***OFFICIAL*** Minnesota Vs. Swissconsin - (GAME THREAD)

Brewster 6-20 in the Big Ten after today and could end up 6-26. What more eloquent argument for a new coach - and one with a winning record in 1A for a change.

is there precedent ot firing people on the sideline? maybe if we can phone a fan to jump on the sideline and cold cock him to knock him out we can get something new in playcalling out there

neither did the entire defense

pretty funny

Carter has a toe injury that is why he is not there.

everyone who has said the defense is improving and that are just young and inexperienced needs to stop right now. most of the players have been in the system for 2 years, practice for 2 full years and have seen significant game time. this is game #6.

Wisky doing nothing fancy but lining up and blowing them off the line. has nothing to do with experience and everything to do with the overall talent.

Hmmmmm...let's see...14 points per quarter, 4 quarters to a game....I say more like 56 to 0 for Wisky at the end of this travesty. Knew I should have stayed out on the golf course.

I think the only thing to wonder about is what quarter the Wisconsin starters start to sit.

why can't there be a mid-season firing? let's just move on.

Because we have a lame duck AD putting it nicely and a Pres who couldnt give two *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#s because he's all about the academic side and on his way out.

3rd and 26 Brew runs up the middle FIRE THE ASS TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There are a lot of reasons to criticize this coaching staff, but really? 3rd and 26 inside our own 5 yard line? You realize that a sack for a safety or an interception are far more likely to happen than making a first down, right? I think this coaching staff is too conservative a lot of the time, but there's nothing wrong with that call at this point in the game.

Weber celebrating a first down. pitiful. thats called whats expected of you.

wow that run was probably the most hilariously bad thing ive seen in a while. the oline was already 5 yards into the backfield when hte handoff happened and we still run into their backside. lol

You know, if we hold them here and an asteroid wipes out Madison, it wouldn't be such a bad day after all.

How do we continue to call the WI and IA "rivalry" games? The term "rivalry" infers a competitive nature displayed by both teams and that hasn't been the case for our Gophers in years. Uncle Joe....lose Brewster and staff immediately or risk losing even more of the fan support that hasn't already bailed on this program.

Madison getting removed from earth would make it a great day!

This might be the dumbest group of gophers I have ever seen in my life

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