Official statement from the U of MN - Royce White

GopherHole Staff

GopherHole Admin
Staff member
Nov 3, 2008
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The U of MN has issued the following statement to GopherHole:

"U of M Athletic Communications confirmed that there is no change in his status. He is not practicing with the team and will not be in attendance at regular season games at this time."

They did not specify when of if this is subject to change.

I hope he's learning a valuable lesson here. Playing college basketball is not a right no matter how talented you are. I hope that if he was expelled and Tubby/Maturi changed their minds and let him stay - he got the picture.

He needs to learn from his friend Rodney on how to make the most of what you are given.

The U of MN has issued the following statement to GopherHole:

"U of M Athletic Communications confirmed that there is no change in his status. He is not practicing with the team and will not be in attendance at regular season games at this time."

They did not specify when of if this is subject to change.

It's horrible to think that, just like Walker Lee Ashley, he might be throwing away major life opportunities all in the name of .... what exactly (?)

At some point a young man has to buck up and figure out that life is longer than one hour or one day or one week. What you do now has effects long into the future. In Royce's case, he has a bigger opportunity than most of us have ever had. Even if he doesn't put in 4 years at the U and get a degree, he still needs to use this opportunity in order to try to get to the NBA. He won't get there without pulling his life together a whole lot.

That statement is not factually correct! That he is not attending games is a change in his status. He attended the last game as did the other 2 players.

That statement is not factually correct! That he is not attending games is a change in his status. He attended the last game as did the other 2 players.

He was not at last night's game.

Earlier this week, Royce was suspended indefinately from all team related activities.

according to a few friends that live in territorial hall, the hall which royce is accused of stealing the laptop from, there are eye witnesses that saw white take the laptop from the pretty much, i don't expect him to every play for the gophers

according to a few friends that live in territorial hall, the hall which royce is accused of stealing the laptop from, there are eye witnesses that saw white take the laptop from the pretty much, i don't expect him to every play for the gophers

well, that would be kind of difficult to balance-out since it was reported in both major papers that the police had specifically stated that no one actually saw royce white take this girl's laptop.

so keeping that in mind how about a little less third-person speculation and we all just wait and see what is announced in the next week or so? just sayin'

and last i checked just about everyone on this board said last night that royce white had been expelled and we found out this morning that there was no truth to that third-person speculation either.

Bronko...Are you insinuating that hearsay is not an incriminating form of evidence? :)

Bronko...Are you insinuating that hearsay is not an incriminating form of evidence? :)

i thought you would appreciate that. to answer your question: that seems to be the case everywhere else except the crazy, free-wheelin' world of GH! so is life, i guess. :rolleyes:

I'm still not giving up hope in Royce playing even if it's pretty unlikely at this point. Obviously he's done some pretty terrible stuff, but I can't help but want to see him play, as bad as that may make me look.

I'm still not giving up hope in Royce playing even if it's pretty unlikely at this point. Obviously he's done some pretty terrible stuff, but I can't help but want to see him play, as bad as that may make me look.

careful! some here will have the torches and pitchforks ready for you next. ;)

if you don't want to see royce play for the gophers then you are not a gopher fan, you are a hater. (also in my opinion there is some racism being shown)

Earlier this week, Royce was suspended indefinately from all team related activities.

This makes since as why he wasn't on the bench Johnny, but he was up in one of the lofts... I wasn't at the game but heard from someone who was, that RW was in attendance....

This makes since as why he wasn't on the bench Johnny, but he was up in one of the lofts... I wasn't at the game but heard from someone who was, that RW was in attendance....

That's not what Tubby said:

“As far as Royce is concerned, you know nothing’s changed there, Royce White’s status,” Smith said. “He wasn’t at the game [Friday] night but I thought it would be best because of some of the distractions or just finding out what has happened in this last episode. As soon as that investigation is completed, we’ll probably have some type of statement about his status with our program.”

I don't want to see Royce play for the Gophers, so I must be a racist...

P.S.....i'm black

This is not the first time that Brew_recruit has pulled the "race" card.

using the term 'race card' usually means that you are racist (calm down, I'm half kidding). The problem with the Royce situation is that not everyone that's against him is racist, but everyone that's racist is against him. It's a classic guilt by association thing. I'm sure there are some people on this board that are bothered by race, but it does no good to call any of them out...they're far too deft at pulling the 'race card' card.

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