oops -- wrong forum

I just hope when the time comes to replace this thread, nobody says, "We're going to get a Tubby Smith type of thread to take its place."

Jimminy Christmas! This thread proves the importance of continuity to the success of a forum.

This Thread has determined that it is important to start a NEW THREAD pulling the "race card" about the potential, though not yet determined, make up of the new Kill Staff.

This thread is outraged at the disparity of African American threads on this forum.

Christmas in Threadland

This Post reportedly told Santa that it would like a little brother for Christmas. But, it would settle for a large lottery win!

It has been reported that this thread has decided to transfer closer to home and its "little thread".

Oh I'd check the source on this one . . .

It has been reported that this thread has decided to transfer closer to home and its "little thread".

I thought this thread went to St Louis Park HS and graduated sometime after all Franken and the Cohen brothers and his grangfather once saw Marc Tressman at Hoigaards. But I could be wrong.

This thread has never been to an outdoor football game and is unprepared...and whining about it.

With a career record of 465-0, this thread has been a winner wherever it has been; this thread is a tremendous fit for the University of Minnesota.

Anyone worried that this thread is gonna take its talents to South Beach and leave us all here?

This thread is gonna kick Chris Kluwe in the Punto!!! It will send him to Mambie Pambie Land with the rest of the JackWagons...Damned crybaby!!!

This thread is going to move

The thread cannot take all the idiots in trucks going on the shoulder so they can pass slow moving traffic and cutting people off just so they can get 1 car length in front of where they would have been.
This thread's back is also tired from shoveling snow and the thread actually lives in a town home so said thread should not have to shovel so damn much snow.

The thread has a jackwagon neighbor that always parks his car outside in the driveway so that the plowing company never plows the threads diveway due to the D-bag next door leaving his car in the drive way outside all of the time. Said D-bag parks outside so he can let his wife park there Navigator in the middle of the garage and park his bleep piece of bleep car outside.
The thread is considering filing a complaint to the association for all of the d-bag letters they get because said D-bag neighbor also has a dog and let's said beast outside to poop and pee in our yard or outside area all of the time. Needless to say we have dead spots on the grass and we do not own a g-damn dog. The thread votes that in the spring the thread and his family gather all said dog poop and leave it in the d0bag of the threads Weber grill as a parting gift for him being such a good neighbor to the thread the last two years. All and all this thread has established that his neighbor deserves total d-bag of a neighbor of the year award.

This thread only happens once every 400 years. Amazingly akin to the lunar esclipse tonight. Pretty cool to look at. Just amazing to see a thread like this in my lifetime.


This thread was too embarrassed to tell you that it does not have heating coils under its surface.

It has been reported that this thread has decided to transfer closer to home and its "little thread".

Coach said this thread underperformed due to listening too much to its fat little girlthread.

Coach said this thread underperformed due to listening too much to its fat little girlthread.

This thread noticed you're from Hutchinson. This thread thinks you must be biased against Gopher football for that very reason.

This thread noticed you're from Hutchinson. This thread thinks you must be biased against Gopher football for that very reason.

That's right. The folks in Hutch are sending their threads to other forums just to spite this thread.

This thread want to know why the forum moderators did not supply it with heating coils. Or a futon.

This thread is wondering if ""Al Nolen can Save this thread"".

I hope this thread was concentrating on academics and not more posts this past semester. I'd hate to see this thread suspended for the spring.

Yeah, I think I saw that Tubby was quoted saying that "this thread had more work to do..."

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