Gratifying win over what has become a solid Big 10 program in NU. Loved the defense & scheme, plus the D playcalls. Tackling was terrific. Thought the offense went into its usual hibernation for most of Q2-Q3, but re-emerged from their cave just in the nick of time, late. The Carpenter missed XP was bothering me for most of the game, as we've managed to blow leads like that vs. NU many times in the past. Fitz had them knocking on the door, as expected. Losing Carr really hurt them. Hated to see the targeting call on Duke, but this one actually appeared "correct" under the current rule.

Absolutely do not think this win should nail down Claeys' position. Let's go to Madison and see what happens there. We will to play better than we did today to come home with the Axe. We owe 'em one...make that ten. Twelve. Fifteen. Go, Gophers!

Northwestern is a good team, not a great team but they are a well coached quality team. The 7 wins we had prior to today have been against some really bad teams, this was far and away the best win of the season in terms of quality of opponent.

Not a signature win or a program changer or anything like that but it was an impressive performance, especially by the defense, against another team that is solidly in the middle of the pack conference wise like we are. It 100% was a quality win especially when you compare it up against our other wins.

I was right there with others pointing out the wins over the likes of Maryland, Illinois, Purdue, and Rutgers were nothing to get overly excited about this year but Northwestern is a definite cut above all those teams.

Well said though they really are a Jekyll and Hyde football team aren't they?

Today was a good win.

Could have very easily come out flat or worse after last week's loss. That has happened before.

This was also the first real COLD-weather game. It has been a wonderful fall football season for Minnesota...but certainly evidence for global warming until today.

This one reminded me of the Iowa game after Brewster got fired with Horton at the helm. Iowa that night played like they did not want to be there at all. Not the same for the Wildcats today, but still a temp adjustment with the Gophers doing better.

One thing I noted was NW did not have warming "capes" for their team while the Gophers did. Not saying it made a difference just something I noted.

Finally, if we get The Axe back next week I have no doubt it will be because the D plays lights-out and Mitch and the receivers finally click for this season. Small chance but still a remote possibility. Mitch will deserve a statue if that unfolds....

I respect your post but I think it's inaccurate to call a win over Northwestern a quality win, or to say we beat a good B1G program. NW is mediocre at best.

It was nice to win today but we should be honest with our appraisal of the opponents we face.

Quality win. Northwestern was favored. We dominated a very potent offense.

I cheer for the Gophers. I do not think Claeys is a good coach. I do not think he should be immediately fired. I agree the last two games should be considered. It would be wonderful to beat Wisconsin but it is extremely unlikely. If we lose to WI by more than two scores and lose the bowl game it would be fair to fire him and I would argue we should. It would be fair to argue we should not.

There is a lot of unfair extrapolation of posts that entail any criticism. I will sing the rouser until I'm hoarse but I will also speak candidly about my opinion as a fan. Nice to win today.

Curious. What makes you think he's not a good coach?

Today was an excellent win. Northwestern is still playing for Bowl eligibility and we dominated them.

I really thought we'd lose this game. Defense was awesome.

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So who was the team with a winning record that the Gophers beat?

They've won every game they should have. And one in which they were not favored. They took a top 10 team into overtime on the road. And should have won that game. They lost to a top 20 helmet school, on the road, with a chance to win on the last drive of the game. The other game, they lost by seven with a chance to win/tie on the last drive. Sorry, but your version of this season is overly pessimistic. If you can't see that, I can't help you.

They've won every game they should have. And one in which they were not favored. They took a top 10 team into overtime on the road. And should have won that game. They lost to a top 20 helmet school, on the road, with a chance to win on the last drive of the game. The other game, they lost by seven with a chance to win/tie on the last drive. Sorry, but your version of this season is overly pessimistic. If you can't see that, I can't help you.

I didn't say anything pessimistic, just pointed out a fact. You also just summed up much of the last 20 years of Gopher football.

I didn't say anything pessimistic, just pointed out a fact. You also just summed up much of the last 20 years of Gopher football.

Oh no, VERY sadly many of the Gophers teams of the last 20 years lost games they were expected to win. Dammit....just plain dammit.

