
19, with increased ticket prices etc., I'm wondering if this is the year where we break the revenue record. It looked to me like alot of people had a good time at the Barn this year. I'm guessing they will come back. B1G Basketball is the best game in town.

Howieramone- as a long, long time season ticket holder, I have seen the mood in the Barn over the years. The fans are not happy campers. The preseason games had tons of empty seats and people have decided to pay instead for individual game tickets. Yes there have been sellouts but the situation, in person, tells a lot more than the box office receipts do. At the Wisconsin games there were probably 1500 plus red shirts in the building some in masses but others sprinkled in season ticket holder seats. There is just not a die hard group in the building anymore, there are a lot of tickets owned by businesses. The Gophers are real lucky that the Timberwolves are awful or the competition for the buck would do further damage.

If you listen to the people coming out of these games- they have about had it. I will be there no matter what but some of my friends have stopped coming to games they hold tickets for and may not be back without serious changes.

This might be the worst take I've ever seen on this site.

No kidding. Why would a person take up being a fan if they were not in it for the highs and lows and the hopes and challenges? I suggest alphabet man stick to opera or ballet.

I knew this suckynamed guy would come in here and start yapping about RPI.

Honestly, do you watch the sporting events? If so, why? It seems like the only thing that matters to you is how the game will affect our RPI. We get it, just plug the numbers in and have a good time.

For the people who are actually fans of the team and the game of basketball, how a team loses matters. If the team would have played hard and lost a competitive basketball game, I don't think anyone (at least the vast majority) of people wouldn't be upset about the game.

For people who watch basketball, we'll be ecstatic with a win against Indiana, I'll actually be fairly happy with a close loss to Indiana and I'll be equally annoyed with another complete failure against Indiana. It's not because of how it affects our RPI, it's because I'm a fan of Gopher basketball.

Trevor and Andre's defense on Deshaun Thomas in the first half (I think he had 2 points). Then Rodney "guarded him" in the second half and I wanted to bang my head against the wall.

I knew this suckynamed guy would come in here and start yapping about RPI.

Honestly, do you watch the sporting events? If so, why? It seems like the only thing that matters to you is how the game will affect our RPI. We get it, just plug the numbers in and have a good time.

For the people who are actually fans of the team and the game of basketball, how a team loses matters. If the team would have played hard and lost a competitive basketball game, I don't think anyone (at least the vast majority) of people wouldn't be upset about the game. For people who watch basketball, we'll be ecstatic with a win against Indiana, I'll actually be fairly happy with a close loss to Indiana and I'll be equally annoyed with another complete failure against Indiana. It's not because of how it affects our RPI, it's because I'm a fan of Gopher basketball.

Spot on thank you

Howieramone- as a long, long time season ticket holder, I have seen the mood in the Barn over the years. The fans are not happy campers. The preseason games had tons of empty seats and people have decided to pay instead for individual game tickets.

I came to reply the same thing. The atmosphere is not even close to years past. It should be the best docket in town and it isn't right now. Some of the people have been next to me for years and I don't see them as often as I used to. They are giving away their tickets when in the past they would have had to be on a death bed to not make some of these games.

Opera or ballet? Wtf? What's that supposed to mean bga1? What are you really trying to say, be direct, man up, you got something to say, say it.

Are you trying to say that I'm not a real fan, or a good enough fan, or not the right kind of fan? Is there some kind of requirement to meet? Who makes up these requirements? YOU?! lol And who the frack are you?

All I know about you is that you have found the time to post 16,000+ times in little over 4 years. That's over 4,000 posts A YEAR!!! WOW, impressive. That's an interesting little tidbit of information. Maybe YOU should step away from the computer and go check out the opera or the ballet, eh?!

OR, since we are all fallible human beings, you could try to remember that there actually is a human being sitting at a computer keyboard writing those messages labeled with my moniker, #1inHockeyCollegeFootballBaseballDanceteamSolarracingDebateteam. And maybe its immature, or irresponsible or immoral or just rude or a waste of time or silly or evil or counterproductive or whatever, but maybe just not a good idea to try to tell people they are not true fans, or whatever else it or however it is that you are trying to insult me, because that is what you are trying to do, right, insult me? That is your goal, your purpose, your intent? Is that what being a Gopher fan means to you?

