
Well-known member
Sep 11, 2010
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I just wonder what everyone's thoughts are on this matter! There is a pretty good discussion on the ESPN B1G boards stating that a lot of PSU fans want to go to the ACC! A lot of their alumni feel that they were disrespected and not welcome and that in 1994 all the B1G writers wouldnt vote them #1 after they went undefeated and they say they have not forgiven us for that! They also say they have no rivalries here and they want to be closer to the teams they play like in the ACC!

What are Gopher fans thoughts on this?

My thoughts are that this is really funny. Some fans wanting to move to the ACC means nothing, especially when the number of fans who want to move is essentially zero percent.

I doubt very much that there are any significant number of people who are miffed about how Big Ten writers voted in 1994. No rivalries? The world has moved on. The players grew up in a world where Penn State is part of the Big Ten.

The thing about the internet is that you can find any rumor you want. We could start a Minnesota to the PAC-12 rumor, and maybe people will start spreading it. It would still be nothing.

But it looks like it could be a fun discussion to watch.

No rivalries? Does the Governor's Victory Bell mean nothing?!


I saw a tweet about Notre Dame, Penn State, and or UCONN to the ACC. They might be the first to 16.

There goes the big 10 Hockey league. I wonder if we can get back in the WCHA.

Some Penn State fans can wish for this all they want but it likely would never happen. The research revenue for Penn State has doubled since joining the Big Ten and that will override any wishes from the athletic side of things. The ACC cannot come close to offering that amount of revenue.

This is all funny and why I hardly click on the Conference alignment shuffle threads. No disrespect to anyone, and MAXYJR I'm sure you did see a tweet, but it's almost ridiculous to think that Notre Dame would even consider joining the ACC. I would also be shocked if Penn State comes close to joining the ACC. At the end of the day, whoever wants Penn State out of the B1G doesn't have strong enough arguments, and Notre Dame really has no reason to move to the ACC.

With all of the changing of conferences that is happening this year, just WAIT until some of these fans start "missing" their old rivals and old conferences. Football Fans are incredible flakes. They want EVERYING. They want it ALL now. They don't know what the hell they want. When it is all said and done, college football fans will go on record wanting what they want, when they want it...and they want it ALL now.

I'm talking ALL football fans...each and every one of us...

; 0 )

Who does Penn State want the B1G to bring in?

Syracuse is a basketball school. What they use to be in football doesn't exist anymore.

Pittsburgh is a fine school but they don't benefit the conference. Last I checked Penn State stopped playing Pitt.

Rutgers would be in the B1G if it could deliver the NYC market. The one team that does that for football is Notre Dame and that's not an east coast team.

Maryland-Not sure why people think this was a possibility.

I heard a rumor recently that Minnesota might be going to the Pac 12.

I heard a rumor recently that Minnesota might be going to the Pac 12.

When this happens we can only hope most of our late season games are on the road. Thanksgiving somewhere warm.

I just don't get this discussion. At all. Rittenberg had a blog post/poll on it as well here.

My take: WTF? Really? I know PSU has not been in the B1G as long as many members, but they certainly have fit in very well since they joined. Their fans, the stadium, the tailgating, the rivalries are all there. Anyone who says they don't have rivalries? Ohio State and Michigan State have been pretty good. Add in the big games they'll play every year, whether it be Michigan, Wisconsin, even Illinois at times.

The argument about joining the ACC for their fans to have access to some closer road games? I suppose with the addition of Pitt and Syracuse you could maybe make the case. But the average distance to all B1G schools for PSU is 659 miles. Average distance to ACC schools is 508 miles. With Pitt and Syracuse, they have 4 schools at <300 miles away, while the B1G has none, so I'll give them that. But the historically good schools (quality road trips) for PSU would be: Florida State, Miami, Georgia Tech, maybe Clemson? All are 600+ miles away with FSU and Miami 1,000+. You know what, Penn State? SOMEONE has to be the last school on the outskirts of the conference geographically. MN has been stuck with a minimum 4 hour road trip for years. Beyone WI or Iowa, we have a 7 hour drive to Northwestern and then another 4 to Mich, MichSt, etc. Get over it. You're furthest trip would be Lincoln at 1092 miles compared to Miami at 1260 in the ACC.

