Paul Carter

What Up Guy

Nov 24, 2008
Reaction score
I wanted to see more than just one garbage-time minute from him tonight. Hopefully he can get a few minutes to showcase himself in the next game against High Point. Right now it just looks like Tubby doesn't know when to use him.

What happened with Carter? He was a starter, got hurt and now only comes in during garbage time. I am very confused about this. I know there had been some speculation on this board about him red-shirting, but I think it is clear that won't be the case.

I was also confused about Bostick -- I haven't seen the boxscore, but it seemed like he was in for about two minutes in the first half.

They already play 12 guys. There are only 5 spots on the floor. Many coaches have difficulty finding pt for their 13th man.

My opinion

I'd like to see PC take Jamal's minutes at least, and probably some of Busch's and Ralph's as well. JMO

Second that. Also, it was apparent how much the team missed Colt 45 when he was out early with two fouls. Especially since Jon and Ralph didn't have great games either :(

He's still healing and should regain his playing time when he's 100%. With the kind of athleticism Carter has, it doesn't make sense to push his bad ankle too soon, especially against "cupcakes." But then, SE Louisiana was not exactly an easy win...however, we managed!

He's still healing and should regain his playing time when he's 100%. With the kind of athleticism Carter has, it doesn't make sense to push his bad ankle too soon, especially against "cupcakes." But then, SE Louisiana was not exactly an easy win...however, we managed!

Exactly my feeling. Let's ease him into it while we can. I expect him to take more and more of JAS minutes as the games go by.

Carter had a real bad sprain. I just hope there's no legament damage ( copyright Eric Decker)

I wonder if Tubby played him to send the signal he will absolutely not be redshirted.

I wonder if Tubby played him to send the signal he will absolutely not be redshirted.

I highly doubt that Tubby is worried whether or not the fans were speculating on a possible redshirt. I think he simply played him a little to get him back into a game situation a little bit while his ankle continues to heal.

I wonder if Tubby played him to send the signal he will absolutely not be redshirted.

Carter cannot redshirt at Minnesota. He already used his redshirt year at JUCO (sitting out his first year, including a transfer). He has three years to play three years at Minnesota, not four years to play three.

As I understand it, you get one redshirt year. A redshirt is a redshirt, whether it is for medical reasons or not. You get five years to play four. Medical redshirts are for players who have not previously used a regular redshirt (again, as I understand it). The rare exception is when a guy used a redshirt and then loses two seasons due to injury. Then, he can petition for a sixth year. That occasionally happens, but not very often. The wide receiver from Texas named Shipley was just granted a sixth year because he missed two seasons due to injury and had also used a redshirt.

If I understand the rule right, if you redshirt as a freshman and then miss a season later due to injury, you won't get that season back. You get five to play four.

As I understand it, you get one redshirt year. A redshirt is a redshirt, whether it is for medical reasons or not. You get five years to play four. Medical redshirts are for players who have not previously used a regular redshirt (again, as I understand it). The rare exception is when a guy used a redshirt and then loses two seasons due to injury. Then, he can petition for a sixth year. That occasionally happens, but not very often. The wide receiver from Texas named Shipley was just granted a sixth year because he missed two seasons due to injury and had also used a redshirt.

If I understand the rule right, if you redshirt as a freshman and then miss a season later due to injury, you won't get that season back. You get five to play four.

That is not how I understand it...a medical redshirt is a hardship request to the NCAA and if granted, you get an additional year of eligibility regardless of a previous redshirt. I do believe you can not take a medical redshirt if you have not taken a regular redshirt year.

I don't think so, but again I'm not an expert. Carter's situation would not warrant a sixth year. No chance.

And, you can absolutely take a medical redshirt if you have not taken a regular redshirt. In fact, that's the hole purpose of a medical redshirt. A medical redshirt comes when you've played a small part of the season, then get injured. If you meet qualifications, you get a medical redshirt.

A regular redshirt means you didn't play a single play in a year. Therefore, it would actually be impossible to take a regular redshirt in a season in which you suffer a season-ending injury in game one.

The issue again is cannot take a medical redshirt if you've already used a regular redshirt. I'm almost certain of that. The only exception - as I noted - is if you take a redshirt, then miss two seasons. Then you can ask for a sixth year.

I would venture to guess the "minute" played by PC is more for him regaining his comfort zone about his ankle. Kind of a ... "get back on the horse" deal.

I thought Carter and Bostick would play bigger minutes in the Southeastern game, to get them ready for the Big Ten Schedule. I guess the game was just to tight. The High Point game should be a run-a-way. If they are ever going to get some minutes it should be there. I am sure Carter will get time eventually. Bostick just might be running out of chances with the BT games near and the W boys coming next year. Tubby says Devron is a great scorer. So he does seem to be a guy that the coach would like to get going. So give him some minutes.

I don't think so, but again I'm not an expert. Carter's situation would not warrant a sixth year. No chance.

And, you can absolutely take a medical redshirt if you have not taken a regular redshirt. In fact, that's the hole purpose of a medical redshirt. A medical redshirt comes when you've played a small part of the season, then get injured. If you meet qualifications, you get a medical redshirt.

A regular redshirt means you didn't play a single play in a year. Therefore, it would actually be impossible to take a regular redshirt in a season in which you suffer a season-ending injury in game one.

