Other Games thread week 8 - 10/19


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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Anyone see the screen pass go off the back of Seantrel's head and get intercepted by UNC? It made me chuckle...

Anyone see the screen pass go off the back of Seantrel's head and get intercepted by UNC? It made me chuckle...

Clearly the fault falls on Seantrel. Haha! What a goof! Man, he really sucks.

North Carolina had a very Minnesota like game. Had the game essentially won and completely folded down the stretch. Miami went on a late drive where they needed a field goal to tie and there was no doubt the entire drive they'd score the td to win. Miami isn't good enough to beat Florida St or Clemson however, so don't expext them in BCS contention...

C. Florida is down four late at Louisville but they have the ball near the goal line with :33 seconds left.

Did anyone just see that catch in the South Carolina-TN game? Wow!

Wow. Sportscenter top 10 catch by Tenn. just now. Looks to be taking South Carolina down if they can make a FG/TD.

This sure would be a huge win for Tennessee who deserves some good luck after the last 10 years. Pretty clear letting Fulmer go was a mistake.

And can anyone tell me why the Florida v Missouri game wasn't on normal tv? I know we hate seeing those top 25 matchups...

Love that Steve Superior burned two TO's trying to decide whether or not go for it on 4th down with the ball at his own 32.

Good lawd, I hate that dirty SOB.

And can anyone tell me why the Florida v Missouri game wasn't on normal tv? I know we hate seeing those top 25 matchups...

Maybe because Missouri was not expected to be this good after a bad year last year? Not sure.

Nice win for Tennessee. 23-21 final. First time they've beat a top 25 team in the last 20 tries.

Dropped punt will kill you every time. I like Mark Richt and think he's a good coach, but the guy sure has bad luck.

Of course this means Bama will get a 2 or 3 loss team in the SEC championsip game. Granted they beat A&M and still need to beat LSU...

Iowa up 7-3 on tOSU. Just turned it on though.

Not sure why Vandy went for a field goal with 20 seconds left and a 4 point lead. Boy a blocked FG can be returned so easily. But they won, so congrats to Vandy! Did Florida end up losing?

Iowa just walking all over OSU right now and Buckeye's best corner about to learn about the targeting rule. This could be VERY interesting...

Iowa up 7-3 on tOSU. Just turned it on though.

Not sure why Vandy went for a field goal with 20 seconds left and a 4 point lead. Boy a blocked FG can be returned so easily. But they won, so congrats to Vandy! Did Florida end up losing?

They lost by 19 I believe.

You know that Georgia and S. Carolina going down means that the media will jump on how good the SEC is. When a top team from another conference loses, it's because that conference isn't good. But when it happens in the SEC, it's because the conference is so deep and good.

Ohio St. just had one of their starters ejected for targeting. This was a good call.

Iowa just walking all over OSU right now and Buckeye's best corner about to learn about the targeting rule. This could be VERY interesting...

Good call, he put the crown right in the chin of the player.

B1G missed the boat not getting Mizzou

I hope somebody makes a gif of Urban Meyer saying "what? what?" after that ejection. Great camera work.

Georgia what happened?

B1G missed the boat not getting Mizzou

I hope somebody makes a gif of Urban Meyer saying "what? what?" after that ejection. Great camera work.

Georgia what happened?

Gopher fans prefer Rutgers ;)

How about KU whipping it up on OU early. If, and it likely won't happen, if OU loses this one, could Stoops be in any danger? A smart AD down there would never let him go, but they haven't been top 10 in a few years now and we know about fickle fanbases.

13-0 KU up in the 2nd...

Did you see this score?

BYU up 24-21 on Houston with 3 minutes left in the FIRST quarter. Nice defenses boys...

B1G missed the boat not getting Mizzou

I hope somebody makes a gif of Urban Meyer saying "what? what?" after that ejection. Great camera work.

Georgia what happened?

That was my feeling at the time. Pinkel is doing a great job at Mizzou.

I'm hesitant about posting this but NDSU is down 10-7 at Southern ILL. at the half.

Ohio State is so overrated. It's more apparent every week.

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