Helleva catch, nice throw. A throw he CAN make. So can Kaliakmanis BTW.
I see so you only have the guts to give Morgan credit if you also give AK credit. Friggin sad.

Notice no one was tearing down AK when they complimented Morgan? Maybe learn to do that one of these days...

We had that play blown up. Not exactly sure what went wrong. But felt like we had it.

If it is his ACL, which who knows, I think he’d be back for the season. 6 months to be close to 100%. No games for 8 months.
nah. it’s at least a year to get ready for the rigors of CFB, and that’s for someone with a very strong mentality and great recovery. Let’s hope it’s about anything other than an acl.

Stout defense here. Wisconsin Stout.

Good job defense. Way to play with your head up your azz.

We know. You looked like a fool after Morgan threw a TD pass right after he came in...and you are now doubling down on stupidity.
I'm sorry your mancrush on Tanner was bruised.

97 lost leverage bad play gotta either tackle him or force him inside. Rossi not taking the field into consideration with the prevent D hard to cover guys that long put the 3 man rush away for the day.

Pressuring the QB issues persist and only worsen when we rush 3.

Something really needs to change there for 2023.

Maybe they need to devise some blitzes or something.. anything really as this has been the D's Achilles for quite some time.

Excited to see future of our linebackers. Going to be good to see #55 done with Gopher football. Seen enough of his lack of foot speed. May be good dude, too slow to cover backs, chase down QB's.

I'm sorry your mancrush on Tanner was bruised.

Because of an incomplete pass?

A) that's ridiculous
B) You might want to check up on his career records.

I'm speechless right now. You had them in check all game long. So frustrating.

The last 2 minutes are Exhibit A on what is keeping PJ from becoming a better coach.
There was nothing wrong with the strategy. 14 point lead, defense pitching a shutout, you trust them to stop the opponent with under a minute on the clock and zero timeouts needing to go the length of the field.

Unfortunately the D fell apart and let them score.

Defense only allowed 7 in the first half. Something tells me though that they have to get better yet in the 2nd half to hold them.

Pressuring the QB issues persist and only worsen when we rush 3.

Something really needs to change there for 2023.

Maybe they need to devise some blitzes or something.. anything really as this has been the D's Achilles for quite some time.
They blitzed on the 2 plays leading up to the TD. Back to back. With the exact same blitz. You need your defensive captains to audible you out of the the 2nd one

Rushing only 3 on the first SU play was not good.

Solid first half only big blemish has been the status of Athan’s knee.

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