play immediately until he leaves FIU in good academic standing. Pitino needs as many experienced bodies as possible. Buckles transferred to FIU from Louisville where Richard Pitino was an assistant to his father, Rick.


I just read this too. It's pretty good news, seems like he just needs to get his grades up etc...

That's exactly why I got the impression that he wouldn't get the waiver. I feel like the NCAA is pretty good at picking up on those situations.

Situations of families who don't have a lot of money and a child with cancer? You're right, the NCAA only approves waivers when you were suspended for a year with pending assault charges.

Situations of families who don't have a lot of money and a child with cancer? You're right, the NCAA only approves waivers when you were suspended for a year with pending assault charges.

Stop being a weird groupie and at least acknowledge that because King originally looks at schools further away from home, it may complicate his waiver.

Stop being a weird groupie and at least acknowledge that because King originally looks at schools further away from home, it may complicate his waiver.

I don't think it does at all. There are other factors that complicate it, sure, but looking at other schools I think has absolutely nothing to do with it and is a very very answerable question. Especially with how the NCAA has approved much more questionable waivers in the past.

But hey, name calling is always productive to a discussion!

If you need to leave school to be closer to home, which is why the waiver exists, looking at schools farther away form home complicates things, regardless of whether your personal involvement with King and his family allows you to acnknowledge it.

If you need to leave school to be closer to home, which is why the waiver exists, looking at schools farther away form home complicates things, regardless of whether your personal involvement with King and his family allows you to acnknowledge it.

I don't know whether it complicates things or not. I don't pretend to understand what the NCAA considers when they look at a potential waiver or if they consider what other schools an athlete may have looked at when trying to transfer. I also don't know King personally or anything about his situation. That being said.....the issue that has been raised again and again is certainly the first question that I asked too. A reasonable person can ask the proximity question without knowing his situation in depth. Closer to home is closer to home. Having a scholarship is having a scholarship. But transferring to another school (recognizing that a scholarship needs to be part of the equation) that isn't necessarily closer to home.....doesn't that contradict the reason for trying to get this type of waiver in the first place?

If you need to leave school to be closer to home, which is why the waiver exists, looking at schools farther away form home complicates things, regardless of whether your personal involvement with King and his family allows you to acnknowledge it.

I gave this example previously, I leave an out of state job to be closer to my sick child with Cancer. Unfortunately, no employer in my home state will hire me. Do I move home anyways and just not be able to pay for my child to get better or do I look at jobs outside of the state so I can support my child? I couldn't know what jobs awaiting me upon leaving my current position, but had to try to get closer to home regardless.

There are factors that the NCAA will have to make a decision on. I do not deny that, I just do not think that the schools issue is one of them. I think it is a very overblown issue on here. Especially with the NCAA's willingness to really take advantage of these PR opportunities.

I don't know whether it complicates things or not. I don't pretend to understand what the NCAA considers when they look at a potential waiver or if they consider what other schools an athlete may have looked at when trying to transfer. I also don't know King personally or anything about his situation. That being said.....the issue that has been raised again and again is certainly the first question that I asked too. A reasonable person can ask the proximity question without knowing his situation in depth. Closer to home is closer to home. Having a scholarship is having a scholarship. But transferring to another school (recognizing that a scholarship needs to be part of the equation) that isn't necessarily closer to home.....doesn't that contradict the reason for trying to get a waiver in the first place?

I think the issue comes down to not being able to know what scholarship opportunities awaited upon transferring.

Sure the intent could be to transfer closer to home, but if there is no scholarship available ... What are you suppose to do?

Trent Lockett transferred to be closer to his sick mother. When Minnesota had no scholarships, he wound up at Marquette. Does that mean he lied about his reasons for transferring?

Except NCAA players aren't making money so your scenario is irrelavant, and only the geographic reality of moving farther away in order to be closer is left.

You keep overlooking the fact that he didn't have to transfer.

And Milwaukee is much closer to Minneapolis than Arizona.

I think the issue comes down to not being able to know what scholarship opportunities awaited upon transferring.

Sure the intent could be to transfer closer to home, but if there is no scholarship available ... What are you suppose to do?

Trent Lockett transferred to be closer to his sick mother. When Minnesota had no scholarships, he wound up at Marquette. Does that mean he lied about his reasons for transferring?

Again from the outside looking in.....if no options closer to home, was staying at Drake an option? Not closer to home but still on scholarship. At some point it just looks like leaving Drake is the motive when other options are looked at. Transferring schools is completely acceptable. Getting the waiver is the question for me.

But I do hope he gets the waiver and more importantly his family situation works out.

Thanks for your insight on this scher.

Again from the outside looking in.....if no options closer to home, was staying at Drake an option? Not closer to home but still on scholarship. At some point it just looks like leaving Drake is the motive.

But I do hope he gets the waiver and more importantly his family situation works out.

Thanks for your insight on this scher.

I think it's the fact you've got to try. He could have just said, I'm at Drake and i suppose that is close enough. Instead he went for it and tried to transfer. Could he ask for his release and try and get Drake to take him back if MN had nothing available? Sure, you can try, I just think too big of a deal is being made of having back up plans being and covering his bases.

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