PA announcer saying "Rah" at the end of the rouser

Hutchster, why don't you just admit that you are in the VAST minority (you and Handsome Pete) that dislike the Rah and leave it at that.

The fact that you are digging through youtube clips reeks of desperation in trying to dispute a point that most people would concede. The fact is that Rah has been used sporadically through the history of the Gophers. If you say that you didn't say "rah" during the Wacker years, I totally believe you. But there are others who state strongly that in the years preceding that they participated in "Rah." Were you there? Are you calling them liars?

The PA guy (Jamie - whois 100% classy and a huge contributor to Gopher sports) has been doing Rah since AT LEAST 2003; that's at least 6 years. Have you been complaining about this for 6+ years??? If you heard Rah for the first time on Saturday, then you clearly have not been going to games in this decade.

I'm not trying to unduly criticize you, but you are just making a lot of fuss over the fact that you don't like something that the overwhelming majority either like or are indifferent to. So, just say you don't like it and leave it at that.

The people sitting next to me and all of the people I was with had never heard the announcer bleat out "rah" when everyone was done with the rouser, that's what got me thinking about it. I have to admit, I kind of like the "rah" when the fans do it. Just not when the PA guy does it.

And I can promise you, I went to every single Gopher fb game in my college days in the late 90's (and many more from 2000 on) and I did not hear the announcer ever do that even once. It sounded so dumb and horrible when I heard it Saturday that I for sure would have remembered it. Oh well. Some like to swing in the tree, some like to jump in the bush.

Does our PA guy moonlight at ISU?
Sorry to say, but I agree with the post from an Iowa fan. (partial quote below)

Bush league. I know there are more important things to worry about but this guy is a real tool. Was at jack trice last week for the no dak st game. A few things that he does that reminds me of a happy horsecrud high school game...
1) after an ISU first down, it's "and another iowa state"..... and the rest of the crowd screams "FIRST DOWN!"
2) on third down plays when the clones need a stop it goes like this.... "c'mon cyclone fans, on your feet, it's third down, make some noise!" Seriously?
Can't wait to hear him do that when they are getting taken to the wood-shed in the future. Typical ISU choreographed stuff to try to generic excitement about a program that has been struggling for years.

I'm sure our PA guy is a good person but he is getting too involved in the game. PA announcers at elite programs don't use gimmickry to try to drum up enthusiasm, and now that we have this new stadium with a larger fan base, I don't think we need this either. He should let events on the field determine when we make noise. Have some faith that the fans know something about football. Artificial enthusiasm for the home team is embarrassing, especially when coming from a guy trying to sound like Michael Buffer.

The people sitting next to me and all of the people I was with had never heard the announcer bleat out "rah" when everyone was done with the rouser, that's what got me thinking about it. I have to admit, I kind of like the "rah" when the fans do it. Just not when the PA guy does it.

And I can promise you, I went to every single Gopher fb game in my college days in the late 90's (and many more from 2000 on) and I did not hear the announcer ever do that even once. It sounded so dumb and horrible when I heard it Saturday that I for sure would have remembered it. Oh well. Some like to swing in the tree, some like to jump in the bush.

You can say otherwise, but it sounds like you and the people sitting next to you don't attend much Gopher football, or don't pay attention when you do. I have had season tickets since the Maroney/Barber years and the PA announced "Rah" has been there AT LEAST since then if not earlier, as many have suggested.

And after it is all said and done... WE GET IT... you don't like it when the PA announcer says "Rah". Check. The majority, including me DO enjoy it. Now what?


I'm sure our PA guy is a good person but he is getting too involved in the game. PA announcers at elite programs don't use gimmickry to try to drum up enthusiasm, and now that we have this new stadium with a larger fan base, I don't think we need this either. He should let events on the field determine when we make noise. Have some faith that the fans know something about football. Artificial enthusiasm for the home team is embarrassing, especially when coming from a guy trying to sound like Michael Buffer.

Wow...the new stadium obviously has better acoustics because Jamie has been doing this stuff for years without getting any complaints. :p

And no, a lot of our fans don't know when to cheer. Its why so many of them still sit on their hands during big plays. We've only scratched the surface of how loud the new stadium can get. Now its time to sustain it for longer periods.

If you start agreeing with an Iowa fan, you need to think twice. These are traditions you will take out of my cold, dead hands.

The majority like it do they? Why doesnt Anybody Say Rah in this video, the 1st ROuser in TCF Bank Stadium?

