***OFFICIAL*** Minnesota Vs. South Dakota (GAME THREAD)

We are being dominated by South Dakota. That is what happened.

I'm stuck watching on Gamecast here in Tennessee...
Did Weber just fumble with about 1:20 left in the first half?

the defense is truly awful. but if you say that on this board everyone will tell you just how talented the defense is and it will be one of the better B10 defenses and if you don't agree than you are uninformed.

Thailleagle-WHAT have you seen that leads you to believe this sorry sack of sh!t team is gonna win?

Oh trust me...I've been against Brewster since the hiring...I just know any negativity around here automatically puts you in the "Troll" category...

I would say its about time to jump ship, but it looks like we are working out of an inflatable tube.

I wonder what Glen Mason is really thinking in his head at halftime.

This game may very well be the beginning of the end for the big ole' Brew Brew.

I hope we win today, next week, and that Brewster is here for 20 successful years.

But the little red warning light started blinking down at FAU in year one.

It one thing to be losing

It's another to be being outplayed by a weaker opponent. Not good so far.

Also, on related note, can I smack "Our Sid" in the mouth for saying that the Gophers were gonna dominate SD?? Senile old fool.

3 out of 4 years is unacceptable. This is the third time in 4 years the Gophers have looked like crap against a 1-AA school. The result of the 2nd half (which damn well better be a Gopher victory) cannot change this fact.

I hope we win today, next week, and that Brewster is here for 20 successful years.

But the little red warning light started blinking down at FAU in year one.

How long did they let that same little red warning like blink for Glen Mason? I have ZERO confidence in the University of Minnesota decision makers.

The thing that drives me crazy about U of M athletics in general is they always talk about wanting a clean program and running things the right way. And yet, when we get caught breaking the rules, we STILL suck.

I have been on the Brew Crew bandwagon for a while now but this is a disturbing pattern. If we lose, Brew has got to go unless he goes undefeated the rest of the year.

LOL!! Gary Tinsley celebrating and taunting after a 6 yard gain on 1st down for USD.

I thought the DEs might show a little more this season but they can't rush the passer to save their lives.

Again, where is Hageman? Is he even playing?

The South Dakota coach looks stunned, like he can't believe it. Just another day at the football field for him and he's up 28-10 against a Big Ten team. That will look good on the resume.

Wow, they are not just losing, they are getting their asses handed to them.

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