Hey, I'm not perfect and I make mistakes, I'm long winded and get emotional with some of my responses and post things I shouldn't sometimes. But if called out, I'll admit I was wrong and am man enough to apologize.

You man enough?!

We have 1 thing in common, we both claim to love the Gophers. Shouldn't that be enough to inspire us to be civil with each other? I know I annoy you, and hey, that's how I write. I don't purposely try to annoy people, and some people like the way I write and what I have to say, and I'm probably too old to change anyway, so insulting me isn't going to help the situation. And I think how I think. I'm not going to change. And we probably don't disagree about all that much either, but trading insults isn't the way to figure out that we probably don't disagree all that much really. Unless you are an immature person and think its funny? But I don't think you are an immature person. Mature people can do immature things occasionally, I know I do, if inspired to somehow, but that doesn't mean that's how they are as a whole.

Coole and Bob?!

You two seriously questioning my validity as a Gopher or cbb fan?

Do you know me? Did I say something to insult you as a person? If I did I'm sorry. But if all I did was annoy you with the way I post or annoy you with how I think, well, who the hell are you to judge me and my validity as a Gopher fan?!

My resume as a cbb fan, as a sports fan, as a Gopher fan, as a MAN, are just fine, if not top notch. And like I said, if I've posted something that you felt was insulting, I would be willing to discuss it with you like mature adults. I'm MAN ENOUGH to admit when I've done something wrong or inappropriate, and can apologize to anyone I've harmed in any way.

But I am a Gopher fan, and always have been, from my earliest memories, but if you feel its somehow your place and your right to call that into question, well, I guess this is America.

And btw, what kind of name is bob loblaw?! You give me heck about my moniker, you don't seem like you should be one to talk. But I don't know, so that's why I'm asking instead of jumping at the chance to insult you about it.

tikited --

And since you seem convinced you know and can make judgemental statements about it, what exactly is my take?!

Or is it possible that all of you jumped to a conclusion without first asking me for clarification?!

You do realize that things like miscommunication are what led to minor little mishaps, like say, the dropping of an atomic bomb on a Japanese city killing thousands of people instantly and hundreds of thousands in the long run.

Yeah, a simple misunderstanding because of a lack of good communication.

Howieramone- as a long, long time season ticket holder, I have seen the mood in the Barn over the years. The fans are not happy campers. The preseason games had tons of empty seats and people have decided to pay instead for individual game tickets. Yes there have been sellouts but the situation, in person, tells a lot more than the box office receipts do. At the Wisconsin games there were probably 1500 plus red shirts in the building some in masses but others sprinkled in season ticket holder seats. There is just not a die hard group in the building anymore, there are a lot of tickets owned by businesses. The Gophers are real lucky that the Timberwolves are awful or the competition for the buck would do further damage.

If you listen to the people coming out of these games- they have about had it. I will be there no matter what but some of my friends have stopped coming to games they hold tickets for and may not be back without serious changes.

I agree that the atmosphere is not what it once was.. I will also say that this season its better than the past few.. so its not trending down. Sure, the last two games have sucked and the atmosphere could be horrible for the Penn State game if we lay an egg against Indy. Just pointing out that I have had season tickets for not as long as most, but for over 10 years and this year is better than the last several. Thats becasue we were winning and have won home games, Wisky included. That said, if the Indy games gets ugly, so will the atmosphere. I'm in the minority, but I think we will actually put up a fight Tuesday.. doesn't change anything..but just my thought.

19, with increased ticket prices etc., I'm wondering if this is the year where we break the revenue record. It looked to me like alot of people had a good time at the Barn this year. I'm guessing they will come back. B1G Basketball is the best game in town.

Didn't mean to ignore you, I just now got back to this thread. Others beat me to it with answers.

I will say that if it is a record revenue year(with increased prices), it just means more potential revenue left on the table next year.

