My 22 season ticket'seats will be empty tonight. No buyers, no takers free and I have no energy to go for Pitino. I support the players and will find some energy for a couple more games but this is too much for anyone. This is the worst coach evea!

Does that mean you won't be renewing your season tickets next year when Pitino is still the coach?

TV Teddy knows why I am watching the game today

you guessed it, for him.

You go TV Teddy! Give the people what they want. The sweet sound of whistle deciding games.

Wait did I hear that right, Purdue will shoot 3 ft after the break?

Teddy looks like he needs to eat a steak, looks a little gant!

They didn't change the call to Murphy.....the announcers just blew it. Not sure they even watch the same game sometimes.....and they talk too effing much.

Go Gophers

Konate- what a clown. Worst starting center in B10 history?

Let's keep having Konate take shots. That's a great plan...

They didn't change the call to Murphy.....the announcers just blew it. Not sure they even watch the same game sometimes.....and they talk too effing much.

Go Gophers

Do I sound cranky?

At this point I'm just hoping we can get to 30 points total.

If we were even semi competent on offense we could be leading this game. Purdue has 8 turnovers. 8! And we're still getting smoked.

No just you.

Look at all those empty seats. I can see the on BTN. I'll have a difficult decision for renewal because we have gone go away games with Coach Haskins, all the NCAA games, holiday tournaments and met many players and coaches but this is beyond any reasonable explanation. Time to give up!

Finally realized who's game Murphy reminds me of, Elias Harris from Gonzaga 3-4 years ago. Hope he follows a similar trajectory.

Haas could have gotten called on the last 2 possessions as well.

This gives a whole new meaning to the phrase, Brick by Brick.

Who is the announcer? Not the play by play guy but the other guy.

Is that 4 off ball calls on us this half?

Some of you should watch with tape over the score board. This season is not about wins, it's about progress for our underclassmen.

Konate should stick to shots within one foot of the basket.

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