***Official - Positivity Only - Bowl Game Thread***


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Mar 4, 2009
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This is for everyone that wants to discuss the bowl game in a positive light!

First, congrats to the Gopher Football squad for their season. It was fun seeing a team that improved throughout the season. Can't wait to see them after 15 more practices and enjoy watching them in warm weather (hopefully).

I couldn't make it to Houston last year. Where did people stay/hangout at night? Were there 'official' fan trips through the Athletic Dept, Creative Charters, or the Alumni Association? What were the rates?

TexasAggie11....your wisdom would be appreciated here!

Looking forward to the Bowl Game! SKI-U-MAH!!

We'll buy tickets for the game, we always have. It's the right (positive) thing to do, but we're not going down for it.

At least the team we play won't have a home field advantage. It is usually a northern team against a southern, regional team. This time is is two northern teams and the stadium may be fairly empty. However, we will not have to battle a hostile crowd.

From what I read, the Cuse seems to have struggled on offense. The Gophs should be able to whip them if they work the kinks on offense out.


Trying to think of something...


Go gophers!

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>The <a href="https://twitter.com/search?q=%23Gophers&src=hash">#Gophers</a> have 12 Texas-natives on the roster, who will get to play in their home state when <a href="https://twitter.com/search?q=%23Minnesota&src=hash">#Minnesota</a> travels to Houston for <a href="https://twitter.com/TexasBowl">@TexasBowl</a></p>— GopherHole.com (@GopherHole) <a href="https://twitter.com/GopherHole/statuses/409845918360670208">December 9, 2013</a></blockquote>
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Go Gophers!!

Can't make it to the game on that date. Is there some way to buy two tickets and donate them to someone in the military near houston? This could be a way for the ticket office to sell part of it's allotment.

"***Official - Positivity Only - Bowl Game Thread***"

I am positive in saying this will be a very short thread.


Positivity????? Well...at least it's not Tech, or Akron or something....There, that's all I got. Cuz we got hosed.

I'll be positive. I'm thrilled we're not playing North Texas! No way I'm going, but I'll buy tickets and yes you can donate them through the ticket office. If the process is the same as last year they will go to local military families.

I just received the mass email. It said I expressed interest in buying 2000 tickets. Ummm, I said I planned on buying 2, not 2000.

did anyone else receive an email from gophersports.com? they said I indicated I wanted to buy 2000 tickets!!! lol I know I like my Captain Morgan but I doubt I said I'd buy 2000 tickets. that's one way to sell out our allotment haha

Well at least it is against another BCS team. Hopefully people will watch despite the matchup. I have a feeling that many people will see 'Minnesota vs. Syracuse' and flip right past. I think that we should be able to win by a couple of touchdowns.

From what I read, the Cuse seems to have struggled on offense. The Gophs should be able to whip them if they work the kinks on offense out.

Our kinks on offense seemed to have shown up against top defensive teams. Not so sure I'm as critical of our offense as some here.

Being invited to a bowl game with an opponent against whom we should be favored can't be a bad thing. Let's enjoy. Seeing MSU beat OSU makes me think we're getting better than people think. I'm pleased with what the team accomplished so far this year and hopeful for continued improvement in the bowl and next year.

This is for everyone that wants to discuss the bowl game in a positive light!

I couldn't make it to Houston last year. Where did people stay/hangout at night? Were there 'official' fan trips through the Athletic Dept, Creative Charters, or the Alumni Association? What were the rates?

Looking forward to the Bowl Game! SKI-U-MAH!!

We were there last year and had a great time! I just booked our flights and am very much looking forward to another bowl game!

We stayed in the Medical District / Rice University area. For Houston, it's a pretty nice part of town. There are a variety of reasonably-priced hotel options in that area (e.g. Hiltons, Marriotts, etc.). There are good bars/restaurants near Rice University, which is within walking distance of the Medical District. Also, the light rail will take you anywhere from downtown to the Stadium. It worked out very well for us last year. I'm planning to book a hotel in that area again this year.

Too late, you guys are on the hook for 2,000 tickets each. Cash or credit?

Look what you missed out on, Gator Bowl.

Thinking about going. Will check the tour offers. Otherwise, will buy and donate.

Would a nice showing of Gopher fans help out Texas recruiting?

Is there some way to buy two tickets and donate them to someone in the military near houston?

If the U doesn't offer this type of a program, I can coordinate getting tickets to some of our student veterans who might enjoy cheering on the Gophers.

Anyone remember how much the charter flights ran last year? I saw on Gophersports they are announcing travel offers tomorrow. Hopefully it is more friendly on the pockets than what is available now.

does anyone know which hotel the team will be at in houtson? or where there will be gopher fans or things going on?

Anybody spent time in Corpus Christi or South Padre Island at the end of December?

Is it warm enough to vacation for a few days?

Average reported temperatures can be misleading.

I'm not as upset about the Texas Bowl as most. The Syracuse draw stinks, but I'd rather win big on ESPN as the only game in the time slot than likely lose in the least important game on January 1, on the deuce at the same time as the capital one and outback bowls. It would have been nice if 8-4 got us a better draw, but that's not how the conference broke this year. I can't say I feel really slighted about any of the teams taken ahead of us.

We could have been playing North f-ing Texas. Would that be better?

The B1G should at least 5-2 with these matchups.

A real good chance to get to nine wins. I'll take that any way we can get it at this point.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>HoustonTexas Bowl vs Syracuse ! Super geeked &#55357;&#56833;&#55357;&#56833;&#55357;&#56833;&#55357;&#56833;&#55357;&#56833;&#55357;&#56833;</p>— Rashede Hageman (@Rashedehageman) <a href="https://twitter.com/Rashedehageman/statuses/409884082706071552">December 9, 2013</a></blockquote>
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Go Gophers!!

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