I agree that the atmosphere is not what it once was.. I will also say that this season its better than the past few.. so its not trending down. Sure, the last two games have sucked and the atmosphere could be horrible for the Penn State game if we lay an egg against Indy. Just pointing out that I have had season tickets for not as long as most, but for over 10 years and this year is better than the last several. Thats becasue we were winning and have won home games, Wisky included. That said, if the Indy games gets ugly, so will the atmosphere. I'm in the minority, but I think we will actually put up a fight Tuesday.. doesn't change anything..but just my thought.

I agree that we will put up a fight on Tuesday. If the shots fall - we could win- it's college basketball...

How anyone can fight to validate last nights performance as an "ok loss" is beyond me. Just because OSU is supposedly a good team, and "better than us" doesn't mean dick about the product we are putting on the court right now. Northwestern almost beat that same exact OSU team late last week. NORTHWESTERN!! The same Northwestern that handed us our jockstrapps a few weeks back when this whole massive collapse started.

Like I've said in past posts, if Tubby rights the ship and runs us to the NCAA championship game, I'm happy for the team, but my opinion on Tubby does not change.

RPI, quality wins, road games, home games, big ten rocks... Don't care.... The team looks like dog sh!t lately and its a direct reflection of leadership as this happens EVERY year!

If you cannot see that, you aren't looking.

The one bright spot is that Andre appears to becoming a bigger and better leader out there. You catch flashes of him getting on guys, he is going to be a stud for us as a senior.

And btw, what kind of name is bob loblaw?! You give me heck about my moniker, you don't seem like you should be one to talk.

"Are you a corporate executive facing these or other charges? You don't need double talk! You need Bob Loblaw! After all, why should you go to jail for a crime somebody else noticed?" Come on man, he's a respected lawyer.

I think you are taking things a bit too seriously. Just my opinion.

Coole and Bob?!

You two seriously questioning my validity as a Gopher or cbb fan?

Do you know me? Did I say something to insult you as a person? If I did I'm sorry. But if all I did was annoy you with the way I post or annoy you with how I think, well, who the hell are you to judge me and my validity as a Gopher fan?!

My resume as a cbb fan, as a sports fan, as a Gopher fan, as a MAN, are just fine, if not top notch. And like I said, if I've posted something that you felt was insulting, I would be willing to discuss it with you like mature adults. I'm MAN ENOUGH to admit when I've done something wrong or inappropriate, and can apologize to anyone I've harmed in any way.

But I am a Gopher fan, and always have been, from my earliest memories, but if you feel its somehow your place and your right to call that into question, well, I guess this is America.

And btw, what kind of name is bob loblaw?! You give me heck about my moniker, you don't seem like you should be one to talk. But I don't know, so that's why I'm asking instead of jumping at the chance to insult you about it.

You're name bothers me. It will continue to bother me.

I am not questioning whether you are a fan of the Gophers, I am questioning whether you're really a fan of basketball. If all you can take away from puketurd last night was that "it was a game we should have lost" and nonsense about how it doesn't matter if it was by 25 or 1, then ALL you look at is the RPI. You are more of a fan of predicting the RPI and all of that noise than you are of actually rooting for the Gopher basketball team play basketball. Because to every basketball fan, what happened last night was not the same as if we played a hard fought game. It was worse, way worse.

That said, you haven't harmed or attacked anyone. I am just giving you crap because I HATE your name, I mean, I REALLY hate your name. But I don't hate you. So don't take people giving you crap about the RPI personally, it's just annoying and your name probably pushes them over the edge.

I never questioned whether you're a MAN.

Again, it's not really your validity of a Gopher fan I question, it's your validity of a basketball fan that I question.

Bob Loblaw was stolen from a TV show called Arrested Development. I stole the name. I will continue to give you heck about your monicker, it bothers me.

Minnesota just got a mention as former Gopher Justin Cobbs buries a tough 19 footer at the buzzer to win at Oregon. That's a positive...for Cobbs.

Justin Cobbs is going to haunt us in more ways that one, eh?! That win may have earned Cali a spot on the bubble. If we can't win our next 4 games after the Indiana game, we might have to start worrying about who is and who isn't on the bubble.

