Look it's a guy who is a failure in his professional and personal life because he is either incompetent or lazy. He comes here for validation because he couldn't become a professor, couldn't even get a high school teaching job, so works a dead end job at the university where he can spend all day on a message board rather than trying to actually accomplish something.

And I'd still rather have him post here than you. Weird huh.

What an awesome win! Just got back to Indy after taking in the victory, and since I didn't see a "good/bad/ugly" thread, I'll post my short GBU thoughts here:

1) SHEDE! Holy cow...what a stud! Countless QB pressures, knocked down passes, and even an INT! I also saw him hustling to make a tackle or two on short WR screens/outs. He's slowly been justifying the preseason hype and his place in the NFL draft.

2) I thought Damien Wilson was excellent today as well. Two plays really stand out to me: 1) Chasing down an option play from inside out and just destroying the back after the pitch had been made -- super athletic play I haven't seen a Gopher LB make for a LONG time; 2) Making a play in the endzone in man-to-man coverage up the sideline when NW hustled to the line and had about half our defense scratching their heads and not even lined up.

3) I thought a VERY underrated part of this game was the great punting by Mortell! Field position was crucial in this close, low-scoring game, and I thought Mortell got off some beauties -- even into the wind early on. I was impressed by his consistency today.

4) Two FG's by Hawthorne. I know D1 kickers should make field goals under 45 yards pretty consistently, but it was damn windy out there today and nothing was a given.

5) Improvement on 3rd down on BOTH sides. There were some critical stops AND some critical conversions. If you win the turnover battle and the 3rd down battle, you're likely to win the game.

6) Screen pass to a RB! YES! Beautiful call at a critical juncture, and it was beautifully executed. Hope to see more of this!

1) Several poor throws to fairly wide open (by D1 standards) WR's. The one to Maxx on the "pop" pass was frustrating, but even more critical was the one to Wolitarsky (I think) on a 3rd down deep in NW territory. Beautiful play action, two open receivers, very poor pass.

2) Very sloppy play early in the game, I thought. I just kept turning to my wife saying how sloppy we were playing. Silly penalties like unsportsmanlike, false starts, illegal formation, etc. The overthrows, QB's not throwing it away, defenders missing tackles, OL whiffing on blocks, a punt being downed when it might have rolled like 10 more yards. Frustrating, silly mental mistakes for the most part. A couple of these things REALLY hurt us early in the game.

1) Officiating...obviously.

2) Tackling on NW's 1st Q TD drive. Wow, that was just bad. Wells flying in for the shoulder block instead of wrapping up on a critical 3rd down was just awful.

3) Marcus Jones punt returns. Holy yikes. You can tell the coaches were harping on him for not catching that first one (as well they should, because it cost us 10 - 15 yards in field position, and it's been happening ALL YEAR), but he was just straight up scared back there after that. They were smart to pull him.
I would add Engels TD great route. Triple move and great moves

Thanks Dr.Don - You are truly astute!

On a different thread, your close personal friend station19 called me a stute, and then asked me what a stute was. I told him it was an Alexandria yoot.

And I am rooting for our Gopher yoots to whoop Nebraska's corn huskas.

Interesting game. I think that even though Limegrover opened it up at times, we won in spite of him. I actually thought that our fellas came out ready to play in the Michigan game and Limegrover killed us throughout with his gameplan and I thought he darn near did it to us again today, but players persevered through some tough times and terrible calls and pulled out a great win. We'll win a game or two less this year because of our O coordinator that we would have otherwise. Having him around clouds my thinking as it relates to Kill because while I want Jerry to get better and to be on our sideline for 12 or 13 games a year, I don't see how anyone could think that Limegrover is the answer at O coordinator. I also think that overall our O line has underperformed even today for long stretches and those are his guys, too.

Claeys is great. He sucked at Michigan and admitted as much three or four times the past two weeks and comes out with a D ready to play

... not convinced Limegrover isn't a moron and/or overmatched. I have a hard time thinking about watching him call our O for the rest of this year much less for the entirely of Kill's tenure whatever that ends up being. It's been really bad and the two minute drills are worse than most 8th grade teams can muster.

