Why get cute in the first place? I can't believe they'd be able to stop Ibrahim 3 times in a row. Frustrating.

A dollar says Green passes on this play. I think Auburn will be ready for it though.

Good god. ESPN botched that. Came back to a TD already scored.

Lota beef around the Center. Need to go around with someone blocking in the lead. Or perhaps time for Big DAN! I know he isn't healthy.

Effing ESPN squeezing out another buck and misses the TD. God I hate them.

All right now. Defense should be ready to go. They've been on the bench for quite a while. 3 and out.

Effing ESPN squeezing out another buck and misses the TD. God I hate them.
ESPN should not be allowed to have a monopoly on college football!

If Big Ten is smart, they’ll start working FOX and CBS

I still don’t get why Johnson’s TD got overturned. Can anyone explain what was seen?
I sure as hell cannot. Also missed the live play of the real TD due to commercial about "Mayhem" being a dog and eating poop.

I still don’t get why Johnson’s TD got overturned. Can anyone explain what was seen?
Ball never went completely across the line. Completely is the key word here. Elbow was down.

What’s with the fakes and hesitation at the 6 inch yard line. Just stick Seth under center and sneak it in. Jebus
Absolutely! Why not put Green under center and blast it in?

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