***OFFICIAL*** Minnesota VS. Purdue -(GAME THREAD)-


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Nov 22, 2008
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We know we're just not that good this season & Purdue is ok...

For entertainment sake let's hope this plays out like Minn/Purdue 1993... :clap:

This team isn't very good. Just felt like I needed to say that.

At least they haven't been penalized yet.

That was much too easy for Purdue.

Always a good sign whenever you receive the opening kickoff and trail 7-0 4 minutes into the game

Good thing we have that short pass from Shortell to mcknight to get him "comfortable". Wow.

Is it me

or are we the worst tackling team ever.

Good Things: No Penalties

2:51 second drive. Our defense could not stop the worst Nine-man football team in the state of Minnesota! GARBAGE!

I cannot count how many times we've been stuffed this season when we have tried to run up the middle.

Another 3 and out against a team that gave up 500+ yards last week to Notre Dame.

Finally, a penalty, I was wondering when that would happen.

We make a good case for worst big 10 team in history.

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