Official What I HATE about Wisconsin Thread

Let me summarize this thread. Minnesota fans hate Wisconsin because of two decades of watching men push their boys around. It gets old getting dominated. All the other stuff is just filler for the fact that the team you cheer for doesn't beat your neighboring rival.

We like you guys! Love having Minnesota as a protected rival. Or should I say, protected win?
No I just really hate the highways of Wisconsin.

I hate their cops and the damn packers.

Miller sucks too.

What I hate most about Wisconsin is their 17/19 wins against the Maroon and Urine. Since most of you juvenile delinquents were not alive the last time the Gophs went to a meaningful bowl, all that you likely remember is this revealing stat---17 out of 19 wins by UW against the mighty Brewsters. Striking Stat!
UW 52
UM 17

Edit: I'm not even going to bother feeding the trolls.

Shhhhh! Don't tell the Badgers that they haven't won by more than 7 pts in Minneapolis since before Lou Holtz was hired.

The fact that my college roomates in the 90s (from Wisky) were Badger/Packer football fans, but Gopher basketball/hockey fans and they considered themselves "real" fans.

And one more. The fact that I live in the East Metro and 1 out of 3 cars has Wisky license plates because they: a. have no jobs in their own state; b. realize what a piece of trash it is and can't wait to be in Minnesota despite telling everyone how great it is there; c. think that they are cultured by frequenting high end MN stores like Wal-Mart and Fleet Farm.

The fact that my college roomates in the 90s (from Wisky) were Badger/Packer football fans, but Gopher basketball/hockey fans and they considered themselves "real" fans.

This. I know too many people (who I went to school with and were friends of mine at the U) who put on the red/white when we played the Badgers and instead of cheering for their alma mater, root against them and consider themselves Badger fans still. I get being Packer fans - but no excuse to be a Badger fan if you went to the U in my opinion.

It bugs me when they say 'we can stop at Cubs' for CUB foods. Otherwise, good people who wouldn't hesitate to invite you in for a hot meal on a cold day.

This. I know too many people (who I went to school with and were friends of mine at the U) who put on the red/white when we played the Badgers and instead of cheering for their alma mater, root against them and consider themselves Badger fans still. I get being Packer fans - but no excuse to be a Badger fan if you went to the U in my opinion.

We have never had that problem with MN kids coming to Madison. Then again, all the WI kids who went to Minnesota just couldn't get into Madison. They wanted to be Badgers all along.

We have never had that problem with MN kids coming to Madison. Then again, all the WI kids who went to Minnesota just couldn't get into Madison. They wanted to be Badgers all along.
For some reason I doubt this...

Not really untrue either. Same everywhere. I grew up in northern W when they were bad and you wouldn't have even known they had a team. Now, you'd think everyone graduated from Madison.

The fact that some people pay more attention when they win doesn't detract from the fact that the teams each have a critical mass of fans, enough to support a program in good and bad times, who follow them regardless of the W-L record.

Whenever I read threads like this, the underlying sentiment seems to be "Why can't we be as successful as Wisconsin? We started at the same place!" I would argue that you didn't start at exactly the same place, since you didn't have that critical mass of fans who were/were ready to support a team that showed any sign of life. This isn't a slam at the team - there have been a number of threads on GH over the years that pointed out the lack of administrative/governmental support of athletics, all of which will make your climb up the ladder a lot harder than it was in Wisconsin. The rest of the minutiae is just finding a way to turn the envy/frustration into some way to feel superior - again, OK, since that is what rivalries are about, but - having lived in both states - anyone from Wisconsin or Minnesota claiming a vastly higher level of sophistication or cosmopolitanism always makes me chuckle. :)

What I hate most about Wisconsin is their 17/19 wins against the Maroon and Urine. Since most of you juvenile delinquents were not alive the last time the Gophs went to a meaningful bowl, all that you likely remember is this revealing stat---17 out of 19 wins by UW against the mighty Brewsters. Striking Stat!
UW 52
UM 17
I hope your other post was better than this one skunk head

We have never had that problem with MN kids coming to Madison. Then again, all the WI kids who went to Minnesota just couldn't get into Madison. They wanted to be Badgers all along.

Wrong on all levels. I, along with many people from my high school and surrounding highs in WI CHOSE MN over WI. And, oh yeah, I was valedictorian of my high school class, so yes, I was accepted to UW instantly.

The fact that some people pay more attention when they win doesn't detract from the fact that the teams each have a critical mass of fans, enough to support a program in good and bad times, who follow them regardless of the W-L record.

