Official What I HATE about Wisconsin Thread

I hate Wisconsin for the fudge Packers, becky badger & Brett Bulimias secret lover Jeffrey Dahmer.

John Galt Reply

"The same Badger fans who say this were probably bragging earlier today about the great tradition of the Packers and how many championships they won before the Super Bowl existed..."


Green Bay has won seven NFL championships since the Gophers won their last title including four Super Bowls. Wisconsin has won four conference titles and three Rose Bowls in the last eighteen years. UM? 8-2 and lost your Rose Bowl game in 1960 when last awarded this so-called nat'l title. 1967 when you shared a title with Indiana? 44 long years ago.

It really is ancient history. So ancient virtually none here were alive and those whom were likely have no memory.

Cling to the very distant past, if you must, like a life vest. It's long-since receded from the rear-view mirror for anybody else though.

I'm not trolling. I will stand up when your fans trumpet these achievements as though they still matter. They really don't. Nobody can take them away but, then again, you won't be adding to them anytime soon.

"The same Badger fans who say this were probably bragging earlier today about the great tradition of the Packers and how many championships they won before the Super Bowl existed..."


Green Bay has won seven NFL championships since the Gophers won their last title including four Super Bowls. Wisconsin has won four conference titles and three Rose Bowls in the last eighteen years. UM? 8-2 and lost your Rose Bowl game in 1960 when last awarded this so-called nat'l title. 1967 when you shared a title with Indiana? 44 long years ago.

It really is ancient history. So ancient virtually none here were alive and those whom were likely have no memory.

Cling to the very distant past, if you must, like a life vest. It's long-since receded from the rear-view mirror for anybody else though.

I'm not trolling. I will stand up when your fans trumpet these achievements as though they still matter. They really don't. Nobody can take them away but, then again, you won't be adding to them anytime soon.
You sir are definitely trolling.

Luckily there not. Unfortunately, though, there are plenty of Badger fans. Hopefully threads like this help them deal with their massive inferiority complex that evidently causes them to troll a Gopher board.
Inferiority complex? To a garbage team and program known as Minnesota?


That's a good one.

I hate the stupidity of the voters in Wisconsin for putting Scott Walker into power.

I found myself pulling for Iowa when Wisky beat them 31-30 last year in Iowa City. What does that say about disliking Becky?

Luckily there [sic] not. Unfortunately, though, there are plenty of Badger fans. Hopefully threads like this help them deal with their massive inferiority complex that evidently causes them to troll a Gopher board.

Guess again. Let me know when your team gets to double digits. Imagine, bragging about a mere 6 championships!

Throck, do you remember when Doc would shout out your name when you were on deck. I always seemed to be pitching against your team and would snicker when Doc (announcer) ramped it up to say your name. Mang, I hadn't heard that name since wayyyyyyy back. good times.

"The same Badger fans who say this were probably bragging earlier today about the great tradition of the Packers and how many championships they won before the Super Bowl existed..."


Green Bay has won seven NFL championships since the Gophers won their last title including four Super Bowls.

Thanks for proving my point. Your bragging about Green Bay championships from the early 60's, which you obviously don't remember unless you're over 60 years old.

Oh goodie....Badger in ohiovalley is here! And apparently he has an even bigger idiot friend in bendbadgersteve.

I truly to fear the game this weekend. It probably will be a Badger beatdown. We're not a good team. And Wisconsin feasts on not-good teams. They can only beat not-good teams.

What I hate about Wisconsin is that, other than respectful posts from TAW & the annual enjoyable read from TheMonsignor the week of the game, everyone becomes dumber reading message board posts from the Wisconsin fans that come on to GopherHole.

Part of me feels bad for some wisconsin fans. They've got a good team, good program, and they decide to come on here to "defend" their team all the time. Almost half the posts in this thread are from badger fans. How pathetic is that?

Inferiority complex? To a garbage team and program known as Minnesota?


That's a good one.

Yep. That's why you Badger trolls get so hot and bothered by the fact that we have SIX national championships and you will never have any. Troll away. Hopefully it will make you feel better.

Yep. That's why you Badger trolls get so hot and bothered by the fact that we have SIX national championships and you will never have any. Troll away. Hopefully it will make you feel better.
I am supposed to feel inferior to a program that has embarrassed the BIg Ten by losing to:

North Dakota State
South Dakota
New Mexico State
Bowling Green
Florida Atlantic

All since 2007, and have lost to the Badgers 7 straight times?

Thanks for proving that Gopher fans are the dumbest fans on the planet. But keep holding on to something that happened well before you were born. It's all you got when you haven't done squat in 50 years. You amuse me with your idiocy.

I am supposed to feel inferior to a program that has embarrassed the BIg Ten by losing to:

North Dakota State
South Dakota
New Mexico State
Bowling Green
Florida Atlantic

All since 2007, and have lost to the Badgers 7 straight times?

Thanks for proving that Gopher fans are the dumbest fans on the planet. But keep holding on to something that happened well before you were born. It's all you got when you haven't done squat in 50 years. You amuse me with your idiocy.

I didn't say that you are supposed to feel inferior. Its your behavior that suggests you feel this way. Troll away. Do you feel better about yourself yet?

I didn't say that you are supposed to feel inferior. Its your behavior that suggests you feel this way. Troll away. Do you feel better about yourself yet?
The Gophers are an embarassment to the Big Ten. Impossible to feel inferior to that.

And yet here you are proving otherwise. Have a fine day Roy. I hope you find what you are looking for.
Wrong again. I am here because you entertain me with your idiocy. Always good to start the day with a few laughs.

Thank you to you and the rest of the goopher fans on here for that.

Wrong again. I am here because you entertain me with your idiocy. Always good to start the day with a few laughs.

Thank you to you and the rest of the goopher fans on here for that.

Are you turned on by this:


Or is it too alive for your taste?

Hey guys, looking forward to a great experience this weekend. We have about 75 Badger fans in our group coming to TCF Bank Stadium. Can't wait.

Wrong again. I am here because you entertain me with your idiocy. Always good to start the day with a few laughs.

Thank you to you and the rest of the goopher fans on here for that.

As John Lennon once sang:

"Whatever gets you through the night."

While their women are most certainly slutty and infinitely attainable (not a bad thing), they are also roughly the size of small houses and reek like tepid grain alcohol.

I am supposed to feel inferior to a program that has embarrassed the BIg Ten by losing to:

North Dakota State
South Dakota
New Mexico State
Bowling Green
Florida Atlantic

All since 2007, and have lost to the Badgers 7 straight times?

Thanks for proving that Gopher fans are the dumbest fans on the planet. But keep holding on to something that happened well before you were born. It's all you got when you haven't done squat in 50 years. You amuse me with your idiocy.

I told myself I wasn't going to get pissed this week. Of course I want the Gophers to win this week, but realism says no. I was born before the Gophers won the last National Championship, roybean, and actually watched it on TV. Its one more than you will ever see roybean because sconnie will never win ONE.

OK, here is my list of what I HATE about sconnie:

1. The sconnie FB program and brent enema
2. The sconnie BB program and Grinch ryan
3. the fudge packers and their fans living in Minnesota
4. sconnie fans living and working in Minnesota
5. Minnesota kids that go to school in sconnie and return to Minnesota for a job.
6. sconnie kids that go to college at the U and then wear sconnie t's to games.
7. the beyond weak non conference schedule the FB team plays every year

5. Minnesota kids that go to school in sconnie and return to Minnesota for a job.
I hope you just mean those that go to UW-Madison, because there are some very good private schools in WI.

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