***OFFICIAL*** Minnesota Vs. Penn State (GAME THREAD)

Big first down. If they can at least get it into FG position that's huge.

like how weber went into the LB and took him down, not some girly slide

Anybody else have flashbacks of michael robinson/brandon owens on that weber/psu linebacker collison on the sidelines?

Missing too many tackles on this RB. They're setting up the pass now...

Man, getting great pressure on Clark but that was a good throw by him. Dude was not really covered well at all.

I do have to say, he may have been a bad GM, but I like Matt Millen in the booth. He knows what he's talking about, but he's not over the top like so many color guys.

defense holding up ok so far but this has all the makings of a PSU 30 somehing to 7 type game.

i know it's early but gopher offense just not built to move the ball on this type of defense.

Is anyone else having issues watching this game on ESPN 360? The picture is constantly cutting out or stuttering.

Now would be a great time for a long kick return. Give the offense a short field i dont think we are going to have any 80 yard drives today.

Could've made the 3rd down stop a couple teams earlier, but always happy with forcing a FG. Now let's march (the 1st Qtr is over!).

Our OL is horrible, we all know that. At the very least they should know the snap count.

This program is so far away from being where we all want it to be.

Our offense is sad. I'm not saying benching Weber is the answer, but what the hell are we offensively?

OL is good for a false start every other posession. :-((

Wow, couple of major miss-blocks by the OL today. Just ugly...

It is officially time to start the Marquis Gray era at the "U"...ADAM WEBER is getting WORSE with each start


That was a wicked blow to Bennett's head. I hope he is ok and that they will be smart enough to hold him out if he has suffered a concussion.

Well it's really tough to pass in this type of weather and when you can't pass you need to be able to run. Too bad we are playing one of the toughest run defenses in the country. I just hope we play them tough and don't lose by too much. At least make it a game

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