As noted in a post above, the Band has a DIFFERENT PA guy then Jamie. That PA guy doesn't say RAH! at the end. And while I like it, I have no desire to yell it out. I've always enjoyed it as an addition by Jamie at the end.

You can just back down and settle for the fact that most people on this board A) don't care or B) like it or you can keep digging. We get that you don't like it. It's not changing. Deal.

The students that attented the U in when Memorial was here, they said "Raw" at the end of the rouser, then they stopped doing it sometime during the tenure in the dome and then the PA announcer started doing in the towards the end of the dome years...maybe rejuvinating a tradition.

So, yes this was a tradition at Memorial Stadium, its not new, so stop saying it is.

Since hearing Rah at the end of the rouser through my times watching Gopher football, it is now included every time we finish the rouser outside of the stadium. Mostly we let our son's Grandfather do it, but sometimes we all say it (usually when we are excited about a big play).

There seem to be people who object to us doing what everyone else does, and at the same time object to the things we do that other schools don't. Which, if we took their advice, we would be left with nothing.

The majority like it do they? Why doesnt Anybody Say Rah in this video, the 1st ROuser in TCF Bank Stadium?

Oh man... Did you just say that? I personally NEVER say "Rah" at the end of the rouser either. This whole argument is about the PA announcer saying it... and as I said, most people do like it when HE says it... whenever and wherever he says it.

But, if you like comparing apples and oranges that much... I've got a better video link for you, and you don't have far to go to watch it. Look at the Kare 11 extra segment that is linked at the top of the GopherHole board. Check out the crazy college kid screaming "RAH" at the end of the spell out. Sheesh!

One minute the argument is about the "Rah" never existing at the end of the rouser. As soon as that is proven false, the argument switches to the PA announcer saying it. Then it migrates again to pointing out that EVERYONE doesn't say it.

PA announcer "RAH" = GOOD

One minute the argument is about the "Rah" never existing at the end of the rouser. As soon as that is proven false, the argument switches to the PA announcer saying it. Then it migrates again to pointing out that EVERYONE doesn't say it.

Well put. :clap: Keep on digging hutchster and soon enough you'll be able to avoid saying Rah! while watching games in China.

Oh man... Did you just say that? I personally NEVER say "Rah" at the end of the rouser either. This whole argument is about the PA announcer saying it... and as I said, most people do like it when HE says it... whenever and wherever he says it.

But, if you like comparing apples and oranges that much... I've got a better video link for you, and you don't have far to go to watch it. Look at the Kare 11 extra segment that is linked at the top of the GopherHole board. Check out the crazy college kid screaming "RAH" at the end of the spell out. Sheesh!

One minute the argument is about the "Rah" never existing at the end of the rouser. As soon as that is proven false, the argument switches to the PA announcer saying it. Then it migrates again to pointing out that EVERYONE doesn't say it.

PA announcer "RAH" = GOOD

Not exactly Schnauzer. Pete's 1st post was about the PA guy but many of the other posts involved both the PA guy and the fans and students saying Rah.

And if nobody says Rah unless the PA guy has to say itt then whats the point?

And if nobody says Rah unless the PA guy has to say itt then whats the point?

I think the point is this. "RAH!" used to be a common part of the Rouser and was said by fans. This tradition died out for a period. It was brought back in large part because of Jamie saying it over the PA. In this new version of the tradition, not everyone is saying has sort of become Jamie's exclamation point to the Rouser. Just because folks defer to Jamie doesn't make it pointless. YOU think its pointless. And you are welcome to have that opinion. But at this point I don't even know what you're arguing about.

You've gotten to the point where you're trying to prove that you know what 50,000 people are thinking about this. I don't know that everyone likes it (no one can), but I do know it has been and continues to be part of the Rouser and its tradition. And I do know you are in the minority when it comes to folks on this board. At this point, I think we should settle to agree to disagree.

I think the point is this. "RAH!" used to be a common part of the Rouser and was said by fans. This tradition died out for a period. It was brought back in large part because of Jamie saying it over the PA. In this new version of the tradition, not everyone is saying has sort of become Jamie's exclamation point to the Rouser. Just because folks defer to Jamie doesn't make it pointless. YOU think its pointless. And you are welcome to have that opinion. But at this point I don't even know what you're arguing about.

