Other Games thread week 8 - 10/19

Why do the refs seem to blow game changing calls in 30% of the games? It's incredible. That's a horse collar yesterday, today, and it'll be a horse collar tomorrow too. Johnny should have had first and goal on the 8.

If you can't make the calls (which they clearly can't), then add more refs. If that crowds the field then put one in front of a TV screen. Concerned about the length of game? Make the calls only reviewable in 4th quarter. If I can see it at home, game changing calls should be correct.

Auburn takes out A&M. I like the Aggies, but tired of the mouth on Manziel. So maybe this will shut him up.

Auburn takes out A&M. I like the Aggies, but tired of the mouth on Manziel. So maybe this will shut him up.

He couldn't hear you. His Heisman trophy was making too much noise.

Don't forget Michigan's defense is really bad.

And the Gophers put up a whopping 13 on them just 2 weeks ago. It's not clear how the Gophers can stop Indiana's offense. Michigan couldn't, Penn State couldn't either. And I don't think the Gophers will be able to simply gut-run through them to score enough to keep up. I doubt if 30 points would be enough in that game.

That was a crazy Mich/IU game, and fun to watch. Reminded me a little of the no-defense days of early Wacker football, watching Darkins and Alstott run up and down the field with hardly a tackle being made. Note that since IU didn't score their last drive, Minn over Purdue 59-56 in 1995(?) remained a higher-scoring game :)

How did Iowa's TE not only burn OSU d-backs on the catch, but pull away from them the last 50 yards?

Tried to watch U$C/Notre Dame. Couldn't understand the announcers with so much ND sack in their mouths. Embarrassing announcing.

And the Gophers put up a whopping 13 on them just 2 weeks ago. It's not clear how the Gophers can stop Indiana's offense. Michigan couldn't, Penn State couldn't either. And I don't think the Gophers will be able to simply gut-run through them to score enough to keep up. I doubt if 30 points would be enough in that game.

And even taking Colter and Mark out of the equation, according to the betting experts, we were supposed to lose to NU by a pretty good margin.

That's why you play the games.

Word! Let's start a revolving door with coordinators.

I think you're being sarcastic here, but let's be clear. If Minn had an actual offense - say a Glen Mason offense, for example - the Minn defense is of enough quality to be at least a mid-level B1G team.

Indiana is getting into the recruiting game lately, and I tend to believe that's because of an "exciting" brand of football, even if it's not (yet) going to win them a B1G championship.

Tried to watch U$C/Notre Dame. Couldn't understand the announcers with so much ND sack in their mouths. Embarrassing announcing.

That's why I avoid NBC broadcasts. Mike Mayock, who does Vikings preseason games (and always gushes on the Irish players on the Queens) is just god awful sometimes. He yacks on and on, talking about how the players should play. It gets old real quick...

I think you're being sarcastic here, but let's be clear. If Minn had an actual offense - say a Glen Mason offense, for example - the Minn defense is of enough quality to be at least a mid-level B1G team.

Indiana is getting into the recruiting game lately, and I tend to believe that's because of an "exciting" brand of football, even if it's not (yet) going to win them a B1G championship.

And what I'm saying is that if you bring in a coordinator that runs a different offense, using the players that are here, and coached for the past (almost) 3 years to play one way, and switch that up...you're gonna have a bad time.

I think you're being sarcastic here, but let's be clear. If Minn had an actual offense - say a Glen Mason offense, for example - the Minn defense is of enough quality to be at least a mid-level B1G team.

Indiana is getting into the recruiting game lately, and I tend to believe that's because of an "exciting" brand of football, even if it's not (yet) going to win them a B1G championship.

May not even get them to a bowl game. We've had teams like that before. Losing 63-47 is still losing by 16. And at the end you don't feel much better about it. Watching guys on the other team set conference and Div 1 records against your team is never a good feeling...

My second favorite team (next to the Gophers of course) is Rice, and they're playing New Mexico State, and they're on ESPN3, and it's Aggievision time!!! Favorite commentator quote so far: "Rice averages 25.8 points per game, so we got to get to 26 to win."

Turn on this FSU and Clemson game. This is the kind of environment I would dream about having at TCF Bank sometime, even for just one game. Hopefully we can get there someday.

My second favorite team (next to the Gophers of course) is Rice, and they're playing New Mexico State, and they're on ESPN3, and it's Aggievision time!!! Favorite commentator quote so far: "Rice averages 25.8 points per game, so we got to get to 26 to win."

Keep us updated!

"Third and 8 for Rice, we have them right where we want them, passing situations...[Rice completes a 40 yard bomb]...Maybe that's not where we want them."

"When you play defense, everyone has somebody to get."

Today I learned that Clemson takes a bus from their locker room to the entrance to the stadium.

And they're showing the bus ride on the jumbotron.

But some players are already on the field.

Very odd.

The Clemson entrance is impressive. Great atmosphere.

And what I'm saying is that if you bring in a coordinator that runs a different offense, using the players that are here, and coached for the past (almost) 3 years to play one way, and switch that up...you're gonna have a bad time.

You're probably correct. For one season, anyway, during the adjustment period.

How long did has the current IU staff been in place? The time period previous to this season is the duration you should expect for change to be implemented.

Tried to watch U$C/Notre Dame. Couldn't understand the announcers with so much ND sack in their mouths. Embarrassing announcing.

Remember, it is a Notre Dame broadcast. No different than when Dick and Bert cover the Twins.

LSU is losing to Ole Miss. Lots of upsets in the SEC already.

Illinois has responded with 10 straight, now down 21-10 against Wisconsin.

Rice just scored a touchdown on a 18 yard pass out of a formation with four receivers on one side and four offensive lineman. This is the same team that brought you the greatest onside kick of all time a couple weeks ago.

I think you're being sarcastic here, but let's be clear. If Minn had an actual offense - say a Glen Mason offense, for example - the Minn defense is of enough quality to be at least a mid-level B1G team.

Indiana is getting into the recruiting game lately, and I tend to believe that's because of an "exciting" brand of football, even if it's not (yet) going to win them a B1G championship.

Imagine Indiana's offense with our defense. That would sell tickets.

Another team that is rolling right now is Baylor. I know they haven't played anyone yet, but they have shot at going undefeated this year. Long ways to go, I know, but the B12 is way down this year. They're up 58-0 over Iowa St. early in the 4th quarter. Iowa St. may not win more than 2 or 3 games.

Imagine Indiana's offense with our defense. That would sell tickets.

And win games. Never understood how Mason couldn't attract the nation's top RBs, or why he struggled to attract defensive players. Mason's teams post ~2000 were always a good defense away from an annual New Year's Day bowl team.

And the pink helmets have appeared on FS1!

With 3 seconds left in the 1st half in the FSU-Clemson game, while Brett & Kirk were talking, what did I hear in the background? Levels by Avicii aka the "Do the Gopher" song.

FSU is taking Clemson to the woodshed,27-7 at the half.

Rice just scored a touchdown on a 18 yard pass out of a formation with four receivers on one side and four offensive lineman. This is the same team that brought you the greatest onside kick of all time a couple weeks ago.

Are you watching Aggie Vision? If so, seek help. :cool:

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