And bleedsmaroonandgold - Good point. lol But on a rare occasion, I can be direct and to the point. When it really matters. (Edit - lol, and then I follow up that comment by posting a novel)

OK Bob, since your name bothers me, too, because I have to look at it 2 or 3 times to make sure to spell it right, how about I just call you Bob from now on. Your the only Bob here, right?! And you can just call me #1 or Alpha or alphabet or Ashhole even. You direct posts to Ashhole, I'll know its me you are talking to, sound good?! lol

I think I remember having it out with you weeks or months ago about my moniker and I felt guilty about it then, and do now as well, but then and now, I can't help laughing about the situation. I read your last post and it just cracks me up, it made my day to read about how much you hate my moniker.

I'll try to remember that is the MAIN reason for your angst that comes my way from you in the future and will just try to laugh about it when you rag on me from now on.

But, that aside, I'll try to address the issue of my being a cbb fan or not. Honestly, I do enjoy watching cbb a lot, but I also enjoy following all aspects of the sport. Both cbb and cfb fascinate me in ways that no other sports do. Following the vast # of different rating systems, keeping track of stats, looking into the history of both sports, and they are very different in a lot of ways as well, which keeps each fresh when going from one season to the next.
Also, I'm a gambler. Been playing Hold Em for 15 years now, and I'm not too bad at it, either. I've bet on cbb more than any other sport, and found that avoiding actually watching games helped in my ability to be able to pick the winners and losers, and who would and would not cover the spreads. When I am betting on cbb, which I don't do every season, probably only 1 season out of every 6 which coincidentally correspond to my once every 6 years appearances here at GH, I make an exception and allow myself to watch Gopher bb games, but then I don't bet on Gopher bb. The eye test is the worst way to determine how a team will do in future matchups, imo.

So I've watched plenty of cbb in the past few years, but not so much this year. But I have watched Gopher bb games. But as a gambler, as a betting man, and cbb being the sport I focus my betting attentions on, yeah, I have concentrated far more on the statistics and numbers and avoided watching games other than Gopher games, and so along with that mindset, during a season like this one, I approach the game the way a betting man would. Letting my emotions get the best of me is a sure fire way to lose my entire bankroll that I've worked hard for the last 15 years to build up. So I do approach the Gophers and their season from a different perspective than many in here do.

And I sometimes try to let that differing perspective have a voice here at the GH, to bring some balance to the discussions. But that doesn't mean that I don't enjoy watching the Gophers when they are playing well, and that I don't get frustrated when I see them struggling, or when I see Tubby do things that even I know are not good coaching moves, or when I see Tubby or the players, OR THE FANS, give up. That pisses me off a ton.

But what I've learned playing Texas Hold Em, and betting cbb, is that not getting emotional, sticking to your game, playing the odds, will get you through losing streaks and slumps. Sometimes you run into a player who is smarter than you, and you just don't realize it until its too late. You get used to playing against suckers and taking their money, and then this guy sneaks in and totally catches you off guard and totally outplays you and takes you for a big stack of cash. But if you play smart, and stay on your toes, you can either make up your losses vs other players, or get your money back from that guy in another game. But losing your cool and getting emotional will only lead to you losing even more money.

I've also learned that as much as I gamble, I'm not actually a gambler. I play for the long haul. I play for the consistent and ever rising bankroll, I don't make big risky gambles hoping for the big payoff. So yeah, I'm a little hesitant to back the firing of Tubby and take a risk and hope we get a good coach to replace him. I'm also reluctant to get too emotional or upset over each and every loss that I feel we deserved because of bad play, lack of concentration, lack of good coaching or like the last game, lack of good effort when I know that I still have a big stack of chips in front of me and the skills and opportunity to turn my losing streak around and take down a big pot.

OK Bob, since your name bothers me, too, because I have to look at it 2 or 3 times to make sure to spell it right, how about I just call you Bob from now on. Your the only Bob here, right?! And you can just call me #1 or Alpha or alphabet or Ashhole even. You direct posts to Ashhole, I'll know its me you are talking to, sound good?! lol

I think I remember having it out with you weeks or months ago about my moniker and I felt guilty about it then, and do now as well, but then and now, I can't help laughing about the situation. I read your last post and it just cracks me up, it made my day to read about how much you hate my moniker.