Oh no, VERY sadly many of the Gophers teams of the last 20 years lost games they were expected to win. Dammit....just plain dammit.

So did Glen Mason go to a crappy bowl game every year by beating ranked teams? No he took care of the teams he should and generally lost to the teams that were better. The only difference is he was able to pull off the occasional upset against top ranked teams.

Even Brewster went to 2 bowl games by beating the teams he should.

So did Glen Mason go to a crappy bowl game every year by beating ranked teams? No he took care of the teams he should and generally lost to the teams that were better. The only difference is he was able to pull off the occasional upset against top ranked teams.

Even Brewster went to 2 bowl games by beating the teams he should.

If you are now comparing coaches, I believe Claeys deserves a little time to slay a few giants. And he's 1-0 in bowl games. Let's all be optimistic and hope for the best. Or, we can look at any win or success as some kind of crazy fluk.

If you are now comparing coaches, I believe Claeys deserves a little time to slay a few giants. And he's 1-0 in bowl games. Let's all be optimistic and hope for the best. Or, we can look at any win or success as some kind of crazy fluk.

Just win the axe next week and that'll take care of everything.

So did Glen Mason go to a crappy bowl game every year by beating ranked teams? No he took care of the teams he should and generally lost to the teams that were better. <b>The only difference is he was able to pull off the occasional upset against top ranked teams.</b>

How many upsets against top ranked teams did GM beat in his first year? Sounds like a lot from your post.

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How many upsets against top ranked teams did GM beat in his first year? Sounds like a lot from your post.

Awesome, the 1st year argument again...if you don't understand that Claeys isn't being treated like a typical 1st year head coach because he and most of his assistants have been here for 6 years, then I can't help you.

Awesome, the 1st year argument again...if you don't understand that Claeys isn't being treated like a typical 1st year head coach because he and most of his assistants have been here for 6 years, then I can't help you.

I was totally drinking your Cool-Aid. Then this first year coach thing comes up. Prior to this year, Claeys only had control of the defense. Which has been good this year. Amazing today. Not only amazing, but intimidating. He needs time with the offense. Several new coaches. He had no control over how amazingly, inexcusably, the cupboard was bare at QB, O line, WR. Thank the heavens that we have two solid running backs. Clearly the issues with this team, as far as talent, are overwhelmingly on the offensive side of the ball. And, in that respect, he is completely a first year head coach.

So did Glen Mason go to a crappy bowl game every year by beating ranked teams? No he took care of the teams he should and generally lost to the teams that were better. The only difference is he was able to pull off the occasional upset against top ranked teams.

Even Brewster went to 2 bowl games by beating the teams he should.

Just pointed out that "beating the teams they should" is something that hasn't always happened over the last 20 years of Gopher Football. Sad but true and you start raving about Mason and Brewster? You must really be pissed that they won today.

Just pointed out that "beating the teams they should" is something that hasn't always happened over the last 20 years of Gopher Football. Sad but true and you start raving about Mason and Brewster? You must really be pissed that they won today.

Not at all I said this was their best win of the year. But like I said, it has happened the majority of the last 20 years. I just want the Gophers to rise up and beat a top team. They have that opportunity next week.

Not at all I said this was their best win of the year. But like I said, it has happened the majority of the last 20 years. I just want the Gophers to rise up and beat a top team. They have that opportunity next week.

Misunderstood it then. My mistake. :banghead:

I was totally drinking your Cool-Aid. Then this first year coach thing comes up. Prior to this year, Claeys only had control of the defense. Which has been good this year. Amazing today. Not only amazing, but intimidating. He needs time with the offense. Several new coaches. He had no control over how amazingly, inexcusably, the cupboard was bare at QB, O line, WR. Thank the heavens that we have two solid running backs. Clearly the issues with this team, as far as talent, are overwhelmingly on the offensive side of the ball. And, in that respect, he is completely a first year head coach.

Did Claeys make the right move though? When Claeys took over as head coach with Limegrover as the offensive coordinator last year, they averaged 366 yards per game over the last 5 B1G games. That included playing the #15, #1, and #8 ranked teams.

This year with Claeys and Jay Johnson they have averaged 349 yards per B1G game, even though they have played Rutgers, Maryland, Purdue etc. It's easy to see Leidner has also regressed.

