Playing for Pitino

As others have said, he does yell a good amount, but I think he also praises them when they do well.

lol, thanks for the laughs, and the excellent contribution to the thread!

edit: I suggest you read up on different coaching styles. Believe it or not they exist! My 3rd grade coaching level has taught me that! Maybe someday you'll get to that level.

Miles, I share your concern. I like Pete Carroll's style, or Tony Dungy's but Pitino and all coaches need to be themselves. It does seem to be working to amazing results. It worked at FIU. Obviously there is something going on to balance the dressing down of players in front of the crowd. Maybe that will disappear or soften as he gets more experience and confidence himself. He seems consistent, that's important. It may work because of his age.

Yes, Pitino and the Rutgers guy who got fired have passion. John Wooden had passion and his players knew it but he
was bit more composed. ha Passion isn't an excuse for tantrums. If you as a coach can't maintain composure how can you expect your players too. There is a difference between positive and negative emotion coming from a coach.

I'm not criticizing Pitino. I just see what Miles sees and wonder sometimes if the bubble might burst. It has worked two years in a row,
he's had two overachieving seasons in his career. So it works for him. Maybe it just comes down to different styles and the fact you can either coach or you can't. And Pitino can coach!

I love coach P. However, he yells.. a lot. In hawaii, I heard him dropping a lot of F bombs towards King during the Cuse game. He proceeded to make me blush the entire tourny.. players were responding though. A few minutes after a f bomb and stare (yeah, he has a tubby stare), he would kneel down and calmly talk and coach that player..

I love coach P. However, he yells.. a lot. In e as foolish, I heard him dropping a lot of F bombs towards King during the Cuse game. He proceeded to make me blush the entire tourny.. players were responding though. A few minutes after a f bomb and stare (yeah, he has a tubby stare), he would kneel down and calmly talk and coach that player..

Coaching is as much motivation as it's X's and O's- probably more. F bombs work for some kids and what I see from some of our players-Joey King especially is that he's a bit of a stubborn, F bomb throwing, tough kid who needs tough love.

Pitino doesn't strike me as foolish.

As for Carrol, I remember his time in New England......talent has more to do with his success then his "perky" attitude. BTW I'm gonna guess his mouth isn't church-lady approved either.

How do you think the players like playing for him? It seems like the team has responded well so far this year to the system and such...

On the other hand, is it me or does it look like Pitino is a huge a$$hole to his players in-game?

Obviously things are going well so far as I believe they are over-achieving at this point, but just wanted everyone's opinion!

I think the players love playing for him. In another thread where I got shredded for asking what has Pitino done at this point. I pointed out the individual improvement that players have shown. Coach P told Walker to lose weight or you wont play and he went out and lost 65 pounds. Now I hate it when people say well would Tubby have gotten him to do that? Who cares! The fact is Pitino got him to do that and its showing significant signs of improvement in his game. I remember him not finishing with dunks last year.

E Twice in the beginning of the year showed strides but has since cooled down considerably. He is what he is...a rim protector that NEEDS to give us hustle plays.

I can't say I've seen incredible improvement from Mathieu as I haven't seen him until this year but Pitino finds him and plugs him in and he has been a great player to lean on. He is a little OC at times but he keeps coming at you and doesn't get tentative. That is coaching to continue showing confidence in him but give him credit to keep coming at you every possession.

AND lastly...everybody knows this team lacks PF's but it is what it is...this is what we have and this is the hand we have been delt this year. I think Pitino is getting every ounce he can out of King and Oto. Oto had very few glimpses early on especially in the Sconnie game. Pitino since has turned to Joey King who I think is the better option. He makes mistakes but it isn't for a lack of hustle.

Overall I think this team loves playing for Pitino and has shown individual improvement to show for it.

