Gophers had 12 different guys catch a pass today. I can recall games under Fleck when we didn't throw the ball 12 times much less successfully to 12 different guys.

Was at the game and it was becoming clear that like on the 8th pass, we had heard five or six different names announced.

Brosmer really liked going to Spencer who consistently ran great routes.

But we dominated them like we should have. The past couple of years have been filled with games against bad teams that we win, but just barely, so this is a welcomed change.

Anyone remember Bowling Green?

Yep....and we did to them what we were supposed to......same thing most of the rest of the conference did last week against similar creampuffs.
Agree. I just wouldn’t put too much stock in it

Your point? They played a terrible team and hammered them. What do want them to do? It sounds like no matter what they wouldn't have done you can't find a way to be happy.
I’m very happy thanks.
Agreed....but at least the doom and gloom crowd will be a bit quieter this week
Agreed....but at least the doom and gloom crowd will be a bit quieter this week :)
That’s fair but the next game that really matters is Iowa

Wanting to flip back and forth between the Gopher game on Peacock and the Penn State game is why streaming apps suck, and I work for the owner of one of the very biggest ones.
100%. And if it’s DirecTv you work for ask them if they got the bucket of dicks I sent. Please and thank you.

100%. And if it’s DirecTv you work for ask them if they got the bucket of dicks I sent. Please and thank you.
Sorry, Dick Butkus passed recently.

(no it's not them)

Gophers had 12 different guys catch a pass today. I can recall games under Fleck when we didn't throw the ball 12 times much less successfully to 12 different guys.
This is the single most impressive stat to me. Teams that spread the ball around are generally more successful than those that rely on one or two receivers. Tougher to defend. This might not be so much a change in philosophy as having a QB who does his check downs.

The bitching in in game threads isn't discussing football.
We could have one thread where we comment on good things and bad things happening and then another where just the good stuff is talked about? That way nobody’s feelings will get hurt?

I’m crediting my negativity at the end of the first quarter motivating the Gopher Football gods to strike down my lack of faith.

This is the single most impressive stat to me. Teams that spread the ball around are generally more successful than those that rely on one or two receivers. Tougher to defend. This might not be so much a change in philosophy as having a QB who does his check downs.
Agree totally. I think Daniel Jackson is really good, but he's not a lights-out guy that defenses routinely scheme around so it's good to have other guys in the mix. We'll have to see on Brosmer as the season unfolds further, but what has impressed me is his ability to check-down and spread the ball around as a result. Probably a combination of Brosmer's experience and some welcome adjustments in offensive approach.

Anyone remember Bowling Green?
Did you see all the trouble Bowling Green game Penn State U. yesterday? On any given day...

Also UNI vs. Notre Dame comes to mind, too.

Did you see all the trouble Bowling Green game Penn State U. yesterday? On any given day...

Also UNI vs. Notre Dame comes to mind, too.

Actually, UNI is University of Northern Iowa. NIU is Northern Illinois University.

Agree totally. I think Daniel Jackson is really good, but he's not a lights-out guy that defenses routinely scheme around so it's good to have other guys in the mix. We'll have to see on Brosmer as the season unfolds further, but what has impressed me is his ability to check-down and spread the ball around as a result. Probably a combination of Brosmer's experience and some welcome adjustments in offensive approach.
Very good observation. Brosmer just might be a qb who on is like an OC on the field. Time will tell.

You will hear no "trash-talking or claims of greatness..." spoken by this old Gopher fan. But, when I note some small steps of progress coming from my team, I will be happy and I will feel good about any and every win this B1G Gopher Football team gets.

It is often said that the greatest improvement made by a college football team is noticed between the first and second game of the season. In this case. my team faced a much tougher team the first game of the season than the team they faced in the second game of the season. I believe this was true here in the Twin Cities.

I believe the same may be said of what happened in Ann Arbor, South Bend. and most certainly in Iowa City.

What was clear was that my team shows MORE potential than what some observers deemed possible with their effort, execution and potential levels than was evident in the team's first effort of the season. Yes, North Carolina was a far better representative of the type of team the B1G Conference will provide from top of the conference to the bottom.

"...Progress is good..." The season is a whole bunch of games.

Never let 'em get you down Gopher! Keep improving...keep executing and always keep believing!

PJ talks about Schiano being a mentor and apparently Schiano has no issue running up the score. There are no nice guy points in college football.

I just looked at Rutgers stats and they still haven't pulled out their starting RBs to do it. Still just stats for 2 guys. I give PJ praise for getting back-ups in.
I agree. It's not necessarily a bad thing, but I've always seen Fleck as a bit of a Mr. Sportsmanship when it comes to approaching possible blow-outs. In the past, he seemed to take his foot off the gas once the game was in hand. He probably could have ran up another 20 points on New Mexico State under Kill if he had wanted to do that, but he didn't for a variety of reasons. He hasn't had a ton of blow-out wins, so it is difficult to tell.

On another matter, I'm just spitballing, but I think they will likely burn Lindsay's red-shirt in order to have him ready to step in as the starter next season. Brosner is the clear starter, but I believe we'll see Lindsay if we're either well up like yesterday or--heaven forbid--being on the wrong side of a lopsided score. Next year, Kollock comes in and unless he blows the doors off of everything he red-shirts so there's eligibility space between those two guys. I'm getting way ahead of myself, but it's important to find out who Lindsay can be to avoid having to get on the NIL-driven QB transfer roulette wheel.

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