Whatever your gripe is against Limegrover, from your posts from this game I've discovered someone I'm convinced is a moron.

Blame it on the players? A lot of times they don't get half a chance to compete with the play calling. I had a better 2 minute drill with my 5th grade team. When I read the multiple posts about it not being about Limegrover I think we as Gopher fans get what we deserve in a lot of ways.

This sums up your credibility. Let's take a vote on who thinks we should fire Limegrover and put you in charge. Or, maybe we could just borrow your playbook. You probably have your hands full trying to win a championship.

See, it's not my job to figure out how to move the football and score. That's HIS job.

Finally. Something you said that makes sense. Just curious...what exactly is your job. I hope it's nothing important and you do it privately. I doubt you could handle scrutiny.

Engel - Solid receiver as long as he doesn't need to be the #1 guy, not a weapon.
Williams - assuming you mean Maxx has shown some flashes of being a good player. He is one guy I would like to see them get the ball to more.
Maye - He has been a non factor for the most part since he got here. I know people are enamored with his speed but I don't see much that says he is going to be a great receiver or could be a huge weapon.

We are lacking big time at the offensive skill positions, especially at the WR spot. Maybe some of these young guys develop into great players but right now there is not much there to look at. I like that Wolitarsky is getting an opportunity to show what he can do....time will tell if he has what it takes to be successful at this level. Problem with saying that in relation to skill guys is that spots like WR, and RB are areas where a guy can make an immediate impact even as a freshman but we don't seem to be finding those guys.
. Engel is wide open so much it's not funny huge threat 20 yard per catch last year and 15 yard per catch this year. Williams also got to throw the ball. You win with balance !

This sums up your credibility. Let's take a vote on who thinks we should fire Limegrover and put you in charge. Or, maybe we could just borrow your playbook. You probably have your hands full trying to win a championship.

First, you are a tool. Second, my fifth grade team was 15 years ago but they did have a better two minute drill. Third, I would swap out Limegrover for just about any other BCS offensive coordinator. Recall our O only scored 13 pts this past week. Fourth, when you get done taking coaches garbage out and mowing his lawn come up for air long enough to find yourself as an apologist for the staff come hell or high water. I'm not, get over it and yourself.

Not surprised, losers tend to band together.

Gopher fans would band together on GopherHole? Wow, what a concept.

What kind of pathetic loser would have over 2,400 posts on a fan site for a team they don't like?

Go choke on a Runza.

Gopher fans would band together on GopherHole? Wow, what a concept.

What kind of pathetic loser would have over 2,400 posts on a fan site for a team they don't like?

Go choke on a Runza.

What kind of pathetic user has twice the number of posts as I do in half the time. I like the gophers and actually graduated from Minnesota. Unlike you I am not afraid to point out the areas for improvement, or some of the bad mistakes that have been made over the years(Brewster). I am not a sunshine pumper, never have and never will.

One thing about Gopherhole that never fails to amaze me is how sensitive everyone gets about criticism if the game is won. Doesn't matter how the result was made or who the game was against; if it's a victory, it's time to praise the almighty coaching staff.

Is the fanbase really this complacent? If we're really to the point where obvious problems contained in a close victory over Northwestern - the same issues repeated over 2 1/2 seasons nearly each and every game - cannot be criticized, then indeed Mark May was right to say "Who do they think they are?!?" about the University of Minnesota upon the firing of Glen Mason; the fanbase doesn't deserve anything better than mediocrity if it's all too willing to accept mediocrity.

What kind of pathetic user has twice the number of posts as I do in half the time. I like the gophers and actually graduated from Minnesota. Unlike you I am not afraid to point out the areas for improvement, or some of the bad mistakes that have been made over the years(Brewster). I am not a sunshine pumper, never have and never will.

So brave. Oh, so very brave.

I didn't get to see the game live as I was working on the railroad (literally) but just got a chance to watch the game on ESPN3.COM,
and I was LIVID watching the piss poor refferring in this game. I'm generally a big judge of Refs in any sport.... but the horsesh*t calls
they called against MN were flabbergasting. The 'pick' play, the pass interference on Murray on their final scoring drive, even knowing
the outcome, I kept saying to myself, "when did the B10 get cUSA refs to officiate games?" It actually surprises me we won this game,
not because we didn't deserve to win, we more than did, but it's amazing that these refs didn't cost us the win..

