Picture of missed hold on last Iowa TD run

Refs missed a ton of holding calls on the Gophers tonight too. You could call a hold on damn near every play if the refs wanted. Just a bunch of sour grapes in this thread.
Was it sour grapes when Matt Millen called out your LT for tackling Ekpe? Stupid boy.

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That was a miss but Poock took the wrong angle anyway, and it's likely the RB gets the 1 yard for a first down even without the holding. Then Iowa just runs out the clock. Iowa scoring so quickly actually allowed the time for the Gophers to score and at least attempt an onside kick.

That was a miss but Poock took the wrong angle anyway, and it's likely the RB gets the 1 yard for a first down even without the holding. Then Iowa just runs out the clock. Iowa scoring so quickly actually allowed the time for the Gophers to score and at least attempt an onside kick.
Could be true, but with the holding it is ten yards from the spot of the ball. I'd take my chances on another play with them needing 6-8 yards.

A skeptic would say "follow the money".

We have never had a league commissioner like Delaney, who has been willing to throw tradition aside for
the almighty dollar quite to the degree he has. I think we all agree on that. That said, given that, one
can only surmise that it would be far more financially beneficial if certain teams continue to win, financially.
The worst day of his life would be a day when Minnesota beats Iowa, Illinois beat Ohio State, and Indiana
beats Michigan today. There would be meltdown. The potential dollars lost would be immense.

And who do the refs work for?

DING...DING...DING... We have a winner! metrolax just hit the nail on the head... The Commissioner's office made sure that Iowa won which they desperately need to assure that at least 1 BIG Team enters the playoff for the Championship game.

That was a miss but Poock took the wrong angle anyway, and it's likely the RB gets the 1 yard for a first down even without the holding. Then Iowa just runs out the clock. Iowa scoring so quickly actually allowed the time for the Gophers to score and at least attempt an onside kick.
That's a faulty argument, you can't just take the holding away. You call it, take the points off the board and give them another chance from 10 yards back. It was a horribly officiated game.

I'm probably in the minority here and I'll get bashed. This is getting old blaming the refs and the calls made, it happens in every game, the bottom line was our defense didn't play well enough to win PERIOD. I have been impressed with our offense however in recent games especially Leidner who I have not been a fan of at all early on, way to go Mitch your a competitor all the way.

Can someone with computer skills put this shot along side of the "holding" by Lingren on the 4th and 1?
Lingen is number 86 on the end of the line. Weak call.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/B8ecFMWVaEk" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I'm probably in the minority here and I'll get bashed. This is getting old blaming the refs and the calls made, it happens in every game, the bottom line was our defense didn't play well enough to win PERIOD. I have been impressed with our offense however in recent games especially Leidner who I have not been a fan of at all early on, way to go Mitch your a competitor all the way.

Agree...We need to play better on defense but it is up to the Commissioner to assure that each team is treated fairly. You don't see calls like this going against Ohio State. All the teams deserve an equal chance to win. Otherwise this becomes WWE and Roller Derby where the outcomes are all fixed.

That was a miss but Poock took the wrong angle anyway, and it's likely the RB gets the 1 yard for a first down even without the holding. Then Iowa just runs out the clock. Iowa scoring so quickly actually allowed the time for the Gophers to score and at least attempt an onside kick.

Wrong! If you backup the tape on the bear hug above, Poock was filling the large hole. The lead blocker came at him with his arms wide open like greeting a lost relative. The blocker grabs Poock and drags him over to the side and the runner cuts through the open hole. Poock was in the prefect spot to make the tackle. Very hard to miss the hold.

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Yes we need to play better, yes we can't leave it in the hands of the officials, but this is the third week in a row where there was unbelievably bad calls that went against the gophs in crucial situations. The call on Lindgen was criminal, actual holding does happen on every play, but to call it in that spot when there isn't any holding is just terrible. Calls like that matter, they can directly effect outcomes. Do we go on to win? Don't know, problem is we'll never know.

Lingen is number 86 on the end of the line. Weak call.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/B8ecFMWVaEk" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Lingen did everything right on that play except release when the play got past. The defensive player is clearly trying to disengage and go for the play and can't get free, only way that happens is if Lingen has a nice hold of his jersey preventing him from getting away. If Lingen just lets go it is a great block.

Lingen did everything right on that play except release when the play got past. The defensive player is clearly trying to disengage and go for the play and can't get free, only way that happens is if Lingen has a nice hold of his jersey preventing him from getting away. If Lingen just lets go it is a great block.

Lingen did everything right on that play except release when the play got past. The defensive player is clearly trying to disengage and go for the play and can't get free, only way that happens is if Lingen has a nice hold of his jersey preventing him from getting away. If Lingen just lets go it is a great block.

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The biggest problem with the officials last night is there was no consistency at all in what they were calling. If you are gonna call the hold on Lingen you are gonna have to make that call on nearly every play otherwise don't make the call just because you are on the Iowa sideline and they are yelling at you. Iowa got away with so much holding last night and their sideling was yelling for a call anytime there was a play over there whether anything happened or not. Tough to beat a B1G team on the road but even tougher when you have to compete with some one sided officiating as well.

