***OFFICIAL*** Minnesota Vs. South Dakota (GAME THREAD)

Why does every team that we play have a better QB than us?

If they can't stop USD what will happen against USC?

Regardless of what happened today, that was always going to be a beating. They destroyed Hawaii and it'll be much worse.


Can someone tell the MORON known as Cosgrove that they threw a screen pass last time and that they can actually expect again on long distance?

Another screen against the third down blitz. That was a terrible call.


Errrrr touchdown South Dakota! 21-10

Good thing South Dakota is a legit BCS bowl contender and ranked #7 in the nation or this would really be embarrassing

I think it's MarQueis time.

Yeah...ridiculous. I'm not even sure a 35 point second half would assuage my pissed-off-ness. This defense blows donkey nuts.

If it's really an open question whether Brewster will be our coach next year, I'd guess I'd prefer catastrophic implosion to a 5-7 campaign.

WAY TO *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#ING GO WEBER.

Bring in Gray. For. The. Love. Of. God.

Same old crap EVERY freaking year!! How the hell do we struggle with FCS teams EVERY year. Maybe all the trolls are right and we should just drop a level in football since we can't friggin compete at this level!!!!!!!!!:mad:

I still think MN will win this game but boy will it be ugly...

Wow. You can not turn the ball over with this offense. Not good.

Timeouts now? Jesus, that is stupid. They'll probably throw a 50 yard pass now just because you called the timeout.

I am not sure how much longer I can stomach this

Man not trying to melt down here but this is truly sad. Terrible overthrows, dropped passes, missed tackles, why even attempt a field goal from 48 yards??? Our kicker has no accuracy, if its outside 35 yrds im goin for it, what a joke. USC is drooling right now.

ok now i am getting pissed. Thought it was a few looking ahead to USC jitters, but now this is getting bad. Hope the coach can make some key half time adjustments. :eek:

*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!# this. I was reeeeally hoping we were past this crap.

Thailleagle-WHAT have you seen that leads you to believe this sorry sack of sh!t team is gonna win?

This team is an absolute embarrassment. The media was right.

how is the offensive line doing? Are the actually protecting weber and he is playing like this or is it the o line

What's sad is that it could have been much worse.......

I've not been a Brewster basher and wanted to give him a chance, but this is just a disturbing trend. This team is NOT getting better, they are getting WORSE.

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