I'll try to remember that is the MAIN reason for your angst that comes my way from you in the future and will just try to laugh about it when you rag on me from now on.


My hatred for your moniker is mostly a joke. I'm giving you crap. I realize that sarcasm doesn't come across very well on these message boards, but I'm just giving you crap about your screen name.

I don't think we've had it out before, I don't post as often on the Bball board.

You can call me Bob though and I'll call you "#" like Prince.

But, that aside, I'll try to address the issue of my being a cbb fan or not. Honestly, I do enjoy watching cbb a lot, but I also enjoy following all aspects of the sport. Both cbb and cfb fascinate me in ways that no other sports do. Following the vast # of different rating systems, keeping track of stats, looking into the history of both sports, and they are very different in a lot of ways as well, which keeps each fresh when going from one season to the next.
Also, I'm a gambler. Been playing Hold Em for 15 years now, and I'm not too bad at it, either. I've bet on cbb more than any other sport, and found that avoiding actually watching games helped in my ability to be able to pick the winners and losers, and who would and would not cover the spreads. When I am betting on cbb, which I don't do every season, probably only 1 season out of every 6 which coincidentally correspond to my once every 6 years appearances here at GH, I make an exception and allow myself to watch Gopher bb games, but then I don't bet on Gopher bb. The eye test is the worst way to determine how a team will do in future matchups, imo.

So I've watched plenty of cbb in the past few years, but not so much this year. But I have watched Gopher bb games. But as a gambler, as a betting man, and cbb being the sport I focus my betting attentions on, yeah, I have concentrated far more on the statistics and numbers and avoided watching games other than Gopher games, and so along with that mindset, during a season like this one, I approach the game the way a betting man would. Letting my emotions get the best of me is a sure fire way to lose my entire bankroll that I've worked hard for the last 15 years to build up. So I do approach the Gophers and their season from a different perspective than many in here do.

And I sometimes try to let that differing perspective have a voice here at the GH, to bring some balance to the discussions. But that doesn't mean that I don't enjoy watching the Gophers when they are playing well, and that I don't get frustrated when I see them struggling, or when I see Tubby do things that even I know are not good coaching moves, or when I see Tubby or the players, OR THE FANS, give up. That pisses me off a ton.

But what I've learned playing Texas Hold Em, and betting cbb, is that not getting emotional, sticking to your game, playing the odds, will get you through losing streaks and slumps. Sometimes you run into a player who is smarter than you, and you just don't realize it until its too late. You get used to playing against suckers and taking their money, and then this guy sneaks in and totally catches you off guard and totally outplays you and takes you for a big stack of cash. But if you play smart, and stay on your toes, you can either make up your losses vs other players, or get your money back from that guy in another game. But losing your cool and getting emotional will only lead to you losing even more money.

I've also learned that as much as I gamble, I'm not actually a gambler. I play for the long haul. I play for the consistent and ever rising bankroll, I don't make big risky gambles hoping for the big payoff. So yeah, I'm a little hesitant to back the firing of Tubby and take a risk and hope we get a good coach to replace him. I'm also reluctant to get too emotional or upset over each and every loss that I feel we deserved because of bad play, lack of concentration, lack of good coaching or like the last game, lack of good effort when I know that I still have a big stack of chips in front of me and the skills and opportunity to turn my losing streak around and take down a big pot.

To address the main beef I have with your posts (it isn't your name). . .

I do hear what you're saying. I completely agree that in gambling you don't need to watch the games and this kind of statistical breakdown is really all you need. You have a good understanding of the RPI and in a lot of ways that's interesting. I have no problem with the information in RPI related threads. I haven't bashed you in any of those threads.

There is a gigantic difference between sports betting and being a fan of Gopher basketball. I know a lot of guys who are good fantasy football players and good gamblers, who don't really watch sports. When you are watching basketball (in a non-gambling manner), it's a completely different scenario, anyone who plays fantasy football can attest to that.

But here is the big thing, we'll continue onto your gambling hypo.