Did Claeys make the right move though? When Claeys took over as head coach with Limegrover as the offensive coordinator last year, they averaged 366 yards per game over the last 5 B1G games. That included playing the #15, #1, and #8 ranked teams.

This year with Claeys and Jay Johnson they have averaged 349 yards per B1G game, even though they have played Rutgers, Maryland, Purdue etc. It's easy to see Leidner has also regressed.

Seems to me it's partly lack of personnel and partly coaching. We have really missed having a viable TE and Johnson seems reluctant to utilize the FB like Limey did. Free Beebe.

We also have missed KJ, we didn't have a healthy Carter until recently, our most athletically talented WRs (and I realize this will set some of you off) are riding the pine for reasons known only to Brian Anderson.

The offensive line has really struggled. Two years in a row and they weren't dominant in 2014 but that was probably the high water mark.

If I'm Claeys I'm looking to shake up the offensive staff, maybe the strength staff, light a fire under some asses, and try to figure this thing out. Bring in an offensive consultant or two.

Did Claeys make the right move though? When Claeys took over as head coach with Limegrover as the offensive coordinator last year, they averaged 366 yards per game over the last 5 B1G games. That included playing the #15, #1, and #8 ranked teams.

This year with Claeys and Jay Johnson they have averaged 349 yards per B1G game, even though they have played Rutgers, Maryland, Purdue etc. It's easy to see Leidner has also regressed.

If you are suggesting that the offense has been respectable last year and this year, if less so, I hope you back that up with relevant commentary. (Doubtful.) However, if you're saying that the offense, last year and this year, are more signature elements of this team, vs. the defense, which Claeys built and nurtured, I'd seriously question how much Gopher football you've watched over the past 4 years.

Seems to me it's partly lack of personnel and partly coaching. We have really missed having a viable TE and Johnson seems reluctant to utilize the FB like Limey did. Free Beebe.

We also have missed KJ, we didn't have a healthy Carter until recently, our most athletically talented WRs (and I realize this will set some of you off) are riding the pine for reasons known only to Brian Anderson.

The offensive line has really struggled. Two years in a row and they weren't dominant in 2014 but that was probably the high water mark.

If I'm Claeys I'm looking to shake up the offensive staff, maybe the strength staff, light a fire under some asses, and try to figure this thing out. Bring in an offensive consultant or two.

I agree with most of this. Lingen being out most of the year has definitely hurt. Maye was good last year, but he was also non-existent for most of the prior years. Wolitarsky has put up similar statistics this year.

If you are suggesting that the offense has been respectable last year and this year, if less so, I hope you back that up with relevant commentary. (Doubtful.) However, if you're saying that the offense, last year and this year, are more signature elements of this team, vs. the defense, which Claeys built and nurtured, I'd seriously question how much Gopher football you've watched over the past 4 years.

No, I didn't say anything about the defense. I think when Kill was head coach, he held the offense back. When Claeys was interim head coach, he let Limegrover have control, and the offense was much better. I do think the offense was better down the stretch last year than it has been this year. Points per game are better this year, but that's more to do with the defense creating turnovers and shortening the field. The lack of offense cost them the Iowa and Nebraska games.

No, I didn't say anything about the defense. I think when Kill was head coach, he held the offense back. When Claeys was interim head coach, he let Limegrover have control, and the offense was much better. I do think the offense was better down the stretch last year than it has been this year. Points per game are better this year, but that's more to do with the defense creating turnovers and shortening the field. The lack of offense cost them the Iowa and Nebraska games.

I agree with everything you note here. We're on the same page. Overall, if this team has been held back the past few years it's because the offense failed to deliver. In terms of letting go of Limey, I'm sure this was an extremely difficult thing for Claeys to do. He worked closely with the guy for many years. And, given the contract Claeys is under, it's not like he has a ton of job security. It took a lot of guts for Claeys to make that call. But if you look at the personnel they had in line to fill holes at O line, WR and QB coming into the year, you just wonder where this offense was headed under Limey. It's hard to say right now if the new regime will have much more success, but they need time to bring in some of their guys and completely solidify their system. Time will tell if Claeys made the right, very gutsy, call.

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