The missed Iowa hold was ridiculous, and I've been as critical of the refs as anyone over the last few weeks, but Lingen needs to release when the d-man tries to go the other way.

I didn't notice at real speed but on the replay I mentioned to the person I was watching with that Cody was tackled on that play. Did it affect the outcome of the game? Probably not but it was a lame non call regardless.

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This is the third game in a row where many fans have had a legitimate "beef" with the officials.

Could it have something to do with the Claeys being the new coach and not having built that relationship yet with the refs? Claeys has kept his cool during these three games while enduring several bad calls and hopefully this will earn him some respect with the B1G refs.
I don't recall this happening with Jerry as HC.

Could it have something to do with the Claeys being the new coach and not having built that relationship yet with the refs? Claeys has kept his cool during these three games while enduring several bad calls and hopefully this will earn him some respect with the B1G refs. I don't recall this happening with Jerry as HC.

I think there's something to this point, certainly AFTER a bad call or a badly missed call. Certainly Coach Kill worked all the officials as well as most other HCs.

So far it does not look like Coach Claeys is engaging the refs. More growing pains.

This would be a good Sid & Dave point, or during the Thursday radio show.

That's a faulty argument, you can't just take the holding away. You call it, take the points off the board and give them another chance from 10 yards back. /QUOTE]

What I meant is, if the OL didn't hold, Poock had the wrong angle and the RB likely gets a yard for the first down.

Lingen did everything right on that play except release when the play got past. The defensive player is clearly trying to disengage and go for the play and can't get free, only way that happens is if Lingen has a nice hold of his jersey preventing him from getting away. If Lingen just lets go it is a great block.

The problem is consistency. If that is holding, then there is zero doubt Ekpe was held twice by their LT on the last drive of the first half. In both cases, the LT got beat but continued to hold on after Ekpe got past him. Literally the same situation, yet not called.

The brief holds by Lingen and Wozniak occur on almost every outside type of run. Ohio State was raping our defense with the exact same holds, just worse last week.

Call it even or expect grumbling. It's a mystery why MNCVGUY cannot acknowledge there is clear and horrific inconsistency in the calls.

A well-officiated game is one where the refs grab control early, where they let the teams know where the
lines are drawn. If that doesn't happen, players will learn they can get away with whatever is allowed.

Then it devolves into picking and choosing calls. Refs let this get out of control to a degree.

GophersInIowa;1139427[B said:
]The problem is consistency[/B]. If that is holding, then there is zero doubt Ekpe was held twice by their LT on the last drive of the first half. In both cases, the LT got beat but continued to hold on after Ekpe got past him. Literally the same situation, yet not called.

I'd argue the refs have been very consistent in keeping the big boss happy.

Why am I thinking that there is B1G officiating bias against the Gophers in the tOSU & Iowa games?

It is like the officiating crew want to guarantee victories to the #3 & #5 ranked playoff potential teams.

... the bottom line was our defense didn't play well enough to win...

Our D didn't play it's best, but without the call in question, does Iowa still score the last TD? Maybe. Maybe not.

Sure would be nice to be on the other side of these kind of calls

I would love for someone to show me when a ref didn't call a holding that was that obvious for the Gophers.

Just once it would be nice for the Big 10 refs to job the opponent instead of the Gophers.
That holding call on Lingen was a joke, if Iowa they say released on all of those take downs, tackles, jersey grabs and bear hugs than Lingen most certainly did. His hands were inside the shoulder pads and he released the jersey after the initial grab.
You can holding on a lot of plays. It wasn't the total reason the Gophers lost but the all of the holding Iowa's offensive line got away with, made it seem like forces were at work where they were playing two opponents not just one. Iowa has a good team, but I was proud of how hard the Gophers competed against them and they gave themselves a chance to win. Floyd's stay in Iowa City will be short mark my words, he is going to have a home and be staying in Minneapolis for many years to come starting in 2016.

Gopher defense was bound to wear down with both starting defensive tackles out, were playing with two cornerbacks, and one back up and a second and third string safety.

Why am I thinking that there is B1G officiating bias against the Gophers in the tOSU & Iowa games?

It is like the officiating crew want to guarantee victories to the #3 & #5 ranked playoff potential teams.

Yes, there were some horse bleep calls or non-calls but stop with the conspiracy crap. If another site was doing this some of the same GHers would be wetting themselves over the whining by other fans. We're on the road. We're playing against well-established veteran coaches. We're underdogs. Don't doubt for a minute that can contribute to referee bias. But some people act like there's a memo somewhere telling refs to screw the Gophers.

From a badger board, "Maybe I'm just really hoping for a Minny upset, but it seems like Iowa's LT has been tackling the Minny DE all game (especially on that last drive). Regardless, I don't see Iowa losing this game."

Pretty sure it's not just sour grapes.

I don't think one can really make an argument that the calls on the Gophers were wrong calls. The potential non-calls on Iowa is the question.

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I don't think one can really make an argument that the calls on the Gophers were wrong calls. The potential non-calls on Iowa is the question.

Maybe on all except the hold on Lingen. If that was a hold, then there should be 100 holding penalties on Iowa.

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