You've gotten to the point where you're trying to prove that you know what 50,000 people are thinking about this. I don't know that everyone likes it (no one can), but I do know it has been and continues to be part of the Rouser and its tradition. And I do know you are in the minority when it comes to folks on this board. At this point, I think we should settle to agree to disagree.

No problem and of course I am willing to agree with disagree. The reason I got upset is that numerous posters were saying I didnt know anything or that I had never been to a Gopher game in the last 10 years or that they had been to wayyy more games than me. When in fact I sat in the student section for many years and went to every single game and through some very bad losses when some of these posters I think didnt.

My reason for posting the video link was to show that when at TCF last week we had a different PA guy for a few minutes, u cant hear ANYBODY IN THE STADIUM shouting Rah at the end. Its not like a 50-50 split where half say it and half dont, I mean u cant hear it at all. Im sure some pppl do say it and thats fine, but from talking with all my friends from the U and also from the videos I posted, I think far fewer ppl say it than some on here think. Even the videos I posted from 2005 2008 and 2009 all show No Rahs at the end.

If Jamie wants to say it, he can do so even if I think it sounds dumb............. but I think its' very telling that when he steps away from the microphone like in the video clip, u cant hear anybody else picking up the slack and saying Rah for him.

With That...RAH RAH RAH for Ski-U-Mah, RAH RAH RAH RAH, RAH FOR THE U OF M!!!!!

p.s. I also posted the video clips to prove to myself I wasnt crazy and my memory wasnt shot. If I was yelling something different all these years I would have felt like an idiot.

So at this point I think we can agree that hutchster has no idea what he's talking about and that Pete may be in a very lonely minority of those annoyed by the Rah?

Actually GoAUpher it was your statement above which sent me on the youtube video search to prove to you that I wasnt crazy and did know what I was talking about. I already said I was sorry about not having all my facts straight but I was right about many of the things I said!!

Actually GoAUpher it was your statement above which sent me on the youtube video search to prove to you that I wasnt crazy and did know what I was talking about. I already said I was sorry about not having all my facts straight but I was right about many of the things I said!!

My apologies! That would be one of my "foot in mouth" moments. They happen more frequently than I like.

If the Rah is so great, why doesn't anyone do it? I hear nothing. Stop the Rah, end the Rouser on a high.

The point is that if ppl like saying Rah at the end of the Rouser so much, then why doesnt anybody in the stands say Rah when there's a different PA guy like in this clip?

I'm not near the camera, but I'm in the stands and I said Rah. As I have since I learned the Rouser in 1987. I get you don't like it, but people do say it. Maybe not everyone, but people do. I've been saying it at Football and Hockey games for the past 22 years.

So you don't have to like it. You can find all the videos you want, but people do say it (and not just me) and have said it for decades.

Get over it.

I've taught my kids the Rouser but I get to do the 'Rah'. It's been around since at least the early 90's.

The rah: I do it, my wife does it, and my 4-year old does it. It just hasn't caught on to the masses yet. Get on board and help it along.

O really smarty? If u actually went to the U between Wacker in the early 1990s and around 2005 you would know that Rah was not ever used during those years by anyone in the student section at football games. I know because I was there and went to evry single football game evn when the dump was empty. I tailagted in the crap lots and got there early and cheered my guts out and nevr left early. Maybe they said it at basketball and hockey games but I only made a few of those so dont remember. Anyone who questions my game attendance record is flat wrong. I attended fewer games after 2005 and the Rah stareted up around then, but it wasn't as noticable as it seems to be now, but that was only 5 years ago not 10 years like GoGophers2005 said. After the last word of the Rouser we didnt say Rah but we screamd and yelled as loud as we could!!!! I don't like the Rah simply because I think it sounds corny and unnatural and akwrd at the end. For those who like the Rah thats fine.......but questioning somebody elses love of the Gophers or game attendance, especially someone like me who sat through some very bad football games is not fair. I sincerely apologize for not realizing the Rah was used at other times or at other sporting events! And I would also like an apoilogy from anyone who questiond me, u know who u are.

Hutch - I've been going to games since 1971. The "rah" may be corny, but it has history as the culminating chant of our rouser. It may have died out during transitions and different eras, but now it is back. It's not half as corny as "And, there's another Gopher first down" but, so be it... Only the annoying frequency of Penn State's Lion roar and rocky top at tennesee are more bothersome than our first down decree...

This is the greatest thread ever. I will break my arm patting myself on the back. Y'all need to lay off Hutchster, too. He's a good man. This is a good discussion.

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