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these refs have been screwing us all game and we are still within one score. Defense looks really good when they aren't being tackled, and Nelson has looked more effective than Shortell. 2nd half should be interesting

Holy Jesus Martha...All of the GH'ers are better Head Coaches, better QB's, better receivers, better running backs, and never contribute a thing except talk. But they never go out for the team as a walk on to prove that they are the best. :)

Don't forget better refs! (only half kidding)

Loathe is better than hate in my vocab. He's 6-12, that is about as bad as it gets in major college football. How about I can't stand to watch him kick?

He's had a couple bad misses but that kick was good...

I wish I liked Limegrover, but I just don't. That said, I'm impressed with Nelson's moxy today. Really glad to see Green make an appearance.

Then get off your lazy ass an prove to Coach Kill that you are better, and eventually you might end up on the Coaching Staff.

Loathe is better than hate in my vocab. He's 6-12, that is about as bad as it gets in major college football. How about I can't stand to watch him kick?

Yeah, much better.

He's had a couple bad misses but that kick was good...

I think we should run a contest where the 10th student through the gate gets to suit up as the Gopher kicker. I think it would be great PR and it would not really change the effectiveness of our kicking game.

I can't move on. If that ball passed OVER the goal post, it would have been good from at least 70 yards. There's no way the ball moved behind the post that much in that short of a distance

Then get off your lazy ass an prove to Coach Kill that you are better, and eventually you might end up on the Coaching Staff.

Settle down Don. I'm basing my comment on what I have seen of his play calling over almost two seasons. I don't have to like it. I like Kill and the rest of the staff. I question many of the OC's calls-that is my job as a fan to do.

Our Kicking\Punting.....every year the same old crap!

Looks like the gophs will have to play against the refs also!

He's had a couple bad misses but that kick was good...

I think we should run a contest where the 10th student through the gate gets to suit up as the Gopher kicker. I think it would be great PR and it would not really change the effectiveness of our kicking game.

That would never work because the beer garden would stop several potentials.

Nelson looks solid. IMO, Gray is now a WR and Max is the permanent backup.

Though people rip the kicking (he's earned some of that), he just attempted a 51 yarder that went OVER the uprights...what a leg

But I wish we could see somebody other than Nelson running the ball - he'll get hurt.

Settle down Don. I'm basing my comment on what I have seen of his play calling over almost two seasons. I don't have to like it. I like Kill and the rest of the staff. I question many of the OC's calls-that is my job as a fan to do.

And it is my job as a fan to call out fans who bad mouth my favorite College Football Team with opinions that differ from mine, when the guys in control are questioned. Hind sight is sooooooooo good, and sooooooooooooooooo easy to criticize.

Gray catches the ball artfully and securely. He's got nice hands. Also, I wish we'd run some more varied plays with our running backs. Traps, counters, draws, etc. Mix it up more like Wisconsin does. Then do the play-action. I think we'd do well with a more traditional running game. Kirkwood and Williams keep their legs churning as well as anyone. I'd rely heavier on them. Thoughts?

Nelson looks solid. IMO, Gray is now a WR and Max is the permanent backup.

Yes - Nelson looks good so far, and I don't think the coaches put him in the best position to succeed. I would have loved to have him running the 2 minute drill the last couple of weeks. I just want to see the Gophers get a QB that can be a 3-4 year starter and get some consistency in the offensive scheme. I like Nelson but I think the coaches need to scale back the QB runs or he will be a short termer. Let him bulk up a bit before calling all those runs. Also, run that quick hitting TE play over and over again. A decent running game complemented by a good TE results in a lot of offense.

Though people rip the kicking (he's earned some of that), he just attempted a 51 yarder that went OVER the uprights...what a leg

Adam Carolla was interviewed about the goal post issue once. He asked how hard would it be to make the posts taller? He was a successful carpenter and said he could design something that would work and hold-up in wind in about an hour.

Though people rip the kicking (he's earned some of that), he just attempted a 51 yarder that went OVER the uprights...what a leg

Yeah, that kick had some serious power behind it, probably would have netted us three points if he took that kick from 5-10 yards farther back.

And it is my job as a fan to call out fans who bad mouth my favorite College Football Team with opinions that differ from mine, when the guys in control are questioned. Hind sight is sooooooooo good, and sooooooooooooooooo easy to criticize.

And it's my job to call out......oh forget it.

I'm sure you have loved every coach that has come through here? I suppose Lou Holtz is still a great representative of the U of M?

We have had poor field position all of the first half, and still within one score. Now, let's have a strong second half and WIN THIS *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#ING GAME!!!!!!!

Pre-game Kill said Shortell has injured shoulder, so Gray warmed up at QB & is our #2 today. This makes much more sense than just deciding to burn Nelson's red-shirt. Nelson's looked good, you can see why people are excited about him. Might want to stop calling that zone read to the short side of the field on 1st down though before the kid gets killed.

And it's my job to call out......oh forget it.

I'm sure you have loved every coach that has come through here? I suppose Lou Holtz is still a great representative of the U of M?

I don't love the Gophers because of the successes or failures of any and all coaches. I love the Gophers because they are my TEAM!

Just saw Beal out there. He hasn't been out there at LB has he?

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