Lets say that you are watching someone play blackjack and you see them dump all of their money because they are hitting 18's, splitting face cards, etc. . .you'd probably think, man, this guy stinks. You wouldn't think "well the odds were that he'd end up losing anyways". There are different ways to lose. Bottom line, we're out of the money but GOING FORWARD, if the idiot keeps playing blackjack in that manner, he's in a lot of trouble.

Bob --

Now you are talking my language. I see what you are saying, but I'd never claim that a player splitting face cards or hitting on 18 would have probably lost anyway, because the odds are that he would have won had he not hit 18 or split his face cards.

A better analogy is that I've watched my friend make lots of cash at poker, taking money from suckers, for hours. But some WSOP pros show up and he is bound and determined to stay in his seat and take them on. They don't fall for his amateur tricks that work on the tourists. They can read him when those tourists weren't able to, and he can't read them like he could the tourists. And he starts to lose, and lose some more. He wins an occasional hand, but overall he loses quite abit of money. Then with only a few hours left before they close down for the night, those WSOP pros take off, and some more tourists jump to fill in their empty seats.

Should I beg him to leave the table, since he's been losing for many hours in a row now? Of does the opportunity to play weaker competition give me the feeling that he could make a comeback, because I know he's better than the average tourist, WAY better, and all his losing streak proved was that he wasn't as good as the WSOP professionals that were the best in the game? I just have to hope that his confidence hasn't been completely shattered, and that winning a pot or two against these amatuers should bring back enough of his confidence that he can start a nice winning streak and make some good money before the end of the night and they have to cash in their chips.

In the same way, the Gophers beat up on all the amatuers we played, but then when we had to play against some of the very best teams in the country, they exposed our weaknesses and made us look worse than we are. Now that the amatuers are coming back to the table soon, should we not figure that once the level of competition goes down, AS LONG AS we can regain our confidence again, we'll probably go back to looking really good again?!

Weak competition tends to make teams look better than they are. And really great competition can make a good team look worse than it is.

Bob --

Now you are talking my language. I see what you are saying, but I'd never claim that a player splitting face cards or hitting on 18 would have probably lost anyway, because the odds are that he would have won had he not hit 18 or split his face cards.

A better analogy is that I've watched my friend make lots of cash at poker, taking money from suckers, for hours. But some WSOP pros show up and he is bound and determined to stay in his seat and take them on. They don't fall for his amateur tricks that work on the tourists. They can read him when those tourists weren't able to, and he can't read them like he could the tourists. And he starts to lose, and lose some more. He wins an occasional hand, but overall he loses quite abit of money. Then with only a few hours left before they close down for the night, those WSOP pros take off, and some more tourists jump to fill in their empty seats.

Should I beg him to leave the table, since he's been losing for many hours in a row now? Of does the opportunity to play weaker competition give me the feeling that he could make a comeback, because I know he's better than the average tourist, WAY better, and all his losing streak proved was that he wasn't as good as the WSOP professionals that were the best in the game? I just have to hope that his confidence hasn't been completely shattered, and that winning a pot or two against these amatuers should bring back enough of his confidence that he can start a nice winning streak and make some good money before the end of the night and they have to cash in their chips.

In the same way, the Gophers beat up on all the amatuers we played, but then when we had to play against some of the very best teams in the country, they exposed our weaknesses and made us look worse than we are. Now that the amatuers are coming back to the table soon, should we not figure that once the level of competition goes down, we'll probably go back to looking really good again?!

Weak competition tends to make teams look better than they are. And really great competition can make a good team look worse than it is.

So- translation: It sounds like you are saying that the more seasoned coaches have been schooling Tubby by out-thinking him and knowing his tendencies.

As for there being people who are really good at fantasy sports, who don't watch the sports, yeah, that is me SOME of the time.

But like I said, I separate the teams I bet on, from the Gophers. I watch the Gophers and enjoy watching them play basketball, a sport I enjoy watching, and I don't bet on the Gophers.

But in the years I'm betting cbb, I avoid watching games where my Gophers aren't directly involved.