I also recognize that this discussion may not be PSU fan based. You can see the poll 80+% of people think they should stay and many comments on the board from their fans say they LOVE the B1G. So who knows. I just hope their administration doesn't do anything stupid.

I think PSU is still upset about Goldy kneeling with the player.

I think this is all part of the pressure Penn State is applying to have the Big Ten add a couple of East Coast teams that would be natural rivals. My guess is that Pitt, Syracuse, Rutgers, and Maryland were the main names mentioned up to this point. With Pitt and Syracuse gone to the ACC it leaves Rutgers and Maryland.

I recently saw an interview where Paterno was hinting at this. I think there is a real possibility that this could happen where Penn State jumped to the ACC. It sounds like their recruiting is hurting because they don't play in any of their traditional recruiting areas.

Somebody mentioned the research grants the school has gotten as part of belonging to the Big Ten, from an academic standpoint I would guess there will be opposition within Penn State to changing conferences. Interesting to see where the power within an institution lies.

What still amazes me is that most fans, obviously ours and the rest of the US, think the Big Ten is an athletic conference. The Big Ten was, is and always will be a research and academic consortium that also aligns its athletics out of convenience. This is why the U of Chicago is still part of the Big Ten consortium even though they have nothing to do with athletics. Keep in mind the rule has always been, once in, always in the Big Ten. Leaving the Big Ten would be akin to divorcing Warren Buffet after signing a PreNup that gives you ten bucks if you leave. The ACC is a joke athletic conference that has not redeeming academic values...not that all ACC schools are bad, just as a conference the ACC means nothing in the academic world. Same with SEC, PAC 12 and Big 12 and all the rest. The Big Ten was set up to rival the Ivy League...hence the Public Ivys.

I am happy at 12 teams, love the addition of NE and am confident that NE will rise to our levels over the coming years. What I find truly fanciful is the idea that all this realignment is going to somehow force the Big Ten to do anything...the Big Ten is the big dog. Our football teams, conference have the largest following, generate the most TV revenue and have the longest traditions. We added NE solely to increase our national exposure and get a conference championship game...the BTN will be the big dog as well. No other conference's channel will have close to the coast to coast appeal of the BTN...we will dominate here as well. That is why eventually ND will come to us...we will be top dog and they will need just wont happen til 2015 when NBC offers them a dog*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!# TV deal because ND has sucked for the last 10 years and NBC has lost its ass.

nice work on the overtly misleading thread title. :p

One of my biggest GH pet peeves. I absolutely hate it when people post things with headlines like "Gray transferring" and then put something like "Think he'd consider it?" in the body of the post. Drives me nuts. At least this one Penn State leaving the B1G was soooooo far out there I didn't have a cardiac event prior to opening it.

At least this one Penn State leaving the B1G was soooooo far out there I didn't have a cardiac event prior to opening it.

Well thank god for that! It is out there and has been discussed! I just find it funny that the ACC accepted two mediocre teams in Pitt and Syracuse that they think they can raid the B1G and get anyone to come join them now! Where did they get their balls all of a sudden?

This is crazy and ridiculus. Why didn't you say they were joining the MIAC, it is just as plausible!

Caue if you look around you will see that this is being talked about all around! Whether it happens or not it is still being talked about.

I'd love to see Penn State gone and replaced with Missouri.

I'd love to see Penn State gone and replaced with Missouri.

This would not be smart! You lose Penn State the conference would take a major step back in competition, notoriety, respect, and many other things. Missouri would not and will not ever be a school like Penn State and what it can bring to the B1G! The only school that would is Notre Dame, Oklahoma, Texas and the likes!

I hate to say it but the B1G needs Penn State to stay! It would be a blow to lose them like a majority of any B1G school.

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