I was at the game, so my mind was partly on soaking up the experience rather than being fully on analyzing the game, but I was fine with Limegrover's play-calling all day except for the end of the first half, but the decision to not try and score a touchdown seems to be the whole staff's decision, not just Limegrover.

Really really proud of this team. The coaches kept everyone together, and the players played hard. And it's been 5 years since we were 5-2, I'm happy.

Gopher fans would band together on GopherHole? Wow, what a concept.

What kind of pathetic loser would have over 2,400 posts on a fan site for a team they don't like?

Go choke on a Runza.

you are one of my favorite posters on this site. runza! lol!

First, you are a tool. Second, my fifth grade team was 15 years ago but they did have a better two minute drill. Third, I would swap out Limegrover for just about any other BCS offensive coordinator. Recall our O only scored 13 pts this past week. Fourth, when you get done taking coaches garbage out and mowing his lawn come up for air long enough to find yourself as an apologist for the staff come hell or high water. I'm not, get over it and yourself.

Absolutely the 2-minute drill at the end of the first half was cautious. I wasn't surprised. It was by design, according to Claeys' post-game comments. A win at NU seems preferable to recklessly running a 5th grade offense, but maybe you're right. Send over that play-book. I'm sure the guys would appreciate your help. You do seem pretty bright.

...then indeed Mark May was right... the fanbase doesn't deserve anything better than mediocrity if it's all too willing to accept mediocrity.

Another dunce cap. Seriously? Quoting Mark May to support your twisted views? The paragraph containing the quote says the opposite of what you imply. Subsequent posts by you are unnecessary since they have no value.

Not surprised, losers tend to band together.

I still enjoyed the time when you fumbled around trying to post as a Texas football expert. I got some friends back home that need some cheering up. I'd love to forward some more of your "insights".

The two-minute drill was not called the way I would have done it. But, did we not have a chance at a very makeable FG? Not all 2 minute drills end up with TD's. We had a shot at bigger things but had a drop IIRC. Execution is not on Limegrover.

The two-minute drill was not called the way I would have done it. But, did we not have a chance at a very makeable FG? Not all 2 minute drills end up with TD's. We had a shot at bigger things but had a drop IIRC. Execution is not on Limegrover.

It wasn't very makable. Everyone knew it had no chance. Wasn't it 45 yards? Very makable for a Pro.

We went 22 yards in 1:42. Inexcusable. And then Hawthorne, as everyone knew he would, pulled a 44-yarder wide left.

The two-minute drill was not called the way I would have done it. But, did we not have a chance at a very makeable FG? Not all 2 minute drills end up with TD's. We had a shot at bigger things but had a drop IIRC. Execution is not on Limegrover.

The biggest issue with the 2 minute drill was the clear communication issue that led to something like 20 seconds running off the clock between a couple of plays. You could see Nelson struggling to get the play call from the sideline yet not showing any sense of urgency to get to the line and run a play while the seconds just kept ticking away.

In the Northwestern game the drive doesn't have to end in a TD but with an average kicker at best if you manage the clock better you have time to run a couple additional plays and make the kick far more makeable. The other concerning factor is that this is not the first time this year the team has looked lost when running the 2 minute offense. It was really the only black mark on an otherwise very solid performance by the team.

It wasn't very makable. Everyone knew it had no chance. Wasn't it 45 yards? Very makable for a Pro.

There are something like 90+ kickers that are at least 50% on kicks 40-49 yards in CFB this year. I will stick with it was makeable, even for Hawthorne. Again, it wasn't a thing a beauty by any means, but I've seen us do worse. The one thing I did not want was NU scoring before half.

The biggest issue with the 2 minute drill was the clear communication issue that led to something like 20 seconds running off the clock between a couple of plays. You could see Nelson struggling to get the play call from the sideline yet not showing any sense of urgency to get to the line and run a play while the seconds just kept ticking away.

In the Northwestern game the drive doesn't have to end in a TD but with an average kicker at best if you manage the clock better you have time to run a couple additional plays and make the kick far more makeable. The other concerning factor is that this is not the first time this year the team has looked lost when running the 2 minute offense. It was really the only black mark on an otherwise very solid performance by the team.

