Nice int! Crazy!

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Regardless if that hit the ground, that was an amazing play by OP, you just don't see DTs move like that....really ever lol

Replay needs to overturn the ruling on the field. Not sure it's capable.

That would be another incredible play if Wilhite got that...but he didn't lol

It looked like they stopped em while talking about Nebraska.

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Was there ever anything conclusive about why Moulton is out?

Q's on crutches. Feels like ACL to me. Damned sad if that is the way it turns out.

Q's on crutches. Feels like ACL to me. Damned sad if that is the way it turns out.

If that was it they would have him in a knee brace, not a boot.

McDonald is probably still out for that infection he got on turf burn

Wells almost got another, I'm just loving the fact that when the team throws downfield there's actually guys there to cover it.

Spencer Reeves is the best linebacker on this team by default. Great play.

Nice stop Manuel!

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