oops -- wrong forum

I heard a rumor that this thread has an offer to join Pete Carroll's staff.

Lane Kiffin will not call this thread. If this thread wants to commit to USC it will have to call Lane. That's just how he rolls.

From what I understand, if doogie started a thread with the words "oops--wrong forum", there would not have been but maybe 3 or 4 comments. But poor Rick Mons starts it, and all hell breaks loose. It appears to me that Rick Mons has more pull than doogie.

But then again, doogie does have other resources to keep him on task.

This thread has a lot of depth, as much depth as nearly every other thread. However this thread really needs a dynamic person, who can rise above the rest, who can be creative whenever they want, who doesn't have to wait until there is a good set up. If this thread had such a person, or two, it would likely contend for the thread of the year - but it'll probably have to accept it'll finish in the middle of the pack if not upper tier.

This thread is far too long and lanky, it really needs to hit up the weight room in the offseason. Then it will be able to fight down low with the other threads. Additionally this thread needs a go to move to use in the post(s), that would really help its overall offensive game.

IF this thread can make those changes, then theres a good chance it might be an All big ten/NBA quality thread.

Am I the only one who doesn't understand the substitution pattern of posters in this thread? I think it needs to go 7-deep instead of emptying the bench. I agree that is also needs to bulk up - this is the Big Ten! It isn't intramurals!

I hate to rip a thread that gives maximum effort, but it really might be time for it to transfer to a division two forum. I'm just not seeing the necessary coordination to compete with other threads on this level. It doesnt have good feet!

This thread thinks that Tim Brewster makes Glen Mason blush

This thread thinks the stories of the legendary cocksman coach Glen Mason would blush
that he is not even in the same league as coach Tim Brewster for being a ladies man. On second thought this thread think's the thread is the most legendary cocksman for Gopher coaches and also has the coolest hair.

Jeremy Bates thinks this thread will make a 'kill-shot' QB coach.

This thread is interested in hiring Jedd Fisch.

From what I understand, if doogie started a thread with the words "oops--wrong forum", there would not have been but maybe 3 or 4 comments. But poor Rick Mons starts it, and all hell breaks loose. It appears to me that Rick Mons has more pull than doogie.

Actually, Doogie is pretty depressed because Rick Mons has a thread that's much longer than Doogie's thread.

Chris Voelz wants this thread to devote equal time to Women's athletics.

Equal time is not good enough. She wants there to be a seperate thread of equal or greater length with easier to read font and superior grammar and punctuation. Anything less is discriminatory and a Title IX violation. :cool02:

This thread is just getting started. It may get knocked down, but will get back up and go the distance, and it will do Paez and Grove proud.

Robin Hood was caught doling out $ so certain athletes could get new threads. He also had decided he should enjoy some of the fruits of his labor and bought some lavish threads himself for this chillier climate in the North. After escaping to the warmer Bahamas, where things really heated up, Mr. Hood was heard to exclaim, “Oops, wrong threads”. A former mentor and coach of Mr. Hood that had left for more golden and later greener pastures found in the 1992 Sugar Bowl appearance uniforms had no comment for this forum.

Actually, Doogie is pretty depressed because Rick Mons has a thread that's much longer than Doogie's thread.

Mulligan, I am not sure if I am accurate on this or not, but could it possibly be that Rick Mons has more support from GH posters than doogie does? It appears to me, that doogie needs to spend more time in the weight room so he can handle the low post toughness that is required of a thread of this talent...

Royce White was going to post in this thread but he is quitting college message boards to take pressure off his family, well that and they took his laptop back.

This thread is not a one-dimensional thread. It as a good "positioning" thread, is a good rebounding thread, and really helps make other threads better.

This thread would be a good jockstrap...a good supporter for GopherHole humor.

I PROMISED myself that I would ignore this thread forever after hearing that Rick Mons had been calling other schools' message boards on its behalf to see if they had interest in hiring the thread. I mean c'mon, what audacity by this thread to think that it could find a place at forum with higher web traffic than Gopherhole even though it is winless against rivalry threads in Iowa, Wisconsin, and Michigan?!?!

Anyways, I finally realized that the thread and Rick Mons were just trying to put pressure on GopherLady to extend the threads contract so that the thread could assure current and potential 4* and 5* posters that it would remain at Gopherhole for the length of the posters' scholarships. I'd like to apologize to this thread for my lack of foresight. I am officially back to drinking this thread's Koolaid!

Mulligan, I am not sure if I am accurate on this or not, but could it possibly be that Rick Mons has more support from GH posters than doogie does? It appears to me, that doogie needs to spend more time in the weight room so he can handle the low post toughness that is required of a thread of this talent...

I'm sort of confused myself, Dr. Don, which isn't that surprising. Because I just heard that Doogie has asked to meet Rick Mons so they can stand side by side to see who has the longer thread. Not sure if this will happen before or after Doogie goes on his dates with Schnoods and Bronko (provided Bronko is still alive).

This thread was arrested after swinging a board at a thread from the Augsburg board, and it will only be suspended for two posts by head moderator Mons. This of course will be met under the scrutiny of the rival boards, all saying they would have kicked the thread out of the forum.

Man I'm board...

Dave Lee was describing this thread on WCCO radio this morning, but unfortunately he went from post 48 to post 206 without anyone knowing what or how it happened, other than it was a bubble screen of some sort.

This is a metaphor of Golden Gopher Football

For all of the longsuffering fans over the last 50 years.

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