I agree that not every 2 minute drill ends in a touchdown. But we had time to run more plays if we manage the clock better and get plays off faster. With where we started, and how much time is left, we should have at least been pushing for a touchdown. If we kick a 44 field goal after getting to 4th down, that's one thing, but to kick a 44 yard field goal when we spent over 1:40 to go barely 20 yards because we were out of time is pretty bad.

+1 on the only black mark on an otherwise very solid performance. I don't want to harp on the one big problem, but we won't want to be leaving any possible points on the field against Nebraska next week.

The biggest issue with the 2 minute drill was the clear communication issue that led to something like 20 seconds running off the clock between a couple of plays. You could see Nelson struggling to get the play call from the sideline yet not showing any sense of urgency to get to the line and run a play while the seconds just kept ticking away.

In the Northwestern game the drive doesn't have to end in a TD but with an average kicker at best if you manage the clock better you have time to run a couple additional plays and make the kick far more makeable. The other concerning factor is that this is not the first time this year the team has looked lost when running the 2 minute offense. It was really the only black mark on an otherwise very solid performance by the team.

I agree.

I agree that not every 2 minute drill ends in a touchdown. But we had time to run more plays if we manage the clock better and get plays off faster. With where we started, and how much time is left, we should have at least been pushing for a touchdown. If we kick a 44 field goal after getting to 4th down, that's one thing, but to kick a 44 yard field goal when we spent over 1:40 to go barely 20 yards because we were out of time is pretty bad.

+1 on the only black mark on an otherwise very solid performance. I don't want to harp on the one big problem, but we won't want to be leaving any possible points on the field against Nebraska next week.


1st and 10 at NW 49 David Cobb rush for 1 yard to the Nwest 48. 7 7
2nd and 9 at NW 48 David Cobb rush for 2 yards to the Nwest 46.
3rd and 7 at NW 46 Philip Nelson pass complete to Drew Wolitarsky for 17 yards to the Nwest 29 for a 1ST down.
1st and 10 at NW 29 Philip Nelson rush for a loss of 3 yards to the Nwest 32.
2nd and 13 at NW 32 Philip Nelson rush for 5 yards to the Nwest 27.

run/run/pass/run/run to end the half?

1.) were those final 2 runs by Nelson an attempt to get into the middle of the field to help the kicker?

would be the first time i've ever seen that from the 30 yard line.
the math majors can tell us what additional help the better angle gave Hawthorne.


2.) were the final 2 runs by Nelson an indication of how little the staff trusts his arm?

1st and 10 at NW 49 David Cobb rush for 1 yard to the Nwest 48. 7 7
2nd and 9 at NW 48 David Cobb rush for 2 yards to the Nwest 46.
3rd and 7 at NW 46 Philip Nelson pass complete to Drew Wolitarsky for 17 yards to the Nwest 29 for a 1ST down.
1st and 10 at NW 29 Philip Nelson rush for a loss of 3 yards to the Nwest 32.
2nd and 13 at NW 32 Philip Nelson rush for 5 yards to the Nwest 27.

run/run/pass/run/run to end the half?

1.) were those final 2 runs by Nelson an attempt to get into the middle of the field to help the kicker?

would be the first time i've ever seen that from the 30 yard line.
the math majors can tell us what additional help the better angle gave Hawthorne.


2.) were the final 2 runs by Nelson an indication of how little the staff trusts his arm?

If that was the sequence, I was wrong. I thought the drop where two guys (16 and 82??) were close enough to hold hands again was on that drive.

Guaranteed "running a couple more plays" would have gained more yards. Especially if we threw instead of running so much. Afterall, we are a sling-it type of offense and Northwestern wouldn't have been playing any defense to try to stop us.

The players and coaches will likely admit the 2-minute drill could have been smoother, but believe it or not, all 2-minute drills do not end up with an offensive score. The Gophers had a reasonable chance with a 44-yard field goal. NU probably felt like they dodged a bullet, but the Gophers were beginning to exert their will. The progress this team is making bodes well for chances to win more games.

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