PA announcer saying "Rah" at the end of the rouser

They've been doing this at games at the dome for at least a few years, it's just that the PA system sucked and you couldn't hear him very well.

This may explain it. I had season tickets for years but only made it to two games last year and, obviously, the first game this year. The AFA game was the first time I have ever heard this in my life and I found it corny and annoying. Of course, they don't sell beer at TCF Bank stadium so that might also explain my ability to note the details.

The Rah at the end of the rouser is great. Not only do I like it, but I say it and so does my 4-year-old. It has been going on at football games for quite some time and hockey as well. Don't pretend it is new. You haven't been there much if you think it is.

The rah

how old are u?

The "rah" is old school and all the guys I know from the 50's and 60's, who went to the U say it at the end of the rouser. Even in the 70's, I remember a film of the team singing the rouser after beating Michigan and the team yelling rah after Gophers! So, it's been around. Floyd Hutsell might not have wirtten it that way, but the rouser has had a culminating rah for years.

"Rah!" We like it (and like Jamie as the announcer). But singing it is optional ... just leave it off if it bothers you. Sing "la-la-la-la" to yourself if it really bothers you and you need to drown it out. :p

Yeah, my Dad went to the U in the late 60s...and the first game I remember going to, and hearing the rouser, was in 1982...he has said "rah" at the end every time (and he's pretty cool) - so go with it and don't be annoyed - it's tradition.

It only started recently. Before that it didn't exist. SInce when does a PA guy have the power to add words to the end of the Rouser?

You are wrong. RAH! at the end of the rouser was always used in the 60's and before. When it started I don't know. Traditions change and evolve. The loss of the Rah at the end was gradual. To say "It only started recently. Before that it didn't exist." shows your ignorance of tradition.

Many believe we "ALWAYS" clapped during the rouser as well. That didn't start until Bill Mussleman's Gopher basketball pregame show in the early 70's. The crowd was in Williams an hour before game time waiting for the "Sweet Georgia Brown" pregame show. As anticipation built for arrival of the Gophers on Court the crowd would clap in unison. As the team ran onto the court the rouser would start and the crowd kept clapping. Thus a new tradition. Hey maybe they clapped back in the 20's but I don't think so.

RAH was always apart of the rouser for me. I liked it then and I like it now.

Yeeeeaaah Gophers! RAH! That's the way I learned it and that's the way I yell it.

I saw many Basketball games at Williams Arena in the 70's and always remember the RAH.

Ah, I guess that wasn't him, didn't realize the band had their own announcer.

I have been going to Gopher games since the 70's and I have always done the Rah at the end. It seemed to lose it's popularity a while back and now is making a comeback probably due to the PA guy doing it.

It only started recently. Before that it didn't exist. SInce when does a PA guy have the power to add words to the end of the Rouser?

Actually, when I was in school (67 - 71) and LONG before that, the "rah" at the end of the cheer was always there, it was a part of the cheer. Then in the mid-70's or so they tried eliminating it. a lot of us "old timers" STILL put the RAH at the end, just as it was intened to be originally.

Actually, when I was in school (67 - 71) and LONG before that, the "rah" at the end of the cheer was always there, it was a part of the cheer. Then in the mid-70's or so they tried eliminating it. a lot of us "old timers" STILL put the RAH at the end, just as it was intened to be originally.

I don't think the question is whether the word "rah" goes at the end of the rouser. The question is whether the PA announcer should take it upon himself to say it in a deadpan voice after everyone has quieted down, even though he hasn't said another word of the rouser itself. Annoying.

So at this point I think we can agree that hutchster has no idea what he's talking about and that Pete may be in a very lonely minority of those annoyed by the Rah?

I don't think the question is whether the word "rah" goes at the end of the rouser. The question is whether the PA announcer should take it upon himself to say it in a deadpan voice after everyone has quieted down, even though he hasn't said another word of the rouser itself. Annoying.

Sorry you feel that way. I LOVE the PA announcer saying "RAH" after the rouser. I get a kick out of it and so does everyone else I know. Your "annoying" is my WONDERFUL. Oh, and I wouldn't say he is "taking it upon himself" becasue I'd DEMAND it if he stopped.

When I was taught the Rouser at Clem Haskins basketball camp in the 80's he made a point of emphasis that rah be included at the end. Ive been doing it for years and love that the PA does it as well.

It's pretty evident that the anti-RAH people here haven't been to a single U of M sporting event over the past 10 years.

I've been a Gopher fan for 28 years and obviously been to many more games then you.