How we percieve coach on the sidlines, is not near as important as how the players percieve him during practice and in the locker room. The shouting and getting in their face, is more than likely a bi-product of how much he feels he can get out of the players and their understanding of what they are supposed to do. I think the players would be less likely to respond as well as they have if they thought he was being demeaning to a person. IMO, he has done an outstanding job and this comment from Lil Dre, tells me a lot about how the players percieve their coach: "The three kind of got my confidence going a little bit," said Mathieu, who was 5 of 6 from the field in the second half. "Coach lit a fire under me at halftime. He's good at getting me going even though he shouldn't have to. He's good at letting me know, even though he's hollering at me, don't listen to the tone, listen to the message. I just appreciate having a coach like that."

Lil Dre has noted on more than one occasion how Pitino's in-game approach works for him

How we percieve coach on the sidlines, is not near as important as how the players percieve him during practice and in the locker room. The shouting and getting in their face, is more than likely a bi-product of how much he feels he can get out of the players and their understanding of what they are supposed to do. I think the players would be less likely to respond as well as they have if they thought he was being demeaning to a person. IMO, he has done an outstanding job and this comment from Lil Dre, tells me a lot about how the players percieve their coach: "The three kind of got my confidence going a little bit," said Mathieu, who was 5 of 6 from the field in the second half. "Coach lit a fire under me at halftime. He's good at getting me going even though he shouldn't have to. He's good at letting me know, even though he's hollering at me, don't listen to the tone, listen to the message. I just appreciate having a coach like that."


I'm glad he's intense and light a fire under there A$$. It shows that he cares and he wants to win. These are college kids and they can take the yelling. He corrects mistakes right away in game, instead of waiting till practice. It's nice to see some fire and intensity on the sideline finally..

A few minutes after a f bomb and stare (yeah, he has a tubby stare)

Yes, but it is the Year One Tubby Stare......................

Year one Tubby Stare:


Year six Tubby Stare:


Just a guess

I'm glad he's intense and light a fire under there A$$. It shows that he cares and he wants to win. These are college kids and they can take the yelling. He corrects mistakes right away in game, instead of waiting till practice. It's nice to see some fire and intensity on the sideline finally..

I highly doubt Pitino coaches them all the same. He yells at lil Dre because he responds to it. He yells at Joey
I'm guessing for the same reason. I haven't paid close attention...does he yell at Oto? for instance

He is not just yelling to yell. He's better than that.

I think what Miles is saying and I'm concurring is that it is possible to be a good coach without yelling.
It is absolutely possible to correct mistakes right away in a game without yelling. It's Pitino's style. It works for
him. There are nine million other aspects to coaching besides yelling or putting your arm around somebody and coaxing them with a smile ala Pete Carroll. My point: if all he did was yell, that alone wouldn't make him successful.

It's concerning to me that a person can actually be as dumb as TRT.

Once again with name calling? Did you get a snow day? Your mom let you use the computer again?
Becasue I don't buy into what you do, I have to be called names. Do you know what Rick said last week that was shown during the UW game. He said that his son has changed the game of basketball. Are you kidding me? This is a man who forced his assistant to marry a woman that had afair with to be able to quiet her. He is nervour bcasue he knows that his son has 1 year of coaching experience in OVC. This is a much bigger work for him. That's why he is nervous. He wants his son to win here so he can sell him for a bigger job.

If players respond to him, 1. Why did Austin make the same mistake over and over during many games this season? If players respond to him, how would King try to shoot a three when Dre was right next to him in UW game. Wins have been ugly. Players are out of control. These are not my words. You guys have said it after each game.

If you think that I am saying this becasue I was upset that former coach was fired, you are wrong. Just go back and read the game posts for every game. How many times you guys came back here and said lets wait until he gets his recruits? Now you say that a few lucky wins were results of great coaching? I have to say that I did like Gophers defense against UW but again, this is the worst UW team that I have seen in years.

I am a fan of this school becasue it is in the same state that I live in and I have had some work done with their academic people. I cheer for several schools as well. I have never seen any boards that a slightest negative comment from any fans would be the end of the world like it is here. Why do you attack people becasue they say what you don't like?

I am a fan of this school becasue it is in the same state that I live in and I have had some work done with their academic people. I cheer for several schools as well. I have never seen any boards that a slightest negative comment from any fans would be the end of the world like it is here. Why do you attack people becasue they say what you don't like?

