Question regarding Cretin and the ACT test

Didn't Coach Scanlan actually mention that SH should be "taking care of business" academically more than he was at some point this season?

btw, I just barely failed the entry exam for the US Army when I was 9. I was flunking half my classes & carrying a 1.61 GPA at 15 when I took the CAT's & scored in the top 1% in the nation for reading/comprehension/vocabulary. I got by for years in school by (mostly) doing nothing but acing tests. Tests are just easy for some people.

Didn't Coach Scanlan actually mention that SH should be "taking care of business" academically more than he was at some point this season?

I can't believe more people haven't blatantly stated the obvious here. This is absolutely shameful to even be in a postion were you might not get a free ride to any college institution in the nation just because you couldn't stay on top of your studies. Horribly pathetic to be even talking about this.

I can't believe more people haven't blatantly stated the obvious here. This is absolutely shameful to even be in a postion were you might not get a free ride to any college institution in the nation just because you couldn't stay on top of your studies. Horribly pathetic to be even talking about this.

My biggest issue was that he was traveling all over the country visiting schools and playing in all-star games when he should have been home focusing on academics. That asside, I hope folks realize that he could become qualified as soon as his grades come out or retake the test making all of this a moot point.

My biggest issue was that he was traveling all over the country visiting schools and playing in all-star games when he should have been home focusing on academics. That asside, I hope folks realize that he could become qualified as soon as his grades come out or retake the test making all of this a moot point.

The temptation to bask in the limelight as much as possible is understandable, but when you can get a football scholarship to pretty much any college you choose, you should be focusing on getting your academics in order so you can actually get admitted. A lot of recruits already have NFL stars in their eyes, but every football player should realize that they are one injury away from that college degree making a whole lot of difference in their lives. There are plenty of players with unrealistic goals of playing in the pros who don't have a fallback in place, but things can change even for those most likely to make the pros.

My biggest issue was that he was traveling all over the country visiting schools and playing in all-star games when he should have been home focusing on academics. That asside, I hope folks realize that he could become qualified as soon as his grades come out or retake the test making all of this a moot point.

What I posted earlier: " would certainly hope they wouldn't cheat. Maybe I'm being a bit naive here, but I just thought if there was any place where a student would have additional resources to assist with taking the ACT it would be Cretin.

Hopefully he passed last Saturday."

I asked the original question, not from a state of "knowing", but trying to gain understanding. I thought, or was lead to believe, that Cretin could best prepare one for unique situations such as this. Others have argued that test taking skills play a larger role than the school one attends. I appreciate their insights.

Anyway, I think that most of us can agree that the whole Henderson recruitment has been very complex. Like football there are many factors in this process.

I don't get why so many people struggle with the ACT

I know a lot of people that didn't even study in high school, or really work at it that scored 23, 24 and 25 on the ACT. This was at a really large suburban high school, not a private school.
There were really a lot of us "C" student's that scored 24's and 25's that got a lot of grief from the guidence counserlor's for having "crappy grades" but scoring decent on the test. I suggested back that far to many teachers give out far to much busy work for homework just to pass the time of day and look productive to the administration. Needless to say, a blank stare is all I received back.

Were all different learners and some do better at remebering thing's to take test well I guess. Really the test is not that difficult even if your not the best test taker. If you actually paid attention a little bit in class, remember some of what you learned and even did just some of the work you should be able to score an 18 to 20 without skipping a beat. You can even stink in some emphasis areas and overcome that.

Private and prep schools, especially those with powerhouse football reputations, around the country are notorious for "using" star athletes and then watching them flounder academically. If for four years all they've cared about is keeping the "student-athlete" eligible (2.0 GPAish) then the academic bar was never set for success on the ACT. Very few 2.0 students get 18+ on the ACT. The schools will never have that as a priority unless the parents demand it as part of the trade. Parents have to be savvy enough to know that there is no free ride and be willing to demand the same level of educational output that the school gets from the kid on the field. No matter where Seantrel goes to school, his lack of academic preparation should be an embarrassment to him, his parents and his school.

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