O really smarty? If u actually went to the U between Wacker in the early 1990s and around 2005 you would know that Rah was not ever used during those years by anyone in the student section at football games. I know because I was there and went to evry single football game evn when the dump was empty. I tailagted in the crap lots and got there early and cheered my guts out and nevr left early. Maybe they said it at basketball and hockey games but I only made a few of those so dont remember. Anyone who questions my game attendance record is flat wrong. I attended fewer games after 2005 and the Rah stareted up around then, but it wasn't as noticable as it seems to be now, but that was only 5 years ago not 10 years like GoGophers2005 said. After the last word of the Rouser we didnt say Rah but we screamd and yelled as loud as we could!!!! I don't like the Rah simply because I think it sounds corny and unnatural and akwrd at the end. For those who like the Rah thats fine.......but questioning somebody elses love of the Gophers or game attendance, especially someone like me who sat through some very bad football games is not fair. I sincerely apologize for not realizing the Rah was used at other times or at other sporting events! And I would also like an apoilogy from anyone who questiond me, u know who u are.

I attended fewer games after 2005 and the Rah stareted up around then, but it wasn't as noticable as it seems to be now, but that was only 5 years ago not 10 years like GoGophers2005 said.

I have to say that I remember things differently and can recall hearing "Rah!" prior to 2005.

I have to say that I remember things differently and can recall hearing "Rah!" prior to 2005.

Maybe a few and maybe older ppl in the dome but defintlky not from the student section. You might be remembering how everyone would all yell at the end of the rouser but not the word Rah.

Ok I searched youtube and found few Rahs but mostly no Rahs but if anyone else has video I would like to see, also keep in mind these are all 2005 or later.

2008 Yes Rah with the PA guy
2009 No Rah at TCF
2009 No Rah with band
2009 No Rah Minn Morris FB team
2007 No Rah with band
2007 No Rah hockey chant
2005 No Rah band pregame
No Rah cheer squad

Maybe a few and maybe older ppl in the dome but defintlky not from the student section. You might be remembering how everyone would all yell at the end of the rouser but not the word Rah.

Um, actually I remember Jamie saying it. Over the PA.

Hutchster, why don't you just admit that you are in the VAST minority (you and Handsome Pete) that dislike the Rah and leave it at that.

The fact that you are digging through youtube clips reeks of desperation in trying to dispute a point that most people would concede. The fact is that Rah has been used sporadically through the history of the Gophers. If you say that you didn't say "rah" during the Wacker years, I totally believe you. But there are others who state strongly that in the years preceding that they participated in "Rah." Were you there? Are you calling them liars?

The PA guy (Jamie - whois 100% classy and a huge contributor to Gopher sports) has been doing Rah since AT LEAST 2003; that's at least 6 years. Have you been complaining about this for 6+ years??? If you heard Rah for the first time on Saturday, then you clearly have not been going to games in this decade.

I'm not trying to unduly criticize you, but you are just making a lot of fuss over the fact that you don't like something that the overwhelming majority either like or are indifferent to. So, just say you don't like it and leave it at that.


The PA guy (Jamie - whois 100% classy and a huge contributor to Gopher sports) has been doing Rah since AT LEAST 2003; that's at least 6 years. Have you been complaining about this for 6+ years??? If you heard Rah for the first time on Saturday, then you clearly have not been going to games in this decade.

Jamie started doing wrestling in the early 90's, football in 1998, hockey in 1999 (left for a year in 05? and then came back the following season). I personally hate the RAH (I agree it sounds unnatural) but it's his thing. It was hard to hear in the dome but you can hear it really well at the Pav. & Mariucci.

Jamie wanted to 'bring back the Rah' when he started football. When he left hockey, the student section organized at his last game and loudly added the Rah for him. I think they had it on a giant banner for him too. (He can't do the Rah at NCAA Hockey events at the X).

Don't know how well it's catching on after 10 years, but I do hear more and more people saying Rah at Basketball (he doesn't do b-ball) and Hockey. I also believe it is written in the earliest versions of The Rouser.

Ok I searched youtube and found few Rahs but mostly no Rahs but if anyone else has video I would like to see, also keep in mind these are all 2005 or later.

2008 Yes Rah with the PA guy
2009 No Rah at TCF
2009 No Rah with band
2009 No Rah Minn Morris FB team
2007 No Rah with band
2007 No Rah hockey chant
2005 No Rah band pregame
No Rah cheer squad

I think the reason these don't have the Rah is because the band has their own announcer. If they're doing a pre-game or half-time show Jamie isn't at the mic. Although, that first one looked like a half time... so who knows.

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