But my gambling is only a small facet of my life. For much of my life I was very active in participating in athletics, and playing a sport sometimes doesn't give you a lot of time to watch sports, UNLESS... your Father was a coach, and you grew up on a court or field or in front of the tv watching Gopher and Vikings games, I grew up watching my father coach practices, and games, for every sport my school ever sponsored. Every athlete that played a sport at my high school for a 12 year period knew me, from age 6 to 18 and many probably knew me before I turned 6, but I don't remember, but my father was arguably the most popular man in my town so I'm sure his little baby boy was well known as well. I was the junior royalty at a Homecoming one year, when I was like 8 or 9? I pulled out the endzone markers and the yardage signs after fb games for at least 8 years in a row and picked up the trash left by the spectators on Saturday mornings for some extra cash for just as long. I rolled out and rolled up the wrestling mats before and after meets, I worked the concession stand at halftime of fb and bb games, and was at every home game for 12 years straight, that's boys and girls games, with only a few exceptions when I got older and started dating girls. But those were rare exceptions because I usually just picked up all my girlfriends at games. I kissed my first girl while watching my father coach the tennis team when I was 6. I swept the bb floor before and after games and sometimes at halftime before I started working the concession stand. I even helped run the scoreboard at bb games on rare occasions. I had my first date with a girl at a bb game. I won't go into my athletic endeavors, for they are not relevant, except to say I participated in over a dozen either official or unofficial organized sports during my first 25-30 years of my life. But I also was an asst coach for a golf team and a wrestling team. I watched softball tournaments held every summer in my town. I watched the 1972, 76, 80 and 84 Olympics. I watched all-star wrestling. I watched the Twins, I watched the North Stars, and I always watched the Vikings. And when I could, I watched the Gophers. Later in life I watched minor league baseball and minor league hockey games in person. I traveled up to Fargo to watch the Greco-Roman and Freestyle National Championship wrestling tournaments on more than one occasion. I went down to watch the Diamond Nationals Karate Championships one year.

So I don't know, is that enough of a sports fan for you?

Some might argue it is TOO much. And if I found that it ever interfered with my living a normal life, I'd have been concerned, but it never has. Had I found myself pressuring my children into athletics so I could live vicariously through them, then I'd be concerned, but I didn't do that. If I ever avoided doing other more normal things to watch sports, I'd have become concerned. If I had moved out to Vegas to become a professional sports better without thinking about how that would affect my children, then I would have become concerned, but I didn't.

So I was UBER exposed to sports at the very youngest age, and have continued to have a very healthy appreciation of sports throughout my life without it ever being unbalanced or a problem. And I'm not telling you all of this because I feel I need to, but I've always found talking about the past to be very enjoyable. Its a good way to bring back good memories of back in the day, for I rarely get the chance or opportunity to do it. Hope I didn't bore you, if you even read the whole post, that is. lol

bga1 -- Yes, I would agree with that.

But it should be noted, that the fewer good players a team depends on, the easier it is for an opposing coach to get his team to defend them.

Start the game paying extra attention to the best players, and if one of the other players starts doing well, you concentrate on them, and with only 5 or 6 players that we have been able to depend on, if 1 or 2 are having bad games, and get left alone, pretty soon the ones playing well start to struggle because they are getting double teamed or shown extra attention.

The shallower a team is, the easier it is to throw them off their game. That is why we've struggled as we have, mostly later in games.

We often start games out on fire. Not too hard to adjust to focus defensive attention on the hot player or players. And then we cool down and the other team goes on a run.

I've also learned that as much as I gamble, I'm not actually a gambler. I play for the long haul. I play for the consistent and ever rising bankroll, I don't make big risky gambles hoping for the big payoff. So yeah, I'm a little hesitant to back the firing of Tubby and take a risk and hope we get a good coach to replace him. I'm also reluctant to get too emotional or upset over each and every loss that I feel we deserved because of bad play, lack of concentration, lack of good coaching or like the last game, lack of good effort when I know that I still have a big stack of chips in front of me and the skills and opportunity to turn my losing streak around and take down a big pot.

How many times have the Gophers covered in Big Ten games? I honestly don't know the answer, but would think that it would be a low percentage. That is where (as a non-gambler) that I would think that Tubby is underperforming the projections/statistics.

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