I don't recall one positive post from you regarding this team. You are constantly picking it apart and picking Coach P apart as well. Is he perfect - no but he has brought a buzz back to the team that hasn't been here in years. The team is learnng new system this year and King is brand new to the team and school. If the team is like this 4 years from now then you may have a point.

Honestly I love Gopher Basketball period. I don't pick it apart like some do on this board and I don't look for every negative I can find. I'm happy when they win, nervous as hell when they are playing and support them when they lose.

Once again with name calling? Did you get a snow day? Your mom let you use the computer again?
Becasue I don't buy into what you do, I have to be called names. Do you know what Rick said last week that was shown during the UW game. He said that his son has changed the game of basketball. Are you kidding me? This is a man who forced his assistant to marry a woman that had afair with to be able to quiet her. He is nervour bcasue he knows that his son has 1 year of coaching experience in OVC. This is a much bigger work for him. That's why he is nervous. He wants his son to win here so he can sell him for a bigger job.

If players respond to him, 1. Why did Austin make the same mistake over and over during many games this season? If players respond to him, how would King try to shoot a three when Dre was right next to him in UW game. Wins have been ugly. Players are out of control. These are not my words. You guys have said it after each game.

If you think that I am saying this becasue I was upset that former coach was fired, you are wrong. Just go back and read the game posts for every game. How many times you guys came back here and said lets wait until he gets his recruits? Now you say that a few lucky wins were results of great coaching? I have to say that I did like Gophers defense against UW but again, this is the worst UW team that I have seen in years.

I am a fan of this school becasue it is in the same state that I live in and I have had some work done with their academic people. I cheer for several schools as well. I have never seen any boards that a slightest negative comment from any fans would be the end of the world like it is here. Why do you attack people becasue they say what you don't like?

Wins are wins. I thought our wins against Wisconsin and OSU were things of beauty.

Once again with name calling? Did you get a snow day? Your mom let you use the computer again?
Becasue I don't buy into what you do, I have to be called names. Do you know what Rick said last week that was shown during the UW game. He said that his son has changed the game of basketball. Are you kidding me? This is a man who forced his assistant to marry a woman that had afair with to be able to quiet her. He is nervour bcasue he knows that his son has 1 year of coaching experience in OVC. This is a much bigger work for him. That's why he is nervous. He wants his son to win here so he can sell him for a bigger job.

If players respond to him, 1. Why did Austin make the same mistake over and over during many games this season? If players respond to him, how would King try to shoot a three when Dre was right next to him in UW game. Wins have been ugly. Players are out of control. These are not my words. You guys have said it after each game.

If you think that I am saying this becasue I was upset that former coach was fired, you are wrong. Just go back and read the game posts for every game. How many times you guys came back here and said lets wait until he gets his recruits? Now you say that a few lucky wins were results of great coaching? I have to say that I did like Gophers defense against UW but again, this is the worst UW team that I have seen in years.

I am a fan of this school becasue it is in the same state that I live in and I have had some work done with their academic people. I cheer for several schools as well. I have never seen any boards that a slightest negative comment from any fans would be the end of the world like it is here. Why do you attack people becasue they say what you don't like?

Because is spelled because.

Once again with name calling? Did you get a snow day? Your mom let you use the computer again?
Becasue I don't buy into what you do, I have to be called names. Do you know what Rick said last week that was shown during the UW game. He said that his son has changed the game of basketball. Are you kidding me? This is a man who forced his assistant to marry a woman that had afair with to be able to quiet her. He is nervour bcasue he knows that his son has 1 year of coaching experience in OVC. This is a much bigger work for him. That's why he is nervous. He wants his son to win here so he can sell him for a bigger job.

If players respond to him, 1. Why did Austin make the same mistake over and over during many games this season? If players respond to him, how would King try to shoot a three when Dre was right next to him in UW game. Wins have been ugly. Players are out of control. These are not my words. You guys have said it after each game.

