Other Games thread week 8 - 10/19

Iowa and Ohio State are tied at 10 and seem fairly evenly matched. Iowa's got third down and short inside OSU's 15 yard line.

Iowa scores a TD. Assuming they hit the extra point, 17-10 Hawkeyes over Buckeyes.

I agree that the Georgia one was a terrible call. I am ok with the other 2 calls. What's disturbing are the comments at the bottom of that page. Most of those fools believe that, somehow, avoiding hitting a guy who is standing up is impossible, and that this rule is "ruining the game." Nonsense. The game can be played very solidly and viewed quite enjoyable without some thug taking out someone's head (or knees, for that matter) on purpose. The only part of the rule that is arguable is the objectivity of a ref making the call; however, that's inherent in the rule, and you don't hear outcry from the same fool fans about the objectivity of the refs on other penalty calls, almost all of which are purely objective.

Stanford is up 3-0 over UCLA at the half.

Michigan is up 21-7 over Indiana and it could be worse.

Wow. Sportscenter top 10 catch by Tenn. just now. Looks to be taking South Carolina down if they can make a FG/TD.

Here it is for those who didn't see it. It was late in the game with TN down by 1 on 3rd and 10. The 39 yard catch put them in FG range.

<img src="http://s3.amazonaws.com/br-cdn/temp_images/2013/10/19/OneHandedCatch1.gif">

Well that looks awful. Was the player at least allowed to continue on review? The call needs a lot of help in the offseason.

Here it is for those who didn't see it. It was late in the game with TN down by 1 on 3rd and 10. The 39 yard catch put them in FG range.

So, yeah, extreme difficulty on the one-handed grab. Now, am I the only one here who can't understand why the receiver made no attempt to use two hands to catch the ball?


Name the defensive Coordinator for Houston...

That would be one David Gibbs.

Syracuse with a close one against Georgia Tech...


So, yeah, extreme difficulty on the one-handed grab. Now, am I the only one here who can't understand why the receiver made no attempt to use two hands to catch the ball?

Here's a little better look at it where you can see the DB #4 clamping down on the receivers right arm.

Houston up on BYU 38-34 at the half. The David Gibbs defense strikes again...

Here's a little better look at it where you can see the DB #4 clamping down on the receivers right arm.

True that - was a flag thrown on that play? If not, puts the ridiculous call against Murray on 4th-and-long to begin NW's last scoring drive in even greater perspective.

Indiana sticking with Michigan. I'm going to have to watch the rest of this one.

28-24 Michigan early in the 3rd.

True that - was a flag thrown on that play? If not, puts the ridiculous call against Murray on 4th-and-long to begin NW's last scoring drive in even greater perspective.

No flag.

Iowa ties it back up with Ohio State on a LONG pass play. 24-24 with 2:30 left in the third quarter.

Holy crap. Jeremy Gallon with 10 catches for 290 yards. 4 minutes left in the 3rd quarter.

Michigan playing defense like the Rich Rod era. That can't be pleasing to Michigan's fan base.

Fortunately for Michigan, IU's defense is even worse. ... can't tackle, can't put pressure on the QB, can't defend the pass.

Embarrassing display of defense in this game.

"We're Michigan."

I want to hear DiNardo tell us one more time that "Michigan is back." I want to hear one more time how great Michigan d-coordinator Greg Mattison is.

Virginia has blown a 22-0 lead to Duke. In football. Mike London now coaching for his job in the last 10 minutes.

Indiana's offense is really good.
Indiana's defense is really bad.

Gallon has now set a BT record with 343 receiving yards.

In other action, Jordan Lynch rushed for 316 yards today in their win over C. Michigan.

49-47 Michigan. What a game. This game could hit 60 on both sides...

Stop the world, Manziel is in the locker room with an apparent shoulder injury. Auburn just pulled within 3.

Indiana's offense is really good.
Indiana's defense is really bad.

Gallon has now set a BT record with 343 receiving yards.

In other action, Jordan Lynch rushed for 316 yards today in their win over C. Michigan.

Don't forget Michigan's defense is really bad.

Stop the world, Manziel is in the locker room with an apparent shoulder injury. Auburn just pulled within 3.

It appears Manziel went back to the locker room to sign a bunch of autographs to loosen his shoulder up. He should be good to go.

Ubelievable. Indiana gets a huge turnover on their own 3 yard line, their QB gets hurt and the backup throws a pick. Michigan scores again...56-47

Ubelievable. Indiana gets a huge turnover on their own 3 yard line, their QB gets hurt and the backup throws a pick. Michigan scores again...56-47

Yep, Roberson got dinged up at the exact wrong time.

Michigan now has 751 yards of offense. Gardner with over 500 passing.

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