The issue again is cannot take a medical redshirt if you've already used a regular redshirt. I'm almost certain of that. The only exception - as I noted - is if you take a redshirt, then miss two seasons. Then you can ask for a sixth year.

Tj--not sure why you'd beleive me more than any others, so I guess I'm just adding my voice to the chorus. IF you take a redshirt for any reason, you cannot have another redshirt UNLESS the second redshirt is for medical reasons. But if you are injured in any year after you have taken a redshi8rt, and are only able to play a limited number of games (I don't know the number, although FOT said 30%) then you can apply for a second redshirt year. It's not guaranteed, but it does happen--I think Adam Boone is an example of a guy that received permision and took 6 years to play 4.

Tj--not sure why you'd beleive me more than any others, so I guess I'm just adding my voice to the chorus. IF you take a redshirt for any reason, you cannot have another redshirt UNLESS the second redshirt is for medical reasons. But if you are injured in any year after you have taken a redshi8rt, and are only able to play a limited number of games (I don't know the number, although FOT said 30%) then you can apply for a second redshirt year. It's not guaranteed, but it does happen--I think Adam Boone is an example of a guy that received permision and took 6 years to play 4.

Yes, Adam Boone's case is one of the few that I know of that a guy got a sixth year and was not injured for two seasons plus a redshirt. There are still people who are amazed that he got that sixth year. I should re-phrase to say that a guy could be given a medical redshirt, but still must get a hardship waiver with the NCAA to get that sixth year and in most cases it is only awarded if a guy's been injured for two seasons. For some reason, the NCAA gave Boone the sixth year without that being the case. There aren't many cases like that. Usually, if you take a regular redshirt, then are injured later, you do not get that year back. There aren't too many guys who get that sixth year and there are tons of guys who ask. That's all I'm saying.

From the little I have seen Bostick play....I suspect his "handle" of the ball is weak. Yes, a great shooter, but he has lost the ball a few times. Not great with the dribble for this level of competition. That and his understanding of the defensive play required to earn minutes on the floor. I hope that comes around soon.

Ooops, posted to wrong thread.

The two jucos could turn out to be role players. I don't see Hoffarber, Westbrook, and Johnson playing less than 20-30 minutes. Busch has played his way to 10-15 minutes as well.

That said if Tubby needs offense fast, we'll likely see Bostick and if he's going to press there'll be a good chance that Carter will be on the floor. Bostick hasn't showed if he can put the ball on the floor and get to the basket and we'll see if Carter can shoot and finish.

White, Mbwake, and Williams arriving should make their plight tougher- Cobbs might push Joseph over to the 2 as well. Carter and Bostick could wind-up being the 11th and 12th men, Payton has a firm grasp on the 13th spot. I've heard that the football recruit is a player- maybe higher rated that Cobbs.

Didn't Evan Eshmeyer (sp) get an medical redshirt year after using an original redshirt yesr

I think Eschmeyer missed 2 years to injury. He never had a regular redshirt year.

Medical redshirt can get you sixth year of eligibility even if you had already take your redshirt according to wikipedia. Totally up to NCAA to allow.

Regardless, I don't think Carter's injury is that serious. He seemed to be moving OK in the last minute he played against SE.

I suspect Tubby is taking it slowly to make sure he has Carter for the BT season.

As for Bostick, I don't see any foot speed, he can't handle the rock and his shot is slow motion release. I thought this kid was deadly from the wing and could get to the rim...evidently I was wrong or this kid gained 20 pounds over the summer and now can't move. I don't what it is, but Hoffarber looks like Isiah Thomas compared to this kid. Just my opinion.

I sure hope he finds his legs at some point.

I think Carter has been gone too long and some have forgotten how valuable he was to this team, he had a really bad ankle sprain and it just needs time to heal. He may not get the minutes he was before the injury but he will play alot and we need him.

Hi Gang. As a former HS BB coach, and one of your studs has an extremely serious injury, on does not chance the future of the PUP by hurring him back. I always believed that the health and well being of one of my players would come above the winning of a game or games. It is a matter of philosophy, and I am sure Tubby has discussed this with PC....the fact that his health and well-being is more important for his future. He will play when he and Tubby agree that it is time to go 100%. That is my postion. Good Luck on your recovery, PC. We care about you. We also LOVE our Gophers!!!!!!!!!! Let's get to 12-0 now on Sunday at 6 p.m. Fill the BARN!!
(oh, and BTW, get ready to bring on the Spartans)!!!!!!!!!

As I understand it, you get one redshirt year. A redshirt is a redshirt, whether it is for medical reasons or not. You get five years to play four. Medical redshirts are for players who have not previously used a regular redshirt (again, as I understand it). The rare exception is when a guy used a redshirt and then loses two seasons due to injury. Then, he can petition for a sixth year. That occasionally happens, but not very often. The wide receiver from Texas named Shipley was just granted a sixth year because he missed two seasons due to injury and had also used a redshirt.

If I understand the rule right, if you redshirt as a freshman and then miss a season later due to injury, you won't get that season back. You get five to play four.

That is not completely accurate. A medical redshirt is differentiated from a normal red shirt because you can't play during the season for a normal red shirt but a medical red shirt can be used if a player played in less than 30% of the games and suffered a season ending injury (Duane Bennett).

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