Whenever I read threads like this, the underlying sentiment seems to be "Why can't we be as successful as Wisconsin? We started at the same place!" I would argue that you didn't start at exactly the same place, since you didn't have that critical mass of fans who were/were ready to support a team that showed any sign of life. This isn't a slam at the team - there have been a number of threads on GH over the years that pointed out the lack of administrative/governmental support of athletics, all of which will make your climb up the ladder a lot harder than it was in Wisconsin. The rest of the minutiae is just finding a way to turn the envy/frustration into some way to feel superior - again, OK, since that is what rivalries are about, but - having lived in both states - anyone from Wisconsin or Minnesota claiming a vastly higher level of sophistication or cosmopolitanism always makes me chuckle. :)

For my post here I was more referring to the pro teams in WI like the Brewers. UW fans seem to be fans through and through

Bubblers, serial killers, and time machines. Some of you aren't very good at the internet.

And one more. The fact that I live in the East Metro and 1 out of 3 cars has Wisky license plates because they: a. have no jobs in their own state; b. realize what a piece of trash it is and can't wait to be in Minnesota despite telling everyone how great it is there; c. think that they are cultured by frequenting high end MN stores like Wal-Mart and Fleet Farm.

I hate that wisconsin is basically the Mexico of the twin cities, and I have to put up with badger crap from a good chunk of the metro population.
I also hate that it's going to be made that much worse now that the government decided to get into the business of legislating theology and there are going to be a buttload more unwanted children popping up over there soon.

What I hate most about Wisconsin is their 17/19 wins against the Maroon and Urine. Since most of you juvenile delinquents were not alive the last time the Gophs went to a meaningful bowl, all that you likely remember is this revealing stat---17 out of 19 wins by UW against the mighty Brewsters. Striking Stat!
UW 52
UM 17

I find the fact that we have six national championships and that you currently, and will always, have zero much more impressive. I realize that Badger fans don't recognize our championships because you guys believe that football was invented in Madison in 1991, but the fact remains that we have six and you have none.

Ron Johnson Super Fan Reply

"I find the fact that we have six national championships and that you currently, and will always, have zero much more impressive..."

Oh boy. The only way you'd know about those championships is reading history-ancient history. It's like an inheritance squandered by great-grandkids whose only memory of their hardworking forebearers are the portraits still hanging in a meth house.

Congratulations. Your memories are vague and blurred by decades of time. Inbetween? A wasteland. Ours? Recent, proud and continuing.

What I hate most about Wisconsin is their 17/19 wins against the Maroon and Urine. Since most of you juvenile delinquents were not alive the last time the Gophs went to a meaningful bowl, all that you likely remember is this revealing stat---17 out of 19 wins by UW against the mighty Brewsters. Striking Stat!
UW 52
UM 17

This is why I hate Wisconsin! Want to know where we are going to shove that Axe?

"I find the fact that we have six national championships and that you currently, and will always, have zero much more impressive..."

Oh boy. The only way you'd know about those championships is reading history-ancient history. It's like an inheritance squandered by great-grandkids whose only memory of their hardworking forebearers are the portraits still hanging in a meth house.

Congratulations. Your memories are vague and blurred by decades of time. Inbetween? A wasteland. Ours? Recent, proud and continuing.

Nonetheless, we have six and you will always have none. You wouldn't happen to be one of those hypocritical Wisconsinites who claim our championships are meaningless yet referred to Green Bay as Titletown long before Bret Favre ended your drought, would you? Those championships won in "ancient history" weren't considered so irrelevant then.

I hate their posters who spend time on their rivals' football forums thinking they are actually doing something besides being pathetic sad sacks of sh!t.

I hate their posters who spend time on their rivals' football forums thinking they are actually doing something besides being pathetic sad sacks of sh!t.

......just the trolls though, some of the UW fans on this board are alright and I enjoy their perspective. Hope they stick around.

But this thread has quickly turned into one of the lamest ever.

I'll say again, UW is an excellent U and has excellent students/alumni. Don't know if I have envy, but I definitely have respect.

I hate that f-ing jump around! However, I did love watching all of those idiot Becky fans bitch and moan after the MSU game. I mean some of these morons were actually crying at the bar after the loss. I am talking grown men! F the Badgers and Go GOPHERS!!!

Lucky there are no fans of Yale, Princeton, or Harvard on the board then...

Luckily there not. Unfortunately, though, there are plenty of Badger fans. Hopefully threads like this help them deal with their massive inferiority complex that evidently causes them to troll a Gopher board.

Nonetheless, we have six and you will always have none. You wouldn't happen to be one of those hypocritical Wisconsinites who claim our championships are meaningless yet referred to Green Bay as Titletown long before Bret Favre ended your drought, would you? Those championships won in "ancient history" weren't considered so irrelevant then.

This x100. The same Badger fans who say this were probably bragging earlier today about the great tradition of the Packers and how many championships they won before the Super Bowl existed...

Nonetheless, we have six and you will always have none. You wouldn't happen to be one of those hypocritical Wisconsinites who claim our championships are meaningless yet referred to Green Bay as Titletown long before Bret Favre ended your drought, would you? Those championships won in "ancient history" weren't considered so irrelevant then.

We have a winner. Post of the Year worthy.

We Bears fans have similar thoughts. No one talks about anything besides the '85 team. Those "NFL Championships" are great for history (and how we founded the league).

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