If you think that I am saying this becasue I was upset that former coach was fired, you are wrong. Just go back and read the game posts for every game. How many times you guys came back here and said lets wait until he gets his recruits? Now you say that a few lucky wins were results of great coaching? I have to say that I did like Gophers defense against UW but again, this is the worst UW team that I have seen in years.

I am a fan of this school becasue it is in the same state that I live in and I have had some work done with their academic people. I cheer for several schools as well. I have never seen any boards that a slightest negative comment from any fans would be the end of the world like it is here. Why do you attack people becasue they say what you don't like?
You think Coach K's, Rick Pitino's, Self's players play perfect basketball, you think Bob Knight's players did. Bottom line is I liked Tubby, but this is better than 30 seconds of passing around the perimeter and chucking up a prayer. Teams learning a new system and does not have the overall talent of last year's team, but will finish with a record just as good if they take care of business at home. Syracuse won ugly against us and there coach has been at it for 40 years and will probably walk away with over 1,000 wins. I am not gonna crown Pitino, will see what the program looks like in year 5 or even year three when everyone, but Buggs (if he's still here) is Pitino's recruit, but I like what I've seen in year one.

I am a fan of this school becasue it is in the same state that I live in and I have had some work done with their academic people. I cheer for several schools as well. I have never seen any boards that a slightest negative comment from any fans would be the end of the world like it is here. Why do you attack people becasue they say what you don't like?

Oh, come on. "Slightest negative comment," my ass. You' re relentless and you basically have one thing to say over and over and over and over ...

When I have seen coaches do poorly it is when they don't communicate clearly what they want the player to do. The private coaching time is when they get to work on the next step with each player. That helps the players understand exactly what they are supposed to be doing. I've seen a lot of the players improve this year. King, Mathieu, Mo and McNeil come to mind immediately. And that is coaching when it happens to so many players.

My god, spelled "becasue" 4 times in one post? That's well beyond the point of being a coincidence.

Like I've said before, not just stupid, but shockingly stupid. And not afraid to continue making himself look like an idiot. At least he's brave, I guess.

Once again with name calling? Did you get a snow day? Your mom let you use the computer again?
Becasue I don't buy into what you do, I have to be called names. Do you know what Rick said last week that was shown during the UW game. He said that his son has changed the game of basketball. Are you kidding me? This is a man who forced his assistant to marry a woman that had afair with to be able to quiet her. He is nervour bcasue he knows that his son has 1 year of coaching experience in OVC. This is a much bigger work for him. That's why he is nervous. He wants his son to win here so he can sell him for a bigger job.

If players respond to him, 1. Why did Austin make the same mistake over and over during many games this season? If players respond to him, how would King try to shoot a three when Dre was right next to him in UW game. Wins have been ugly. Players are out of control. These are not my words. You guys have said it after each game.

If you think that I am saying this becasue I was upset that former coach was fired, you are wrong. Just go back and read the game posts for every game. How many times you guys came back here and said lets wait until he gets his recruits? Now you say that a few lucky wins were results of great coaching? I have to say that I did like Gophers defense against UW but again, this is the worst UW team that I have seen in years.

I am a fan of this school becasue it is in the same state that I live in and I have had some work done with their academic people. I cheer for several schools as well. I have never seen any boards that a slightest negative comment from any fans would be the end of the world like it is here. Why do you attack people becasue they say what you don't like?

It's not possible that Pitinos' father wants his son to stay here and build something special of his own as he has said?

I'll give TRT this: some of these players have been frustrating and inconsistent...and turnover prone, and fixes to these problems have been elusive. I do feel that Richard is experiencing similar issues as Tubby dealt with his last couple years - players that are maybe a bit too nice or mentally soft or lack the hard edge and assassin mentality you need to realize your potential. But instead of give up or let himself get burned out, Rich has fought through and cobbled together a pretty respectable season considering the team's overall talent level and roster imbalance. In fact, I think the result so far is remarkable considering. I don't think he could have done this with a soft touch. Pete Carroll has overwhelming talent to work with.

Speaking of coaches - did anybody catch the Kentucky/Old Miss game? I think Coach Cal is losing it. He looked positively off his rocker.

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